Link: Kangxi Dictionary Chinese Character KangXi Radicals 戶 Chinese KangXi Radical 63 ⼾(U+2F3E) 戶(U+6236):Stroke 筆劃 | Character 漢字 46 |
部 | | 01 | 戶 U+6236 古文㦿𣥘唐韻正韻侯古切 集韻韻會後五切𠀤音祜 說文護也 釋名所以謹護閉塞也 六書精薀室之口也凡室之口曰戶堂之口曰門內曰戶外曰門一扉曰戶兩扉曰門 易節卦不出戶庭 詩豳風塞向墐戶又民居曰編戶 唐六典戶部掌天下戶口又止也 左傳宣十二年屈蕩戶之 註止也又 前漢王嘉傳坐戶殿門失闌免 註掌守殿門止不當入者而失闌入之又 爾雅釋地觚竹北戶 註北戶南方之國 疏卽日南郡也師古曰:言其在日之南所謂北戶以向日者又 禮月令蟄蟲咸動啓戶始出 註戶猶穴也又飮酒有大小戶 吳志孫皓每饗宴人以七升爲限小戶雖不入𠀤澆灌取盡 白居易詩戶大嫌甜酒又姓漢有戶尊又與昈通文采貌 揚雄蜀都賦戶豹能黃又與濩通湯樂名 揚雄蜀都賦戶音六成又翁姑切音烏 淮南子時則訓烏孫國作戶孫 last updated 13May2015 戹 U+6239 唐韻於革切 集韻韻會正韻乙革切𠀤音厄 說文隘也 徐曰戶小門也又艱也 周禮地官賙萬民之囏戹又 增韻困也 史記季布傳兩賢豈相戹哉又通作阨 孟子阨窮而不憫又 韻補叶乙得切 王逸九思悼屈子兮遭戹沉玉躬兮湘汨何楚國兮難化迄子今兮不易 六書正譌凡阨軛等字从此俗用厄乃五果切木節也
last updated 13May2015 | 02 | 𢨦 U+22A26 字彙俗戽字 last updated 13May2015 | 03 | 戺 U+623A 廣韻韻會𠀤鉏里切音士 爾雅釋宮落時謂之戺〇按爾雅作𢨪疏持樞也詳𢨪字註又堂廉曰戺 書顧命四人綦弁執戈夾兩階戺又砌也閾也 張衡西京賦金戺玉階又 集韻巸古作戺註詳巳部六畫
last updated 13May2015 𢨪 U+22A2A 字彙同戺 爾雅釋宮落時謂之𢨪 疏持樞之木或達北檼以爲牢固者名落時檼卽棟也落時又名𢨪是持樞一木有二名也 last updated 13May2015 㦾 U+39BE 字彙同扅 last updated 13May2015 𢨫 U+22A2B 正字通𢨸字之譌 last updated 13May2015 戻 U+623B 集韻韻會𠀤他蓋切音太 說文輺車旁推戶也又 集韻類篇𠀤他計切音替又 集韻大計切音弟義𠀤同 說文从戶大聲與下从犬者有別 last updated 13May2015 戼 U+623C 說文卯本字與丣字上畫連者有別丣音酉 六書正譌戼闢戶也从二戶象門兩闢形因聲借爲寅卯字爲日出物生之象𢨯 last updated 13May2015 | 04 | 㦿 U+39BF 集韻戶古作㦿註詳部首又 廣韻苦減切音𢜩小戶也 last updated 13May2015 戽 U+623D 廣韻侯古切 集韻後五切𠀤音戶 廣韻抒也本作𣶉或作戽又 廣韻呼古切 集韻火五切𠀤音虎 廣韻戽斗舟中渫水器也又 廣韻集韻韻會𠀤荒故切謼去聲義同 last updated 13May2015 戾 U+623E 古文𤡵盭廣韻集韻韻會郞計切 正韻力霽切𠀤音麗 說文曲也从犬出戶下戾者身曲戾也又至也 詩大雅鳶飛戾天 禮祭義桑于公桑風戾以食之 註風至則桑葉乾故以食蠶也又止也 書康誥今惟民不靖未戾厥心又定也 詩大雅民之未戾職盜爲𡨥又 集韻力至切音利乖也罪也 左傳文四年其敢干大禮以自取戾又 廣韻練結切 集韻力結切 正韻良薛切𠀤音𥸸義同 潘岳西征賦信此心也庶免于戾如其禮樂以俟來哲又 諡法不悔前過曰戾又 韻補叶律質切音力 劉向九歎悲余心之悁悁兮目眇眇而遺泣風騷屑以搖木兮雲吸吸以湫戾又叶郞之切音離 詩小雅樂只君子福祿膍之優哉游哉亦是戾矣 last updated 13May2015 㧀 U+39C0 廣韻其立切 集韻極入切𠀤音及 博雅戶牡也 廣韻戶鍵也 last updated 13May2015 房 U+623F 唐韻集韻韻會正韻𠀤符方切音防 說文室在旁也又東南宿名 爾雅釋天天駟房也 禮月令十月日在房 尙書運期授所謂房四表之道又州名春秋時房渚秦爲房陵郡唐武德時改爲房州又姓舜封堯子爲房邑侯子陵以父封爲氏又俎名 詩魯頌籩豆大房 註半體之俎足下有跗如堂房也又箭室也 左傳宣十二年知莊子每射抽矢菆納諸㕑子之房又 廣韻步光切 集韻韻會正韻蒲光切𠀤音傍 廣韻阿房秦宮名又 韻補叶符風切音馮 道藏中嶽仙人謌徘徊元嶽顚翻焉御飛龍齊騰八紘外翺翔閶闔房
last updated 13May2015 所 U+6240 古文𢨷唐韻疏舉切 集韻韻會爽阻切𠀤數上聲 說文伐木聲也从斤戶聲又處所 詩鄭風獻于公所又 商頌及爾斯所又 漢制車駕所在曰行在所 蔡邕獨斷天子以四海爲家故所在曰行在所又 關西方言致力于一事爲所所謂絕利一源也 書無逸君子所其無逸又 召誥王敬作所又語辭 論語視其所以觀其所由又誓辭 論語予所否者 左傳僖二十四年所不與舅氏同心者又指物之辭 禮檀弓其高可隱也 註謂高四尺所 前漢疏廣傳問金餘尙有幾所 註幾所猶幾許也 張良傳父去里所復還 註里所猶里許也又姓漢武帝時諫議大夫所忠又叶襄里切音徙 班固西都賦繚以宮牆四百餘里離宮別館三十六所 last updated 13May2015 𢨯 U+22A2F 字彙補莫飽切音卯闢戶也〇按卽戼字之譌 last updated 13May2015 | 05 | 㧁 U+39C1 廣韻口答切 集韻葛合切 韻會克盍切𠀤音閤 說文閉也 廣韻閉戶曰㧁又 廣韻近倨切 集韻丘據切𠀤音去義同又 廣韻胡臘切 集韻轄臘切𠀤音盍 纂文姓也 last updated 13May2015 𢨶 U+22A36 正字通㞐字之譌 last updated 13May2015 𢨷 U+22A37 集韻所古作𢨷註詳四畫 last updated 13May2015 扁 U+6241 古文𡲜廣韻集韻韻會正韻𠀤補典切音匾 說文署也从戶𠕁戶𠕁者署門戶之文也會意其餘皆借義凡器物不圓者曰扁 後漢東夷傳辰韓生兒欲其頭扁押之以石又𤰞也 詩小雅有扁斯石又 廣韻薄泫切 集韻婢典切𠀤音辮 集韻姓也古有扁鵲或作鶣又 廣韻符善切 集韻婢善切𠀤音楩又 集韻婢忍切音牝義𠀤同又 集韻孚袁切音翻番也 莊子知北遊扁然 郭註音翻又 集韻類篇𠀤𤰞眠切音邊扁諸劒名又 集韻蒲眠切音蹁圜貌又 廣韻芳連切 集韻紕延切𠀤音篇 廣韻小舟也
last updated 13May2015 𢨸 U+22A38 廣韻集韻𠀤丑注切與𨳳同 集韻直開也或从戶 last updated 13May2015 扂 U+6242 廣韻徒玷切 集韻正韻徒點切 韻會徒忝切𠀤音簟 集韻戶牡也或作𠂼 韓愈進學解椳闑扂楔又 集韻徒念切音磹所以止動也 顏氏家訓與扅通 last updated 13May2015 𢨹 U+22A39 正字通俗扅字 last updated 13May2015 扃 U+6243 古文𢇺唐韻古熒切 集韻韻會正韻涓熒切𠀤音駉 說文外閉之關也 禮曲禮入戶奉扃 註扃門關木也入戶之時兩手當心如奉扃然雖瞻視而不回轉嫌於干人私也又車前橫木 左傳宣十二年楚人惎之脫扃 註扃車上橫木所以約車上之兵器又 集韻犬迥切音褧扃扃明察也又與鉉通 儀禮士喪禮右人左執七抽扃 註扃卽鉉字 last updated 13May2015 㧂 U+39C2 正字通屇字之譌 last updated 13May2015 𢨺 U+22A3A 字彙補𢨺城趙地名 戰國策秦子異人質于趙處于𢨺 註字書無𢨺字龍龕手鑑云:音脚 last updated 13May2015 | 06 | 扄 U+6244 玉篇書掌切音賞戶耳也从戶向聲與从戶冋聲者有別 last updated 13May2015 𢩅 U+22A45 集韻同𢩘 last updated 13May2015 𢩆 U+22A46 集韻下𥳑切音限閾也本作䦘或作𣐻通作限 last updated 13May2015 𢩇 U+22A47 正字通𢨷字之譌 last updated 13May2015 扅 U+6245 廣韻章移切 集韻韻會余支切 正韻延知切𠀤音移 廣韻扊扅戶扃也 百里奚妻琴歌烹伏雌炊扊扅 顏氏家訓一作剡移 last updated 13May2015 扆 U+6246 唐韻於豈切 集韻韻會隱豈切𠀤衣上聲戶牗閒畫斧屛風也 禮明堂位天子負斧扆南鄕而立 曲禮疏扆狀如屛風以絳爲質高八尺東西當戶牖之閒繡爲斧文亦曰斧扆天子見諸侯則依而立負之而南面以對諸侯又姓又 正韻隱綺切音倚義同又 集韻於希切音衣 爾雅釋宮戶牖閒謂之扆郭璞讀又通作依 禮曲禮天子當依而立
last updated 13May2015 扇 U+6247 唐韻集韻韻會正韻𠀤式戰切羶去聲 說文扉也从戶从翅省聲 禮月令乃修闔扇又箑也 揚子方言自關而東謂之箑自關而西謂之扇一名搊 崔豹古今注舜作五明扇又 爾雅釋蟲蠅醜扇 註醜類也蠅類好搖翅自扇又 韻補叶尸連切音羶 束皙補亡詩四時逓謝八風代扇纖阿案晷星變其躔 last updated 13May2015 𢩈 U+22A48 字彙補烏古切音隝 篇韻屋舍也 last updated 13May2015 | 07 | 扈 U+6248 〔古 唐韻集韻韻會甫微切 正韻方微切𠀤音非 說文戶扇也 爾雅釋宮闔謂之扉 又以木曰扉以葦曰扇文〕𡴱 唐韻正韻侯古切 集韻韻會後五切𠀤音祜 說文有扈國名夏后同姓所封戰于甘者在鄠有扈谷又桑扈烏名 詩小雅交交桑扈有鶯其羽 註桑扈竊脂也又當扈 山海經郭璞贊鳥飛以翼當扈以須又官名 左傳昭十七年九扈爲九農正扈民無淫者也 註扈止也又尾也後從曰扈 司馬相如上林賦扈從橫行 留靑日札言隨從天子逐獸橫行也又跋扈猶强梁也 後漢質帝紀目梁冀爲跋扈將軍又被也 屈原離騷扈江離與辟芷兮又 爾雅釋山山𤰞而大曰扈又桑扈隱士也 楚辭九章接輿髠首兮桑扈臝行又扈扈廣也 禮檀弓爾毋扈扈爾又姓 風俗通趙有扈輒 last updated 13May2015 𢩍 U+22A4D 玉篇古文辜字註詳辛部五畫 last updated 13May2015 | 08 | 扉 U+6249 唐韻集韻韻會甫微切 正韻方微切𠀤音非 說文戶扇也 爾雅釋宮闔謂之扉 又以木曰扉以葦曰扇 last updated 13May2015 扊 U+624A 廣韻集韻韻會正韻𠀤以冉切音琰 廣韻扊扅戶牡所以止扉也詳扅字註 last updated 13May2015 𢩑 U+22A51 字彙補力計切音利不正也 last updated 13May2015 𢩒 U+22A52 字彙補補美切音鄙 字林毀也或省作肥 列子黃帝篇口作偏肥 last updated 13May2015 | 09 | 𢩖 U+22A56 字彙所甲切音殺薄𢩖也 正字通俗字 last updated 13May2015 | 10 | 𢩘 U+22A58 集韻克盍切音榼閉戶也與㧁𢩅通 last updated 13May2015 𢩙 U+22A59 字彙補古文靈字註詳雨部十六畫 last updated 13May2015 | 13 | 𢩠 U+22A60 字彙數還切音拴門關也〇按集韻止有𣟴字數還切閉門機也無𢩠字疑卽𣟴字之省 last updated 13May2015 | 17 | 𢩢 U+22A62 字彙丈陷切音湛屋上也 last updated 13May2015 |
Link: Vocabulary I English Vocabulary: i- I A singular first person representation of the subject thing of a verb that is refered to the one speaking or writing by one's speaking or writing.last updated 3/5/2015 last updated 3/5/2015 - ibex ibex" is something which is an animal that is a wild mountain goat with long thick backward curving horns and a beard.last updated 3/23/2015 last updated 3/23/2015 - ibis ibis" is something which is a bird that is a large tall wading bird with a long thin down-curved bill, a long neck and long legs.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015 - ice
- Iceland A proper name that is used to name an island country, officially the Republic of Iceland, in the North Atlantic Ocean.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - icicle
- icky
- icy
- idea
- ideal
- identify
- idiotic
- idle
- if
- ignorant
- ignore
- iguana iguana" is something which is an animal that is a large tropical American arboreal herbivorous lizard with a greyish-green body with a spiny crest along the back.last updated 3/24/2015 last updated 3/24/2015 - ill
- illegal
- ill-fated
- ill-informed
- ill-timed
- illusion
- illustrate
- illustrious
- imaginary
- imaginative
- imagine
- imitate
- imitation
- immediate
- immediately
- immense
- immigrant
- imminent
- impala impala" is something which is an animal that is a large brownish antelope with lyre-shaped horns and moves with enormous leaps when disturbed.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015 - impartial
- impatience
- impediment impediment" is something which is a thing that is a hindrance, interference or obstruction making progress, achieving or movement difficult or impossible to do or complete.last updated 3/25/2015 last updated 3/25/2015 - imperfect
- implausibility
- implement
- impolite
- import
- importance
- important
- imported
- impossible
- impress
- improbable
- improve
- improvise
- impulse
- in
- incandescent
- inch A concept of measuring unit that is an imperial unit of linear measure of one twelfth of a foot and is approximately equal to 2.54 centimetres.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015 - incident
- incite
- include
- inclusive
- income
- incompetent
- inconclusive
- increase
- incredible
- incredulity
- indeed
- independent
- India A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of India, in South Asia.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - indigo
- indium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol In, atomic number 49, and atomic weight 114.8.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - individual
- Indonesia A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Indonesia, composed of a group of islands in Southeast Asia.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - Indonesian
- indoor
- induce
- industrious
- industry
- inexpensive
- infamous
- infantile
- infect
- infestation
- inflation
- influence
- influential
- inform
- information information" is something which is a bird that is useful acquired, provided or learned facts and organized processed, structured or presented data about something or someone, a subject, an onject, a situation, a person, an event, etc.last updated 3/25/2015 last updated 3/25/2015 - initiate
- inject
- injure
- ink
- inlay
- inn
- innate
- innocent
- innocently
- innovate
- input
- inquire
- inquiry
- inquisitive
- inquisitively
- insane
- insect insect" is something which is an insect that is a small air-breathing arthropod with a body divided into head, thorax, and abdomen, three pairs of legs, and two pairs of wings for most species.last updated 3/22/2015 last updated 3/22/2015 - inside
- insidious
- insignificant
- inspect
- inspire
- install
- instant
- instantly
- instead
- instinctive
- institute
- instruct
- instrument
- insufficient
- insult
- insurance
- insure
- integrate
- intelligence
- intelligent
- intend
- intense
- intensely
- intensify
- intention
- intentionally
- intently
- interest
- interesting
- interestingly
- interfere
- interference
- interlay
- internal
- international
- Internet
- interpret
- interrupt
- interruption
- intervene
- interview
- into
- intrigue
- introduce
- introduction
- introvert A person who is charaterized by a shy, quiet, reticent and unable to make friends easily character.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015 - intrusion
- invade
- invent
- invention invention" is something which is an idea that is the act or process of creating things of never made before.last updated 3/19/2015 last updated 3/19/2015 - inventor
- inventory
- invest
- investigate
- invincible
- invite
- involve
- inward
- inwardly
- iodine A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol I, atomic number 53, and atomic weight 126.9.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - Iran A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Islamic Republic of Iran, in western Asia.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - Iraq A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Iraq, in western Asia.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - irate
- iridium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Ir, atomic number 77, and atomic weight 192.2.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - Irish
- iron A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Fe, atomic number 26, and atomic weight 55.85.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - irregular
- irritably
- irritate
- irritating
- is
- island island" is something which is a piece of land that is surrounded by water completely.last updated 3/17/2015 last updated 3/17/2015 - Israel A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the State of Israel, in western Asia.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - Israeli
- issue
- it A singular third person representation of the subject or object thing of a verb that is refered to other already mentioned thing, animal by one's speaking or writing.last updated 3/5/2015 last updated 3/5/2015 - Italian
- Italy A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Italian Republic, in southern Europe.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - itch
- itchy
- its
- itself