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English Terms U

English Term: u

  1. uh oh
  2. unidentified flying object open definitionclose definitionA mysterious object that is an anomaly flying in the sky or landing on earth for which no orthodox scientific explanation can be used to explain its existent.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015
  3. United Arab Emirates open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country officially in ​Western ​Asia.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016
  4. United Kingdom open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name an island​ ​country, officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , in Western Europe.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016
  5. United States open definitionclose definitionA proper name that is used to name a ​country, officially the United States of America, in North ​America and together with the state of Alaska in the northwestern North America and the state of Hawaii in the mid-Pacific.​.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016
  6. up to
  7. upside-down
  8. urban planner open definitionclose definitionA person who plans and designs urban' isas or the use of land.last updated 2/24/2015 last updated 2/24/2015

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