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Vocabulary C

English Vocabulary: c

  1. cabbage
  2. cabin open definitionclose definitionA physical structural object that is a small, simple house hut or shelter which is made of wood located in a wild, rural o remote area.last updated 4/1/2015 last updated 4/1/2015
  3. cabinet open definitionclose definitionA piece of furniture that has shelves, cupboards, drawers, or doors, and is used to store or display things or articles.last updated 1/6/2016 last updated 1/6/2016
  4. cable
  5. cache
  6. cactus
  7. cadge
  8. cadmium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cd, atomic number 48, and atomic weight 112.4.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  9. caesium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cs, atomic number 55, and atomic weight 132.9.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  10. cage
  11. cagey
  12. cake
  13. calcium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Ca, atomic number 20, and atomic weight 40.08.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  14. calculate
  15. calculating
  16. calculation
  17. calculator
  18. calendar
  19. californium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cf, atomic number 98, and atomic weight ().last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  20. call
  21. callous
  22. calm
  23. calmly
  24. Cambodia open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Kingdom of Cambodia, in ​Southeast ​Asia.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  25. Cambodian
  26. camel open definitionclose definitioncamel" is something which is an animal that is a large ungulate mammal with a long neck, long slender legs, broad cushioned feet, and either one or two humps on the back, and survives for long periods without food or drink in a desert travel.last updated 3/19/2015 last updated 3/19/2015
  27. camera
  28. Cameroon open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of Cameroon, in ​West ​Africa.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  29. camp
  30. campaign
  31. can
  32. Canada open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country in North ​America​.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  33. Canadian
  34. canal
  35. canary open definitionclose definitionA small African song bird that has yellowish-green, yellow plumage.last updated 1/2/2016 last updated 1/2/2016
  36. cancel
  37. cancellation
  38. cancer
  39. candidate
  40. candle open definitionclose definitionAn object that is a piece of wax, tallow, fragrance, or another fatty or flammable solid substance, made in usually stick, cylindrical shape, with an ignitable wick for burning slowing.last updated 1/8/2016 last updated 1/8/2016
  41. candlestick open definitionclose definitionA device that is used as a holder, usually ornamental, with spikes or sockets for holding one or more candles.last updated 1/8/2016 last updated 1/8/2016
  42. cannon
  43. canon open definitionclose definitionA person who is a Christian priest with special duties in a cathedral.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015
  44. canvas
  45. cap
  46. capable
  47. cape
  48. capercaillie open definitionclose definitioncapercaillie" is something which is an animal that is a large turkey-like European woodland grouse with a black plumage and fan-shaped tail in the male.last updated 3/25/2015 last updated 3/25/2015
  49. capital
  50. capitalist open definitionclose definitionA person who has a lot of money, property, etc, and owns capital to invest for making profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015
  51. capon open definitionclose definitioncapon" is something which is a male animal that is a castrated domestic cock with the removal ofpart of the sex organs.last updated 3/24/2015 last updated 3/24/2015
  52. capricious
  53. captain
  54. caption
  55. capture
  56. car open definitionclose definitioncar" is something which is a machine that is a self-propelled road vehicle with usually seats, four wheels and an engine for carrying a small number of passengers on roads.last updated 3/22/2015 last updated 3/22/2015
  57. caravan
  58. carbon open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol C, atomic number 6, and atomic weight [12.00, 12.02].last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  59. card open definitionclose definitioncard" is something which is an object that is a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard of a set of playing card.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015
  60. cardinal open definitionclose definitionA New World songbird that has a black face and heavy red stout bill, a conspicuous crest, and bright red plumage for the male.last updated 1/1/2016 last updated 1/1/2016
  61. care
  62. career
  63. carefree
  64. careful
  65. carefully
  66. careless
  67. carelessly
  68. careworn
  69. caribou open definitionclose definitioncaribou" is something which is an animal that is a large deer with large branched antlers in both male and female.last updated 3/23/2015 last updated 3/23/2015
  70. carillon
  71. caring
  72. carpenter open definitionclose definitionA person who builds, makes and repairs wooden structures and objects.last updated 2/22/2015 last updated 2/22/2015
  73. carriage
  74. carry
  75. cart
  76. cartload
  77. carve
  78. case
  79. cast open definitionclose definitioncast" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of something being chosed or selected, or casted, threw or dropped.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  80. castle
  81. cat open definitionclose definitioncat" is something which is an animal that is a small domesticated carnivorous feline mammal with thick soft fur,a short snout, and retractile claws.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015
  82. catalog
  83. catch open definitionclose definitioncatch" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of fish being catched.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  84. caterpillar open definitionclose definitioncaterpillar" is something which is a larva of an insect that develops into a butterfly or moth and has a small and long segmented body with three pair of true legs and several pairs of leg-like appendages.last updated 3/17/2015 last updated 3/17/2015
  85. Catholic
  86. cattle open definitionclose definitioncattle" is something which is an animal that is a large bovid ruminant mammal with horns and cloven hoofs, and kept on a farm or ranch for meat or milk.last updated 3/22/2015 last updated 3/22/2015
  87. cause
  88. caution
  89. cautious
  90. cautiously
  91. cavalcade
  92. cave
  93. ceasefire
  94. ceaseless
  95. ceiling open definitionclose definitionThe inner upper surface of a room that is the surface, usually flat, on which one look above.last updated 1/5/2016 last updated 1/5/2016
  96. celebrate
  97. celery
  98. cellar
  99. cement open definitionclose definitionThe 'mass' thing of a grey powdery substance that is made by calcining lime and clay for mixing with water to form mortar or mixing with sand, gravel, and water to make concret.last updated 12/24/2015 last updated 12/24/2015
  100. cemetery
  101. cent
  102. center open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a zero dimensional geometric thing that is the point within a figure with equal distance from every point on the boundary.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  103. centerpiece open definitionclose definitionAn object that is an ornament or display, such as a group of flowers, placed in the middle of a dining table.last updated 1/8/2016 last updated 1/8/2016
  104. centimeter open definitionclose definitionA concept of measuring unit that is a unit of linear measure of 0.01 metres.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015
  105. centipede open definitionclose definitionA small metameric creature that has a long, thin, segmented body, many pairs of legs, a pair of fangs modified by the front pair of legs, and each flattened segment bears a single pair of legs.last updated 1/3/2016 last updated 1/3/2016
  106. century
  107. ceramic
  108. ceremony
  109. cerium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Ce, atomic number 58, and atomic weight 140.1.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  110. certain
  111. certainly
  112. certainty
  113. cesium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cs, atomic number 55, and atomic weight 132.9.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  114. cete
  115. Chad open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially Republic of Chad , in ​Central ​Africa.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  116. chain open definitionclose definitionchain" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of things being connected.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  117. chair open definitionclose definitionA piece of furniture that has a flat top, a back, sometimes two arms and one or more legs, typically four legs, and is used to provide a raised surface to seat a single person.last updated 1/6/2016 last updated 1/6/2016
  118. chairman
  119. chalk open definitionclose definitionThe 'mass' thing of a soft, fine, white, porous sedimentary rock that is the buff limestone composed of mineral calcit, calcium carbonate.last updated 12/26/2015 last updated 12/26/2015
    open definitionclose definitionThe 'mass' thing of a soft chalk-like substance, calcium sulfate or calcium carbonate that is usually made in stick-form for writing or drawing on a reusable writing surface.last updated 12/26/2015 last updated 12/26/2015
  120. challenge
  121. chamois open definitionclose definitionchamois" is something which is an animal that is a agile sure-footed goat antelope with vertical backard-pointing horns and lives on mountains.last updated 3/23/2015 last updated 3/23/2015
  122. champion
  123. chance
  124. chandelier open definitionclose definitionAn ornamental hanging light that is a light hanging from the ceiling with many decorative parts like branches or holders for holding several light bulbs or candles.last updated 1/7/2016 last updated 1/7/2016
  125. change open definitionclose definitionchange" is something which is a collection of something that is a set of tuned bells being rung by a fixed order.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  126. changeable
  127. channel
  128. chapter
  129. character
  130. charge
  131. charm open definitionclose definitioncharm" is something which is a collection of something that have a fascinating, attractive, alluring or delighting characteristic or feature.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  132. charming
  133. chart
  134. chase
  135. chattering
  136. cheap
  137. cheat
  138. check
  139. cheer
  140. cheerful
  141. cheerfully
  142. cheese open definitionclose definitionThe 'mass' thing of an edible firm or soft substance of color yellow or white that is made from the curd of milk separated from the whey and is used as a food.last updated 12/22/2015 last updated 12/22/2015
  143. cheetah open definitionclose definitioncheetah" is something which is an animal that is a large swift, long-legged cat with a small head, nonretractile claws, and a black-spotted yellowish brown fur.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015
  144. chemical open definitionclose definitionAny basic compound or substance of constant chemical composition and characteristic properties that is used in, or produced by chemistry or the phenomena of chemistry.last updated 12/28/2015 last updated 12/28/2015
  145. chemicals
  146. chemist open definitionclose definitionA person who studies chemistry subject, or does scientific works and studies with chemicals and chemical reactions.last updated 2/22/2015 last updated 2/22/2015
  147. chemistry open definitionclose definitionchemistry" is something which is a branch of physical science that deals with the scientific study of the composition, structure, and properties of substances, and the processes of a substance changes and reacts with other substances.last updated 2/28/2015 last updated 2/28/2015
  148. cherry
  149. chess
  150. chest
  151. chew
  152. chicken open definitionclose definitionchicken" is something which is a bird that is a domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat.last updated 3/19/2015 last updated 3/19/2015
  153. chief
  154. child open definitionclose definitionA male or female person who is one's son or daughter, or offspring.last updated 2/20/2015 last updated 2/20/2015
  155. childhood open definitionclose definitionchildhood" is something which is the concept of an age span of a person that is the age span ranging from birth to adolescence.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015
  156. childlike
  157. children
  158. Chile open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of Chile, in ​South ​America.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  159. Chilean
  160. chilly
  161. chimney
  162. chin
  163. China open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the People's Republic of China, in ​East ​Asia.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  164. china open definitionclose definitionA high quality clay that is a fine, hard, white or translucent vitrified ceramic material, and can be shaped to any object before permanently hardened into baked clay by heat.last updated 1/7/2016 last updated 1/7/2016
    open definitionclose definitionA porcelain ware that is the type originally from China.last updated 1/7/2016 last updated 1/7/2016
    open definitionclose definitionA porcelain ware that is household tableware, or objects, such as bowls, cups and plates, made from china, or a similar material.last updated 1/7/2016 last updated 1/7/2016
    open definitionclose definitionA ceramic ware that is household tableware or other domestic earthenware, or objects collectively, such as bowls, cups and plates, saucers, dishes, vases, or ornaments, etc, and is made from china, porcelain, vitreous porcelain, any similar porcelain.last updated 1/7/2016 last updated 1/7/2016
    open definitionclose definitionas modifier using or relating to the abstract concept of china.last updated 1/7/2016 last updated 1/7/2016
  165. china cabinet open definitionclose definitionA storage cabinet that is used to store china or chinaware when not in use.last updated 1/7/2016 last updated 1/7/2016
  166. chinchilla open definitionclose definitionchinchilla" is something which is an animal that is a small gregarious hystricomorph rodent with stocky body, soft silvery grey fur and long bushy taillast updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015
  167. chine
  168. Chinese
  169. chirm
  170. chirpy
  171. chisel open definitionclose definitionchisel" is something which is a long metal blade with a bevelled sharp edge for cutting.last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015
  172. chivalrous
  173. Chloe open definitionclose definitionA name that is used as a given name to name a female person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015
  174. chlorine open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cl, atomic number 17, and atomic weight [35.44, 35.46].last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  175. choice
  176. choir
  177. choke
  178. choose
  179. chop
  180. chorus
  181. chough open definitionclose definitionchough" is something which is a bird that is a large passerine bird with glossy blue-black plumage, red legs, a downcurved bill and broad red rounded wings.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015
  182. Christian open definitionclose definitionA name that is used as a given name to name a male person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015
  183. Christmas
  184. chromium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cr, atomic number 24, and atomic weight 52.00.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  185. chromosome
  186. chrysanthemum
  187. chubby
  188. chunky
  189. church
  190. churchgoer open definitionclose definitionA person who goes to or attends church regularly.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015
  191. circa
  192. circle open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a two dimensional geometric figure that is a plane shape bounded by one single line with all straight lines radiating from only one single point within the figure and falling upon the line are of equal in length.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  193. circular open definitionclose definitionA description of something that having a shape or appearance like a circle.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  194. circumference open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a geometric feature that is the border line around the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  195. citizen
  196. city open definitionclose definitioncity" is something which is a word or a group of words that is used to name the particular' isa of the place at which someone lives.last updated 2/24/2015 last updated 2/24/2015
  197. civilian
  198. civilize
  199. claim
  200. clam open definitionclose definitionclam" is something which is an animal that a marine bivalve mollusc with shells of equal size closed together tightly to protect the soft body.last updated 3/18/2015 last updated 3/18/2015
  201. clammy
  202. clamour
  203. clan
  204. clap
  205. clarify
  206. clash
  207. class open definitionclose definitionclass" is something which is a collection of something that meet together for receiving education.last updated 3/9/2015
  208. classification
  209. classify
  210. classy
  211. clattering
  212. claw open definitionclose definitionA curved sharp pointed horny nail part on each digit of the foot in birds, lizards, cat and some mammals.last updated 1/2/2016
    open definitionclose definitionOne of the two sharp hooked parts at the end of the limb of an animal that is used for gripping and holding things.last updated 12/30/2015 last updated 12/30/2015
  213. clay
  214. clean
  215. clear
  216. clearly
  217. Clement open definitionclose definitionA name that is used as a given name to name a male person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015
  218. clergy
  219. clerk open definitionclose definitionA person who is a worker, especially in an office or bank employed to keep or keep track of records, files , accounts, documents and performe other general or routine administrative duties for a business or office.last updated 3/26/2015 last updated 3/26/2015
  220. cletch
  221. clever
  222. cleverly
  223. clew
  224. cliff
  225. climate
  226. climb
  227. cling
  228. clip
  229. clique
  230. clock
  231. cloistered
  232. clone
  233. cloning
  234. close
  235. closed
  236. closely
  237. cloth open definitionclose definitionas modifier using or relating to the abstract concept of cloth.last updated 1/7/2016 last updated 12/25/2015
    open definitionclose definitionThe 'mass' thing of woven or felted fabric material that is made by weaving, felting or knitting together threads or fibrer of wool, cotton, nylon etc.last updated 12/25/2015 last updated 12/25/2015
  238. clothe
  239. clothes
  240. cloud open definitionclose definitioncloud" is something which is a collection of something that meet together like a cloud in the air.last updated 3/9/2015
  241. cloudy
  242. clover
  243. clowder
  244. club
  245. clump
  246. clumsy
  247. cluster
  248. clutch
  249. clutter
  250. cluttered
  251. coach open definitionclose definitionA person who gives lessons to teach or train people in a particular topic or' isa, sports, skills or school subjects etc.last updated 2/22/2015 last updated 2/22/2015
  252. coal open definitionclose definitionThe black or brownish-black hard 'mass' substance within the earth that is used as a fuel in piece form.last updated 12/21/2015 last updated 12/21/2015
  253. coalition open definitionclose definitioncoalition" is something which is a collection of something that join together for a particular purpose.last updated 3/9/2015
  254. coarse
  255. coast
  256. coat
  257. coaxingly
  258. cobalt open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Co, atomic number 27, and atomic weight 58.93.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  259. cobbler open definitionclose definitionA person who makes or repairs shoes or footwear as a profession.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015
  260. cobra open definitionclose definitioncobra" is something which is an animal that is a highly venomous elapid snake characterized by spreading the skin of neck at the back of head into a hood when disturbed. When alarmed they spread the skin of the neck region into a hoodlast updated 3/26/2015 last updated 3/26/2015
  261. cobweb
  262. cockatoo open definitionclose definitionAn Australasian bird, like a parrot that has an erectile crest and a powerful curved beak.last updated 1/2/2016 last updated 1/2/2016
  263. cockle open definitionclose definitioncockle" is something which is an animal that is a sand-burrowing bivalve mollusc with a round radical ribbed shell in Europe.last updated 3/18/2015 last updated 3/18/2015
  264. cockroach open definitionclose definitioncockroach" is somebody which is an insect that is a black or brown beetle-like scavenging insect with an oval flattened body with long antennae and biting mouthparts.last updated 3/24/2015 last updated 3/24/2015
  265. cocoon open definitionclose definitionA protective covering that is usually made of soft smooth threads secreted by an insect larvae for surrounding and protecting itself during the pupa stage when developing into adult form.last updated 1/3/2016 last updated 1/3/2016
  266. cod open definitionclose definitioncod" is something which is a fish that is a large gadoid food fish with a long body , a small barbel on the chin and three rounded dorsal fins.last updated 3/26/2015 last updated 3/26/2015
  267. coffee open definitionclose definitionThe 'mass' thing of a dark brown powder with a strong flavour and smell that is made by grindin or crushing the roasted seeds of the coffee tree.last updated 12/21/2015 last updated 12/21/2015
  268. coffee pot open definitionclose definitionA pot that has a spout, handle and shaped opening, usually tall and covered, and is used to brew and serve coffee.last updated 1/8/2016 last updated 1/8/2016
  269. coffle
  270. coherent
  271. cohort
  272. coil open definitionclose definitioncoil" is something which is a collection of something that move as an electric current moving in a coil.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  273. coin open definitionclose definitioncoin" is something which is an object that is a small usually round piece or flat disc of silver or copper coloured metal with an official stamp issued by a government as money.last updated 3/26/2015 last updated 3/26/2015
  274. cold
  275. collapse
  276. collar
  277. collect
  278. collection
  279. collective
  280. collector
  281. college
  282. Colombia open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of Colombia, in ​South ​America.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  283. Colombian
  284. colony open definitionclose definitioncolony" is something which is a group of something that live together as an individual separating from others.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  285. color
  286. colorful
  287. colorfully
  288. colorless
  289. colossal
  290. colour
  291. colt open definitionclose definitioncolt" is something which is an animal that is a young uncastrated male horse or pony under the age of four.last updated 3/22/2015 last updated 3/22/2015
  292. comb
  293. combative
  294. combine
  295. come
  296. comet open definitionclose definitionA physical celestial object that is a relatively small solar system body moving in an orbit around the Sun in outer space which consists of a solid frozen nucleus of ice and dust and forms a gaseous luminous coma together with a long, bright tail of gas and dust particles pointing away from the Sun when passing near the Sun.last updated 4/3/2015 last updated 4/3/2015
  297. comfort
  298. comfortable
  299. command
  300. comment
  301. commerce
  302. commercial
  303. committee open definitionclose definitioncommittee" is something which is a collection of something that group together like convening a committee meeting.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  304. common
  305. commonly
  306. commotion
  307. communicate
  308. community
  309. Comoros open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Union of the Comoros, composed of a group of island in the ​Indian Ocean​.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  310. companion
  311. companionship
  312. company open definitionclose definitioncompany" is something which is a collection of something that gather together forming a distinct group in a community.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  313. compare
  314. comparison
  315. compete
  316. competition
  317. competitor
  318. compile
  319. complain
  320. complaint
  321. complete
  322. completion
  323. complex open definitionclose definitioncomplex" is something which is a collection of something that are linked or connected together in a complicated ways or grouped together with same attribute related to complex.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  324. complicate
  325. complication
  326. compose
  327. composition
  328. compromise open definitionclose definitioncompromise" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together with same attribute related to compromise.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  329. compute
  330. computer open definitionclose definitioncomputer" is something which is a device that is a electronic, usually machine being characterized by receiving, storing, organizing, calculating, searching, controlling and working with large amounts of data and information for processing data in a particular form or performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a set of instructions or a predetermined but variable set of procedural program to produce a result in the form of information or signals. or to control other devices or machines.last updated 3/26/2015 last updated 3/26/2015
  331. conceive
  332. concentrate
  333. conceptualize
  334. concern
  335. concerned
  336. concerning
  337. conclude
  338. concrete
  339. condemn
  340. condemned
  341. condition
  342. condo open definitionclose definitionA physical structural object that is an apartment building in which each apartment is wholly owned by somebodies separately, while the common shared areas are jointly owned by all the owners.last updated 4/1/2015 last updated 4/1/2015
  343. condominium open definitionclose definitionA physical structural object that is an apartment building in which each apartment is wholly owned by somebodies separately, while the common shared areas are jointly owned by all the owners.last updated 4/1/2015 last updated 4/1/2015
  344. conduct
  345. cone open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a three dimensional geometric figure that is the geometric form of an solid object bounded by two surface boundaries or sides obtained by turning a right triangle a full 360 degree rotation with one side adjacent to the right angle fixed as the rotating axis in three dmensional space.last updated 4/17/2015 last updated 4/17/2015
  346. conference
  347. confess
  348. confession
  349. confidence
  350. confident
  351. confidential
  352. confirm
  353. conflagration
  354. conflict
  355. confront
  356. confuse
  357. confused
  358. confusion
  359. Congo open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in ​Central ​Africa.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
    open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of the Congo, in ​Central ​Africa.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  360. congratulate
  361. congratulation
  362. congregation
  363. congress open definitionclose definitionCongress" is something which is a collection of something that group together like attending a meeting or conference.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  364. conical
  365. conjunction
  366. connect
  367. connection
  368. conquer
  369. conqueror
  370. conquest
  371. conscience
  372. conscious
  373. conservative
  374. conserve
  375. consider
  376. considering
  377. consist
  378. consolidate
  379. conspiracy
  380. constellation open definitionclose definitionA physical celestial thing that is one of the 88 internationally recognized star groupings in the sky which forms a recognizable pattern or a particular shape when seeing from Earth and was traditionally named after its apparent form with a mythological figure of animal, object, or person.last updated 4/3/2015 last updated 4/3/2015
  381. constitution
  382. construct
  383. consult
  384. contact
  385. contain
  386. container
  387. content
  388. continent
  389. continually
  390. continue
  391. contract
  392. control
  393. convenience
  394. convenient
  395. convention
  396. conversation
  397. convert
  398. converting
  399. convocation
  400. convoy
  401. cony open definitionclose definitioncony" is something which is an animal that is a rabbit.last updated 3/19/2015 last updated 3/19/2015
  402. cooing
  403. cook open definitionclose definitionA person who prepares and cooks food for eating as a profession or an occupation.last updated 3/23/2015 last updated 3/23/2015
  404. cooking
  405. cool
  406. coolly
  407. cooperate
  408. cooperative
  409. coordinate
  410. coordinated
  411. coot open definitionclose definitioncoot" is something which is a bird that is an aquatic bird with lobed toes, black and grey plumage, a white bill with a horny shield, and lives near rivers and lakes.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015
  412. copernicium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cn, atomic number 112, and atomic weight ().last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  413. copper open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cu, atomic number 29, and atomic weight (63.55).last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  414. copy
  415. coral open definitionclose definitionThe 'mass' thing of a hard, stony, calcareous or horny material that is the skeleton of certain of certain marine coelenterates animals formed in the sea.last updated 12/27/2015 last updated 12/27/2015
  416. cord
  417. cork
  418. cormorant open definitionclose definitioncormorant" is something which is a bird that is a large aquatic diving bird with a dark plumage, a lobg neck and body and a slender hooked beak and lives coastal and inland waters.last updated 3/22/2015 last updated 3/22/2015
  419. corn
  420. corner
  421. corps
  422. correct
  423. correction
  424. correctly
  425. correlate
  426. corruption
  427. cortege
  428. cosmologist open definitionclose definitionA person who studies the origin, development and nature of the universe scienctifically as a profession or an occupation.last updated 3/23/2015 last updated 3/23/2015
  429. cost
  430. coterie
  431. cottage
  432. cotton open definitionclose definitionThe 'mass' thing of a soft, white fibrous material that grows around the seeds of cotton plans and is used to make cloth.last updated 12/21/2015 last updated 12/21/2015
  433. cottony
  434. couch open definitionclose definitionA piece of comfortable seating furniture that is a long upholstered seat for seating more than one person, and usually has a back and armrests.last updated 1/5/2016 last updated 1/5/2016
  435. cough
  436. could
  437. council
  438. counsel
  439. count
  440. counting
  441. country open definitionclose definitioncountry" is something which is a word or a group of words that is used to name the particular region of the place at which someone lives.last updated 2/24/2015 last updated 2/24/2015
  442. couple open definitionclose definitionA group of two persons who are considered as a married or engaged pair, or lovers.last updated 2/21/2015 last updated 2/21/2015
  443. courage
  444. courageous
  445. courageously
  446. course
  447. court
  448. cousin open definitionclose definitionA person who is the child of one's aunt or uncle.last updated 2/19/2015 last updated 2/19/2015
  449. coven
  450. cover open definitionclose definitioncover" is something which is a collection of something that crowd together like a cover over an area.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  451. covert
  452. covey
  453. cow open definitionclose definitioncow" is something which is an female animal that is a mature female of cattle, especially domesticated cattle and is kept for milk and meat.last updated 3/22/2015 last updated 3/22/2015
  454. coward
  455. cowardice open definitionclose definitioncowardice" is something which is a collection of something that come together with the lack of bravery or courage character.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  456. cowardly
  457. coyote open definitionclose definitioncoyote" is something which is an animal that is a canine mammal or a wolf-like wild dog and lives in North America.last updated 3/17/2015 last updated 3/17/2015
  458. crab open definitionclose definitionA marine crustacean that has a flat body, a broad flattened carapace, stalked eyes, a pair of large front paired claws or pincers, and four pair of limbs.last updated 12/30/2015 last updated 12/30/2015
  459. crabby
  460. crack
  461. cracker
  462. crane open definitionclose definitioncrane" is something which is a bird that is a large tall wading bird with a long neck, long thin leg, white or grey plumage and often with tail plumes and patches of bare red skin on the head, and lives near water.last updated 3/23/2015 last updated 3/23/2015
  463. crash open definitionclose definitioncrash" is something which is a collection of something that come together with crashing and often making loud noises.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  464. crate
  465. craven
  466. crawl
  467. crayon
  468. crazy
  469. cream
  470. creamer open definitionclose definitionA small vessel that is used for serving cream.last updated 1/8/2016 last updated 1/8/2016
  471. create
  472. creative
  473. creator
  474. creature
  475. credit
  476. creep
  477. creepy
  478. crew open definitionclose definitioncrew" is something which is a collection of something that come together for a particular job or type of work.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  479. crib
  480. cricket open definitionclose definitionA brown or black leaping insect that has long antennae, strong hind legs for jumping, and the male produces chirping notes by rubbing the modified parts of the leathery forewings together.last updated 1/4/2016 last updated 1/4/2016
  481. cricketer open definitionclose definitioncricketer" is somebody who is a person that plays cricket.last updated 3/19/2015 last updated 3/19/2015
  482. crime
  483. criminal
  484. crisis
  485. critic open definitionclose definitionA person who expresses a reasoned or unfavourable opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or techniquelast updated 3/27/2015 last updated 3/27/2015
  486. criticize
  487. critique
  488. Croatia open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the Republic of Croatia, in ​southeastern ​Europe.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  489. crocodile open definitionclose definitioncrocodile" is something which is an animal that is a large semiaquatic reptile with a board head, a long body and tail, short legs anda hard skin, and lives in and near rivers and lakes.last updated 3/18/2015 last updated 3/18/2015
  490. crook
  491. crooked
  492. crop
  493. crops
  494. cross
  495. crossly
  496. crow open definitionclose definitioncrow" is something which is a bird that is a large gregarious passerine songbird with a heavy bill, glossy black plumage, and rounded wingslast updated 3/24/2015 last updated 3/24/2015
  497. crowd open definitionclose definitioncrowd" is something which is a collection of something that gather together in a disorganized or unruly way:last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  498. crowded
  499. crown
  500. cruel
  501. cruelly
  502. crush
  503. cry open definitionclose definitioncry" is something which is a collection of something that group together and often making loud noises or high sounds to express an emotion.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  504. cub open definitionclose definitioncub" is something which is an animal that is the young of certain carnivorous animals, such as the lion, bear, etclast updated 3/24/2015 last updated 3/24/2015
  505. Cuba open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name an ​island ​country in the ​Caribbean​.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016
  506. Cuban
  507. cube open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a three dimensional geometric figure that is the geometric form of an solid object bounded by six square surface boundaries or sides of the same size in three dmensional space with angle between two adjacent sides is a right angle.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  508. cuckold open definitionclose definitioncuckold" is somebody which is a male person that one's spouse has committed adultery or one's wife has a sexual relationship with someone else.last updated 3/24/2015 last updated 3/24/2015
  509. cuddly
  510. cultivate
  511. cultivation
  512. cultivator
  513. culture open definitionclose definitionculture" is something which is a collection of something that grow together of the same way of life at a particular timelast updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  514. cultured
  515. cumbersome
  516. cunning
  517. cup open definitionclose definitionA small drinking vessel that has a small bowl, often with a handle, and is used for drinking liquids, such as tea, coffee, etc.last updated 1/8/2016 last updated 1/8/2016
  518. cupboard
  519. cur open definitionclose definitioncur" is something which is an animal that is a mongrel or a dog of mixed type and is an aggressive or unkempt dog.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015
  520. cure
  521. curfew
  522. curious
  523. curiously
  524. curium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Cm, atomic number 96, and atomic weight ().last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015
  525. curl
  526. curlew open definitionclose definitioncurlew" is something which is a bird that is a large wading shore bird with a very long downward curving thin bill, long legs and brown steaked plumage .last updated 3/23/2015 last updated 3/23/2015
  527. curly
  528. current
  529. curse open definitionclose definitioncurse" is something which is a collection of something that group together to carry out a job like performing simple magic tricks.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  530. curtain open definitionclose definitionA piece of hanging material, cloth etc, that is suspended at the top to form a screen, and can be moved sideways along a rail or raised up and down as a covering for window, stage, room, etc. to shut out light, or to provide privacy.last updated 1/4/2016 last updated 1/4/2016
  531. curve
  532. curved
  533. curvy
  534. cushion
  535. custom
  536. customary
  537. customer
  538. customs
  539. cut
  540. cute
  541. cutting
  542. cyan
  543. cycle
  544. cylinder open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a three dimensional geometric figure that is the geometric form of an solid object bounded by three surface boundaries or sides obtained by turning a rectangular parallelogram a full 360 degree rotation with one side fixed as the rotating axis in three dmensional space.last updated 4/17/2015 last updated 4/17/2015
  545. cylindrical
  546. cynical
  547. Cyprus open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name an ​island ​country, officially ​the Republic of Cyprus, in the ​Mediterranean Sea.last updated 1/25/2016 last updated 1/25/2016

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