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Grammar Part of Speech Adjective Lists by Alphabetic H

List of Adjectives: h

  1. habitual
  2. Haitian
  3. half
  4. hallowed
  5. halting
  6. handsome
  7. handsomely
  8. handy
  9. hanging
  10. hapless
  11. happy
  12. hard
  13. hard to find
  14. harmonious
  15. harsh
  16. hasty
  17. hateful
  18. heady
  19. healthy
  20. heartbreaking
  21. heavenly
  22. heavy
  23. hefty
  24. hellish
  25. helpful
  26. helpless
  27. her
  28. hesitant
  29. hideous
  30. high
  31. highfalutin
  32. high-pitched
  33. hilarious
  34. his
  35. hissing
  36. historical
  37. holistic
  38. hollow
  39. holy
  40. homeless
  41. homely
  42. homemade
  43. Honduran
  44. honest
  45. honorable
  46. horizontal
  47. horrible
  48. hospitable
  49. hostile
  50. hot
  51. huge
  52. hulking
  53. human
  54. humble
  55. humdrum
  56. humorous
  57. hungry
  58. hurried
  59. hurt
  60. hushed
  61. husky
  62. hypnotic
  63. hysterical

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