Link: Vocabulary A English Vocabulary: a- a
- aah
- Aaron A name that is used as a given name to name a male person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015 - aback
- abaft
- abandoned
- abashed
- aberrant
- abhorrent
- abide
- abiding
- ability
- abject
- ablaze
- able
- abnormal
- abnormally
- aboard
- aboriginal
- abortive
- abounding
- about
- above
- Abraham A name that is used as a given name to name a male person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015 - abrasive
- abroad
- abrupt
- absence
- absent
- absentmindedly
- absolute
- absorbed
- absorbing
- abstracted
- absurd
- abundant
- abuse
- abusive
- academic A person who teaches at a college or school of a university or other institute of higher education as a teacher or scholar.last updated 3/22/2015 last updated 3/22/2015 - accelerate
- accept
- acceptable
- accessible
- accident
- accidental
- accidentally
- accomplish
- accord an official agreement grant someone a specified status or recognition, an official agreementlast updated 2/13/2015 grant someone a specified status or recognitionlast updated 2/13/2015
- account a financial statement relating to a particular period. a summary of an incidentlast updated 2/13/2015 conclude in a specified waylast updated 2/13/2015
- accountant A person who keeps and maintains the financial records of a business or person.last updated 2/22/2015 last updated 2/22/2015 - accurate
- accuse
- accustom
- ache
- achieve
- achiever
- acid Any substance with particular chemical properties that dissociates in water to yield a corrosive or sour-tasting solution containing hydrogen ions that having a pH of less than 7, turning litmus red, neutralizing alkalis, and dissolving some metals.last updated 12/28/2015 last updated 12/28/2015 - acidic
- acidly
- acoustic
- acoustics
- acquaintance A person that one has met before but about whom little is known.last updated 2/21/2015 last updated 2/21/2015 - acquire
- acrid
- acrobat A person who performs acts requiring skill, agility, and coordination, such as tumbling, swinging from a trapeze, or walking a tightrope to entertain an audience or people as a profession or an occupation.last updated 3/25/2015 last updated 3/25/2015 - across
- act
- actinium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Ac, atomic number 89, and atomic weight ()last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - action
- activate
- active
- activist
- activity
- actor A person who is a theatrical performer.last updated 2/22/2015 last updated 2/22/2015 - actress
- actual
- actually
- actuary A person who calculates insurance premiums based on commercial risks and probabilities.last updated 2/22/2015 last updated 2/22/2015 - adamant
- adapt
- adaptable
- add
- addicted
- addition
- address address" is something which is a word or a group of words that is used to name the particulars of the location of the place at which someone lives.last updated 2/24/2015 last updated 2/24/2015 - adhesive
- adjoining
- adjustment
- administer
- administration
- admire
- admission
- admit
- adolescent
- adopt
- adoption
- adorable
- adult
- adulthood The concept of an age span of a person that is the age span after youth or the state of being an adult.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015 - advance
- advantage
- adventure
- adventurous
- adventurously
- advertise
- advertisement
- advice
- advise
- aerie aerie" is something which is a nest of something that is a family of bird lives together with a nest which is built in a high place high in a tree, high up on a cliff or high on the top of a mountain by a large bird.last updated 3/6/2015 last updated 3/6/2015 - affair
- affect
- afford
- Afghan
- Afghanistan A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, in Central Asia.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016 - afraid
- Africa A continent that is joined with Asia on northeast, and is bounded on the east by the Indian Ocean, on the south by the meeting point of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, on the west by the Atlantic Ocean and on the north by the Mediterranean Sea.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 - African
- Afro-Eurasia A physical continent that is the combination of three continental landmasses of Africa, Europe and Asia.last updated 1/27/2016 last updated 1/27/2016 - after
- aftermath
- afternoon
- afterthought
- afterwards
- again
- against
- age
- aged
- ageless
- agency
- agenda agenda" is something which is a list of something that is a collection of things in form of a list or schedule of items.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015 - agent
- aggression
- aggressive
- ago
- agonizing
- agree
- agreeable
- agreement
- agriculture
- ah
- aha
- ahead
- ahh
- aid
- aim
- air The invisible gaseous 'mass' substance composed of a mixture of different gases that surrounds the Earth and is.used in breathing and photosynthesis.last updated 12/21/2015 last updated 12/21/2015 - aircraft aircraft" is something which is a machine that is capable of flying by means of buoyancy or aerodynamic forces in the sky.last updated 3/22/2015 last updated 3/22/2015 - airplane airplane is something which is usually a fixed wing machine and is able to fly in the sky.last updated 2/13/2015
- airport airport is a place where aircraft land and take off from.last updated 2/13/2015
- ajar
- alarm
- alas
- Albania A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Albania, in southeastern Europe.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016 - album
- alcohol Any organic compound of the class that contains one or more hydroxyl groups bound to a carbon atom of an alkyl group, or hydrocarbon chain and is a hydroxy derivative of hydrocarbons.last updated 12/29/2015 last updated 12/29/2015 The 'mass' thing of a clear volatile flammable liquid that is ethanol, ethyl alcohol, or drinking alcohol, used as a solvent, in fuel and medicines and is the intoxicating constituent in liquors, such as beer, wine, or whiskey, and is produced by the fermentation of sugars, glucose.last updated 12/28/2015 last updated 12/28/2015 - alcoholic A person who has the habit of consuming excessive alcohol.last updated 3/18/2015 last updated 3/18/2015 - alderman A person who is a member or senior member of a city government or a town council.last updated 3/18/2015 last updated 3/18/2015 - alert
- Algeria A proper name that is used to name a country, officially People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, in North Africa.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016 - alight
- alike
- alive
- all
- alleged
- alligator A large semiaquatic reptile that has a hard skin, powerful jaws and sharp teeth, a long but shorter and broader snout than crocodiles.last updated 12/31/2015 last updated 12/31/2015 - allow
- allowance
- alluring
- ally
- almost
- alone
- along
- alongside
- aloof
- aloud
- already
- also
- alter
- although
- altogether
- aluminium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Al, atomic number 13, and atomic weight 26.98.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - aluminum A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Al, atomic number 13, and atomic weight 26.98.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - always
- am
- amalgamation amalgamation" is something which is the mechanism of some mixing or combining processes that combines or mixes two or more things together to form a new thing.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015 - amazing
- ambassador
- ambiguous
- ambition
- ambitious
- ambush
- amend
- America A physical continent that is the combination of two continental landmasses of North America and South America joined by the Isthmus of Panama and is surrounded by oceans, and is bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the meeting point of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and on the north by the Arctic Ocean.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 - American
- americium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Am, atomic number 95, and atomic weight ().last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - Amharic -last updated 4/1/2015 last updated 4/1/2015 - amid
- amidst
- ammunition
- among
- amongst
- amount
- amuck
- amuse
- amused
- amusement
- amusing
- an
- analyze
- anarchy
- anatomist A person who study the structure of the body and its parts as a profession.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015 - ancestor
- ancient
- and
- Andorra A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Principality of Andorra, in western Europe.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016 - Andrew A name that is used as a given name to name a male person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015 - angel angel" is something which is a idea that is a spiritual being of a human form with wings as a messenger from God.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015 - angelfish angelfish" is something which is a fish that is a small bony tropical marine percoid fish with a deep laterally flattened brightly coloured body, extended dorsal and anal fins, and brushlike teeth.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015 - angelic
- anger
- angle
- Angola A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Angola, in Southern Africa.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016 - angrily
- angry
- animal animal is a living thing that can move and is not a plant. The six main classes of animals' is mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates.last updated 2/13/2015
- animated
- anniversary
- announce
- annoy
- annoyance annoyance" is something which is the state of somebody that is of being annoyed or made slightly angry.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015 - annoyed
- annoying
- annually
- anorak
- another
- answer
- ant Ant is living thing which is a kind of small insect and lives an organized social group under the ground.last updated 2/13/2015
- Antarctica A continent that is situated within the Antarctic Circle around the South Pole and is surrounded by Southern Ocean.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 - antelope antelope" is something which is an animal that is a bovid mammal with smooth hair, long legs and horns, runs very fast.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015 - anthology
- anthropologist A person who studies humankind, human origins, beliefs, cultures, etc., scientifically.last updated 2/22/2015 last updated 2/22/2015 - anti
- anticipate
- antimony A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Sb, atomic number 51, and atomic weight 121.8.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - antique
- anxiety
- anxious
- anxiously
- any
- anybody
- anyhow
- anyone
- anything
- anyway
- anywhere
- apart
- apartment A physical structural object that is a large room or a set of rooms with housekeeping facilities for living in, especially on one floor of a building.last updated 4/1/2015 last updated 4/1/2015 - apathetic
- ape ape" is something which is an animal that is a large primate closely related to monkeys and humans but covering in hair and swinging through trees by arms with no or a vrery short tail.last updated 3/25/2015 last updated 3/25/2015 - apex An abstract concept of a zero dimensional geometric feature that is the highest point or top of something when considering in upright position.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015 - apologize
- apology
- apparatus apparatus is something which is a set of equipment designed for a particular purpose.last updated 2/13/2015
- apparel apparel is something that usually refers to a particular kind of clothing.last updated 2/13/2015
- appeal
- appear
- appearance
- appetizing
- applaud
- applause
- apple apple is a fruit which usually has a round body with firm white flesh, and thin green or red skin.last updated 2/13/2015
- appliance appliance" is something which is a device, machine, or equipment designed to perform a particular task.last updated 2/13/2015
- application
- apply
- appoint
- appraise
- appreciate
- approval
- approve
- aquatic
- Arabic -last updated 4/1/2015 last updated 4/1/2015 - arbitrate
- arcana
- arch arch is a structure which usually refers to a structure body or part with a symmetrical concave curved construction.last updated 2/13/2015
- archeology
- archerfish archerfish" is something which is a fish that is a freshwater bony percoid fish and catch insects by spitting with water from mouth.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015 - archipelago
- architect A person who designs buildings.last updated 2/22/2015 last updated 2/22/2015 - are
- area
- Argentina A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Argentine Republic, in South America.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016 - Argentine
- argon A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Ar, atomic number 18, and atomic weight 39.95.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - argue
- argument
- arise
- arithmetic
- arm arm is a body part which is the upper limb between the should and the wrist.last updated 2/13/2015
- armada
- armchair A large, comfortable chair that has sides to support one's arms or elbows for providing partial body weight support, and facilitating ease of entry into or exit from the chair.last updated 1/4/2016 last updated 1/4/2016 - Armenia A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Armenia, in southeastern Europe.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016 - arms
- army army" is something which is a group of something that is equipped for fighting.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015 - aromatic
- around
- arrange
- array
- arrest
- arrive
- arrogant
- arrogantly
- arrow arrow" is something which is an object that is a long thin straight weapon with a sharp point at one end and usually feathers fastened at the other end as a balance, and is shot from a bow.last updated 3/26/2015 last updated 3/26/2015 - arsenic A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol As, atomic number 33, and atomic weight 74.92.last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - arsonist A person who commits the setting of fire to something illegally.last updated 3/21/2015 last updated 3/21/2015 - art art is something which is produced by creative intelligence and imagination. e.g. paintings, drawings and sculptures, etc.last updated 2/13/2015
- article
- artificial
- artillery
- artist A person who creates art, drawing, painting, or sculpture etc.last updated 2/22/2015 last updated 2/22/2015 - artiste A person who entertains an audience or people by especially singing, dancing or acting as a profession or an occupaton.last updated 3/25/2015 last updated 3/25/2015 - as
- ascension
- ascertain
- ash
- ashamed
- Asia A continent that is to the east of Europe, and is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean and on the north by the Arctic Ocean.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 - Asian
- aside
- ask
- asleep
- asparagus asparagus" is something which is a plant that is a liliaceous plant with long green stem and small scaly or needle-like leaves, and be eaten as a vegetable.last updated 3/19/2015 last updated 3/19/2015 - asphalt The 'mass' thing of a black bituminous substance that is made by mixing dark sticky bituminous pitch with small stones, gravel, or sand to forms a strong hard surface upon cooling for surfacing roads, flooring, roofing, etc.last updated 12/27/2015 last updated 12/27/2015 - aspiring
- ass ass" is something which is an animal that is a hoofed mammal with longer ears and a braying call, and is smaller than a horse in size.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015 - assemble
- assess
- assist
- association
- assorted
- assure
- astatine A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol At, atomic number 85, and atomic weight ().last updated 2/15/2015 last updated 2/15/2015 - asterism A physical celestial thing that is a group of stars in the sky which can be any recognizable pattern of stars and doses not correspond to the recognized constellations.last updated 4/3/2015 last updated 4/3/2015 - asteroid A physical celestial thing that is a small celestial body with size from 1kilometer to 950 kilometers and moves around the sun.last updated 3/18/2015 last updated 3/18/2015 - astonish
- astonishing
- astronaut A person who is trained for travelling in a spacecraft into outer space.last updated 4/14/2015 last updated 4/14/2015 - astronomy
- asylum
- at
- athlete A person who is good at, competent, skilled, proficient or trained in doing or using something for competing in sports, games or other forms of physical exercises involving physical skill, strength, speed, or endurance.last updated 3/25/2015 last updated 3/25/2015 - atmosphere
- atop
- attach
- attack
- attain
- attempt
- attend
- attention
- attentive
- attract
- attraction
- attractive
- audience audience" is something which is a group of people that has an intense interest on watching, listening, reading someone's play, film, speaking, book, film, etc.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015 - audit
- auk auk" is something which is a bird that is a diving seabird with a heavy body, a black head, black and white underparts, and short neck, tail and wings.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015 - aunt A female person who is the sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle.last updated 2/18/2015 last updated 2/18/2015 - aurora
- auspicious
- Australia A continent that is surrounded by oceans, and is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the west by the Indian Ocean, and on the south and north by the meeting point of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, in southwest Pacific Ocean.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016 - Australian
- Austria A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Austria, in central Europe.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016 - authority
- automatic
- automobile
- autumn
- available
- avenue
- average
- avocet avocet" is something which is a bird that is alarge shorebirds with long legs, webbed feet and slender upward curved bill and black and whitepatterned plumage.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015 - avoid
- avoidance
- awake
- award
- aware
- away
- awesome
- awful
- awkward
- awkwardly
- awsome
- aww
- axe
- axiomatic
- Azerbaijan A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Azerbaijan, in southeastern Europe.last updated 1/24/2016 last updated 1/24/2016