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Glossary Mechanics L

List of Mechanics Related Terms, L

The list of Mechanics related terms, L in alphabetic order:

labyrinth seal 迷宫密封,last updated 1/3/2019ladder approximation 梯狀近似[法], 梯狀近似法, 梯图近似,last updated 1/9/2013ladder diagram 梯狀圖, 梯图,last updated 1/9/2013lag 遲延, 滯後, 延迟,last updated 1/9/2013lag window 時差窗,last updated 11/13/2015lag; time 時滯,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrange equation 拉格朗日方程[式], 拉格朗其方程式, [第二类]拉格朗日方程,last updated 1/9/2013lagrange equation of motion 拉格朗其運動方程式, 拉格朗日运动方程,last updated 1/9/2013Lagrange function 拉格朗其函數,last updated 11/13/2015lagrange multiplier 拉格朗其乘數, 拉格朗日乘子,last updated 1/9/2013Lagrange perturbation equation 拉格朗其攝動方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian analysis 拉格朗其分析,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian coordinates 拉格朗其坐標,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian density 拉格朗其密度,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian description 拉格朗其描述法,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian family of hexahedra 拉格朗其六面體族,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian family of rectangle 拉格朗其矩形族,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian integral scale 拉格朗其積分尺度,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian mean scale 拉格朗其平均尺度,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian mechanics 拉格朗其力學,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian micro scale 拉格朗其微尺度,last updated 11/13/2015Lagrangian point 拉格朗其點,last updated 11/13/2015Lamb shift 蘭姆移位, 藍姆移動, 兰姆移位,last updated 1/9/2013lambda shock λ型震波,last updated 11/13/2015Lambert problem 藍伯特問題,last updated 11/13/2015Lambert theorm 藍伯特定理,last updated 11/13/2015Lambertian angle 藍伯特角,last updated 11/13/2015Lambertian mechanics 藍伯特力學,last updated 11/13/2015Lambertian parameter 藍伯特參數,last updated 11/13/2015Lambert's equation 藍伯特方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Lamb's problem 藍姆問題,last updated 11/13/2015Lame constant 拉梅常數,last updated 11/13/2015Lame mode 拉梅模態,last updated 11/13/2015Lame stress 拉姆應力,last updated 11/13/2015lamina 疊層;薄片,last updated 11/13/2015laminar boundary layer 層流邊界層,last updated 11/13/2015laminar diffusion flame 層流擴散火焰,last updated 11/13/2015laminar film condensation 層流薄膜冷凝,last updated 11/13/2015laminar flame 層流火焰,last updated 11/13/2015laminar flow 層流, 层流;层流片流,last updated 1/9/2013laminar layer 層流層,last updated 11/13/2015laminar motion 層流運動,last updated 11/13/2015laminar sublayer 層流底層,last updated 11/13/2015laminar wake 層(流)尾流,last updated 11/13/2015laminar zone 層流區,last updated 11/13/2015laminarization parameter 層流化參數,last updated 11/13/2015laminate 層板,last updated 11/13/2015Landau damping 蘭道阻尼, 藍道阻尼, 朗道阻尼,last updated 1/9/2013Landau equation 藍道方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Lande splitting factor 藍德分裂因數,last updated 11/13/2015Langmuir adsorption isotherm 蘭繆爾吸附等溫線,last updated 11/13/2015Laplace' equation 拉卜拉斯方程式,last updated 11/13/2015laplace transform 拉卜拉斯轉換, 拉普拉斯变换,last updated 1/9/2013Laplacian operator 拉卜拉斯算子,last updated 11/13/2015lapse rate 溫度遞減率,last updated 11/13/2015Larmor frequency 拉莫頻率, 拉摩頻率, 拉莫尔频率,last updated 1/9/2013Larmor number 拉摩數,last updated 11/13/2015Larmor radius 拉摩半徑,last updated 11/13/2015laser 雷射, 激光, 激光,激光器,last updated 1/9/2013laser speckle 雷射斑點,last updated 11/13/2015latent evaporation 潛蒸發,last updated 11/13/2015latent heat 潛熱, 潜热,last updated 1/9/2013latent heat of transition 轉化潛熱,last updated 11/13/2015latent image 潛像, 潜像,last updated 1/9/2013lateral axis 橫軸,last updated 11/13/2015lateral bracing 側撐,last updated 11/13/2015lateral buckling 側向屈曲,last updated 11/13/2015lateral contraction 側收縮,last updated 11/13/2015lateral earth pressure 側向地壓力,last updated 11/13/2015lateral force 側向力;橫向力,last updated 11/13/2015lateral instability of beam 梁之側向不穩定性,last updated 11/13/2015lateral stability 側向穩定性,last updated 11/13/2015lateral strain 側向應變,last updated 11/13/2015lateral stress 側向應力,last updated 11/13/2015lateral vibration 側向振動,last updated 11/13/2015lateral vibration of beam 梁之側向振動,last updated 11/13/2015lateral-inertia effect assessment 側向慣性效應評估,last updated 11/13/2015lathe 车床,last updated 1/2/2019latitude 緯度, 纬度,last updated 1/9/2013latitude; astronomical 天文緯度[天],last updated 11/13/2015latitude; celestial 黃緯[天],last updated 11/13/2015latitude; eclliptic 黃緯[天],last updated 11/13/2015latitude; galactic 銀緯[天],last updated 11/13/2015latitude; geocentric 地心系緯度[天],last updated 11/13/2015latitude; geodetic 大地緯度,last updated 11/13/2015latitude; geographic 地理緯度,last updated 11/13/2015latitude; heliocentric 日心系緯度[天],last updated 11/13/2015latitude; selenocentric 月心系緯度[天],last updated 11/13/2015latitudinal quantum number 緯量子數,last updated 11/13/2015lattice structure 格子構造,last updated 11/13/2015latus rectum 正焦弦[數], 正焦弦; 首通径;通径,last updated 1/9/2013launcher 發射器;發射架,last updated 11/13/2015launching angle 發射角,last updated 11/13/2015launching pad 發射座,last updated 11/13/2015launching phase 發射階段,last updated 11/13/2015launching platform 發射平台,last updated 11/13/2015launching point 發射點,last updated 11/13/2015launching site 發射坪,last updated 11/13/2015Laurent expansion 勞倫特展開式,last updated 11/13/2015Laurent force 勞倫特力,last updated 11/13/2015Laval nozzle 拉瓦噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015law 定律,, 律, 律;定律;法则,last updated 1/9/2013law of action and reaction 作用與反作用定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of conservation of energy 能量守恆律, 能量守恒定律,曾用名“能量守恒与转化定律”,last updated 1/9/2013law of conservation of mass 質量守恆律,last updated 11/13/2015law of conservation of momentum 動量守恆律, 动量守恒定律,last updated 1/9/2013law of dynamic similarity 動力相似律,last updated 11/13/2015law of energy 能量守恆律,last updated 11/13/2015law of equipartition 均分定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of friction 摩擦定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of gas 氣體定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of geometric similarity 幾何相似律,last updated 11/13/2015law of ideal gas 理想氣體定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of isorotation 同轉定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of kinematic similarity 運動相似律,last updated 11/13/2015law of mass action 質量作用定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of multiple proportion 倍比定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of nature 自然律,last updated 11/13/2015law of partial pressure 分壓定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of perfect gas 完全氣體定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of radiation 輻射定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of reflection 反射定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of similarity 相似律,last updated 11/13/2015law of similitude 相似律,last updated 11/13/2015law of thermodynamics 熱力學定律,last updated 11/13/2015law of universal gravitation 萬有引力定律, 万有引力定律,last updated 1/9/2013law of wake 尾流律,last updated 11/13/2015law of wall 壁流律,last updated 11/13/2015law; commutative 交換律,last updated 11/13/2015law; conservation 守恆律,last updated 11/13/2015law; cooling 冷卻律,last updated 11/13/2015law; inner 內層(流速)律,last updated 11/13/2015law; outer 外層(流速)律,last updated 11/13/2015law; power 冪次律,last updated 11/13/2015law; velocity distribution 速度分布律,last updated 11/13/2015law; velocity-defect 速度折減律,last updated 11/13/2015layer 層,last updated 11/13/2015layer; boundary 邊界層,last updated 11/13/2015layer; buffer 緩衝層,last updated 11/13/2015layer; impermeable 不透水層,last updated 11/13/2015layer; laminar 層流層,last updated 11/13/2015layer; laminar boundary 層流邊界層,last updated 11/13/2015layer; turbulent boundary 亂流邊界層,last updated 11/13/2015layout of cam profile 凸轮廓线绘制,last updated 1/3/2019Le Chatelier's principle 勒沙特列原理, 勒夏特列原理,last updated 1/9/2013lead 导程,last updated 1/2/2019lead 螺纹导程,last updated 1/3/2019lead angle 導角, 导程角,last updated 11/13/2015lead angle at reference cylinder 分度圆柱导程角,last updated 1/2/2019leading edge 前緣,last updated 11/13/2015leakage 泄漏,last updated 1/3/2019leakage loss 漏水損失;漏電損失,last updated 11/13/2015leaky aquifer 滲漏資水層,last updated 11/13/2015least square principle 最小平方原理,last updated 11/13/2015Leduc equation 勒都克方程力,last updated 11/13/2015Legendre polynomials 勒尖得多項式,last updated 11/13/2015length 長度, 长 ;长(度);长度,last updated 1/9/2013length of line of action 啮合线长度,last updated 1/3/2019length scale 長度尺度,last updated 11/13/2015length wave 波長,last updated 11/13/2015length; fetch 受風距離,last updated 11/13/2015Lennard-Jones potential 連納-瓊司位勢, 李(納)‧瓊(斯)勢, 伦纳德-琼斯势,last updated 1/9/2013lens formula 透鏡公式,last updated 11/13/2015level [能]階,級, 水平面;水平, 水平器;水準儀, 级别,水准器;水准,last updated 1/9/2013level 扳手,last updated 1/2/2019level flight 水平飛行,last updated 11/13/2015level line 水平線, 等高线,last updated 1/9/2013level width 能階寬度[物],last updated 11/13/2015level; atomic energy 原子能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; datum 基準面,last updated 11/13/2015level; electronic energy 電子能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; energy 能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; excited energy 受激能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; ground energy 基態能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; ground water 地下水位,last updated 11/13/2015level; mean sea 平均海平面,last updated 11/13/2015level; metastable 亞穩能階;介穩能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; molecular energy 分子能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; normal 正常水位,last updated 11/13/2015level; ocean 海洋水位,last updated 11/13/2015level; resonance energy 共振能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; rotational energy 轉動能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; sea 海平面,last updated 11/13/2015level; tide 潮位,last updated 11/13/2015level; turbulence 亂流程度,last updated 11/13/2015level; vibrational energy 振動能階,last updated 11/13/2015level; water 水位,last updated 11/13/2015lever 槓桿, 杠杆,last updated 1/9/2013Lewis number 路以士數,last updated 11/13/2015liapunov function 李亞波諾夫函數, 李雅普诺夫函数,last updated 1/9/2013Liapunov stability 李亞波諾夫穩定,last updated 11/13/2015Liapunov's theorem 李亞波諾夫定理,last updated 11/13/2015libration 天平動,last updated 11/13/2015libration point 天平動點,last updated 11/13/2015lifetime; satellite 衛星壽命,last updated 11/13/2015lift 升力;升程;揚程,last updated 11/13/2015lift 升距,last updated 1/3/2019lift coefficient 升力係數,last updated 11/13/2015lift force 升力,last updated 11/13/2015lift; capillary 毛細管升高度,last updated 11/13/2015lift; dynamic 動態升力,last updated 11/13/2015lift-drag polar 升阻力曲線,last updated 11/13/2015lift-drag ratio 升阻比,last updated 11/13/2015lifting force 升力,last updated 11/13/2015lifting line theory 升力線理論,last updated 11/13/2015lifting-line theory 升力線理論,last updated 11/13/2015lifting-surface theory 升力面理論,last updated 11/13/2015light 光, 光,last updated 1/9/2013light pressure 光壓, 光壓力, 光压,last updated 1/9/2013light quantum 光量子, 光量子,last updated 1/9/2013light source 光源, 光源,last updated 1/9/2013light spectrum 光譜,last updated 11/13/2015light year 光年[天],last updated 11/13/2015light; corpuscular theory of 光之微粒說,last updated 11/13/2015light; duality of 光之二象性,last updated 11/13/2015limit 極限, 限(度), 极限 ,last updated 1/9/2013limit analysis 極限分析,last updated 11/13/2015limit cycle 極限環, 極限軌跡, 極限循環, 极限环,last updated 1/9/2013limit design 極限設計,last updated 11/13/2015limit in the mean 平均極限,last updated 11/13/2015limit line 極限線,last updated 11/13/2015limit of detonability 爆震極限,last updated 11/13/2015limit of flammability 可燃極限,last updated 11/13/2015limit point 極限點, 极限点,last updated 1/9/2013limit; elastic 彈性限度,last updated 11/13/2015limit; flocculation 凝集限度,last updated 11/13/2015limiting position 极限位置,last updated 1/9/2013line 線, 線路, 线;行,last updated 1/9/2013line doublet 線偶極,last updated 11/13/2015line integral 線積分, 线积分,last updated 1/9/2013line of action 作用線, 作用力线,last updated 1/9/2013line of action 啮合线,last updated 1/3/2019line of apsides 遠近線[天],last updated 11/13/2015line of baring 方位線[航],last updated 11/13/2015line of centers 连心线,last updated 1/3/2019line of creep 爬行線,last updated 11/13/2015line of discontinuity 不連續線, 不连续线,last updated 1/9/2013line of flux 通量線,last updated 11/13/2015line of impact 衝擊線,last updated 11/13/2015line of maximum depth 深水線,last updated 11/13/2015line of nodes 升降點連線[天], 交点线,last updated 1/9/2013line of regression 迴歸線,last updated 11/13/2015line of saturation 飽和線,last updated 11/13/2015line of sight 視線[天];, 瞄準線[航], 视线,last updated 1/9/2013line of sink 沈線,last updated 11/13/2015line of source 源線,last updated 11/13/2015line of symmetry 對稱線,last updated 11/13/2015line of thrust 推力線,last updated 11/13/2015line of tidal wave 潮汐波線,last updated 11/13/2015line sink 線沈,last updated 11/13/2015line source 線源,last updated 11/13/2015line spectrum 線[狀]光譜, 線譜, 线状谱,last updated 1/9/2013line vortex 線渦漩,last updated 11/13/2015line; absorption 吸收譜線,last updated 11/13/2015line; base 基線,last updated 11/13/2015line; center 中心線,last updated 11/13/2015line; characteristic 特徵線;特性線,last updated 11/13/2015line; compound pipe 複式管線,last updated 11/13/2015line; contour 等值線;等高線[測],last updated 11/13/2015line; datum 基準線,last updated 11/13/2015line; disturbance 干擾線,last updated 11/13/2015line; draft 吃水線,last updated 11/13/2015line; emission 發射譜線,last updated 11/13/2015line; energy 能量線,last updated 11/13/2015line; energy grade 能量坡線,last updated 11/13/2015line; equi-potential 等位線;等勢線,last updated 11/13/2015line; equi-pressure 等壓線,last updated 11/13/2015line; foam 浪花線;波水線,last updated 11/13/2015line; focal 焦線,last updated 11/13/2015line; frost 冰凍線;霜線,last updated 11/13/2015line; grade 坡(度)線;比降線,last updated 11/13/2015line; high water 高潮線,last updated 11/13/2015line; hydraulic grade 水力坡線,last updated 11/13/2015line; ideal energy 理想能量線,last updated 11/13/2015line; influence 影響線,last updated 11/13/2015line; isobaric 等壓線,last updated 11/13/2015line; isodynamic 等力線[磁],last updated 11/13/2015line; isohyetal 等雨量線,last updated 11/13/2015line; isothermal 等溫線,last updated 11/13/2015line; level 水平線,last updated 11/13/2015line; normal 法線,last updated 11/13/2015line; path 徑線,last updated 11/13/2015line; phreatic 地水線,last updated 11/13/2015line; pipe 管線;管路,last updated 11/13/2015line; potential energy 位能線,last updated 11/13/2015line; pressure 壓力線,last updated 11/13/2015line; resonance 共振線,last updated 11/13/2015line; saturation 飽和線,last updated 11/13/2015line; seepage 滲透線,last updated 11/13/2015line; shore 灘線,last updated 11/13/2015line; sounding 測深線,last updated 11/13/2015line; streak 煙線,last updated 11/13/2015line; stream 流線,last updated 11/13/2015line; vortex 渦(漩)線,last updated 11/13/2015line; zero lift 零升力線,last updated 11/13/2015linear acceleration 線加速度, 线性加速度,last updated 1/9/2013linear algebraic equation 線性代數方程式,last updated 11/13/2015linear combination 線性組合, 线性组合,last updated 1/9/2013linear constraint 線性約束;線性束制,last updated 11/13/2015linear damping 線性阻尼,last updated 11/13/2015linear deformation 線性變形,last updated 11/13/2015linear dependence 線性相依, 线性关系,last updated 1/9/2013linear difference operator 線性差分算子,last updated 11/13/2015linear differential operator 線性微分算子,last updated 11/13/2015linear displacement 線位移,last updated 11/13/2015linear elastic fracture mechanics 線彈性破裂力學,last updated 11/13/2015linear elasticity 線性彈性,last updated 11/13/2015linear equation 線性方程式, 线性方程;一次方程,last updated 1/9/2013linear expansion 線膨脹,last updated 11/13/2015linear fracture mechanics 線性破裂力學,last updated 11/13/2015linear homogeneous equation 線性齊次方程式, 线性齐次方程,last updated 1/9/2013linear impulse 線性衝量,last updated 11/13/2015linear independence 線性獨立, 线性无关,last updated 1/9/2013linear interpolating polynomial 線性(內)插值多項式,last updated 11/13/2015linear magnification ratio 線性放大率,last updated 11/13/2015linear molecule 線型分子,last updated 11/13/2015linear momentum 線動量, 线动量,last updated 1/9/2013linear motion 線運動, 直线运动,last updated 11/13/2015linear operator 線性算子, 线性算子,last updated 1/9/2013linear polarization 線偏振, 線性偏極, 线偏振,又称“平面偏振 (plane polarization)”,last updated 1/9/2013linear regression 線性迴歸, 线性回归,last updated 1/9/2013linear stability 線性穩定,last updated 11/13/2015linear strain 線性應變,last updated 11/13/2015linear structure 線性結構,last updated 11/13/2015linear system 線性系統, 线性系,last updated 1/9/2013linear- triangular element 線性三角單元,last updated 11/13/2015linear velocity 線速度, 线速度,last updated 1/9/2013lineared foil theory 線性翼剖面理論,last updated 11/13/2015linearity 線性, 线性,last updated 1/9/2013linearization 線性化, 线性化,last updated 1/9/2013linearized potential equation 線性化之勢能方程式,last updated 11/13/2015linearly elastic material 線性彈性材料,last updated 11/13/2015link 构件,last updated 1/3/2019link 連桿,last updated 11/13/2015link support 連桿(支)承,last updated 11/13/2015linkage 連桿組, 连杆机构,last updated 11/13/2015Lin's theory of stability 林氏穩定理論,last updated 11/13/2015Liouville equation 呂維耳方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Liouville's theorem 劉維定理, 呂維耳定理, 刘维尔定理,last updated 1/9/2013lip rubber seal 唇形橡胶密封,last updated 1/2/2019liquefaction 液化, 液化,last updated 1/9/2013liquefied gas 液化氣體,last updated 11/13/2015liquid 液體, 液体,last updated 1/9/2013liquid crystal 液晶,, 液態晶體, 液晶,last updated 1/9/2013liquid fuel 液體燃料,last updated 11/13/2015liquid limit 液限,last updated 11/13/2015liquid metal 液態金屬,last updated 11/13/2015liquid pressure 液體壓力,last updated 11/13/2015liquid propellant 液態推進劑,last updated 11/13/2015liquid propellant rocket 液體推進火箭,last updated 11/13/2015liquid spring 液体弹簧,last updated 1/4/2019liquid state 液態,last updated 11/13/2015liquid; ideal 理想液體,last updated 11/13/2015liquid; perfect 完全液體,last updated 11/13/2015liquid; real 真實液體,last updated 11/13/2015liquid; viscous 黏性液體,last updated 11/13/2015liquidity index 液性指數,last updated 11/13/2015littoral current 沿岸流,last updated 11/13/2015littoral drift 海岸漂沙,last updated 11/13/2015live load 活負載,last updated 11/13/2015load 負載, 负荷, 载荷,last updated 1/9/2013load balancing mechanism 均衡装置,last updated 1/3/2019load distribution 負載分布,last updated 11/13/2015load factor 負載因數;負載率,last updated 11/13/2015load rating 额定载荷,last updated 1/2/2019load; air 空氣負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; axial 軸向負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; back water 回水負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; bed 河床載,last updated 11/13/2015load; BOD 生化需氧量負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; buoyant 浮力負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; concentrated 集中負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; dead 靜負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; distributed 分布負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; dynamic 動態負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; friction 摩擦負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; impact 衝擊負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; live 活負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; moving 移動負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; sediment 沈滓載,last updated 11/13/2015load; shock 突變負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; static 靜態負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; steady 穩定負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; suspended 懸浮載;懸移載,last updated 11/13/2015load; suspension 懸浮載;懸移載,last updated 11/13/2015load; transverse 橫向負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; uniform 均勻負載,last updated 11/13/2015load; wash 流洗載,last updated 11/13/2015load-deflection diagram 載重變位圖,last updated 11/13/2015load-deformation curve 载荷变形曲线,last updated 1/4/2019load-deformation diagram 载荷变形图,last updated 1/4/2019loading 負載;裝載,last updated 11/13/2015loading density 裝填密度,last updated 11/13/2015loading; aerodynamic 氣動力負載,last updated 11/13/2015load-off 卸載,last updated 11/13/2015load-on 加載,last updated 11/13/2015local acceleration 局部加速度,last updated 11/13/2015local axis 局部軸,last updated 11/13/2015local buckling 局部屈曲,last updated 11/13/2015local civil time 民用當地時間[天],last updated 11/13/2015local coordinate system 局部坐標系, 局部坐标系,last updated 1/9/2013local extrapolation 局部外插,last updated 11/13/2015local extremum 局部極值, 局部极值,last updated 1/9/2013local horizon 當地水平,last updated 11/13/2015local horizon coordinates 當地水平面坐標,last updated 11/13/2015local isotropy 局部等向性,last updated 11/13/2015local mean time 當地平均時間[天],last updated 11/13/2015local particle Reynolds number 局部顆粒雷諾茲數,last updated 11/13/2015local similarity 局部相似,last updated 11/13/2015local stress 局部應力,last updated 11/13/2015local time 當地時間[天],last updated 11/13/2015local velocity 局部速度,last updated 11/13/2015localization; fringe 條紋定位法,last updated 11/13/2015locally uniform convergent 局部均勻收斂,last updated 11/13/2015Lockhart and Martinelli correlation 羅(克哈特)‧馬(蒂乃利)二氏相關式,last updated 11/13/2015locus 軌跡, 轨迹,last updated 1/9/2013logarithm 對數, 对数 ,last updated 1/9/2013logarithm; common 常用對數,last updated 11/13/2015logarithm; natural 自然對數,last updated 11/13/2015logarithmic decrement 對數減量, 对数衰减,last updated 1/9/2013logarithmic function 對數函數, 对数函数,last updated 1/9/2013logarithmic spiral 對數螺線, 对数螺线,last updated 1/9/2013logarithmic velocity distribution 對數速度分布,last updated 11/13/2015logarithmic velocity profile 對數速度分布,last updated 11/13/2015log-mean-temperature-difference {LMTD} 對數平均溫(度)差,last updated 11/13/2015Loitsianskin's integral 勞散斯肯積分,last updated 11/13/2015long range force 長程力,last updated 11/13/2015long wave 長波,last updated 11/13/2015long wave limit 長波浪,last updated 11/13/2015longitude 經度[天], 经度,last updated 1/9/2013longitude of ascending node 升交點經度[天],last updated 11/13/2015longitude; astronomical 天文經度[天],last updated 11/13/2015longitude; celestial 天經[天],last updated 11/13/2015longitude; galactic 銀經[天],last updated 11/13/2015longitude; geocentric 地心系經度[天],last updated 11/13/2015longitude; geographic 地理經度[天],last updated 11/13/2015longitude; heliocentric 日心系經度[天],last updated 11/13/2015longitude; selenocentric 月心系經度[天],last updated 11/13/2015longitudinal axis 縱軸, 纵向轴,last updated 1/9/2013longitudinal force 縱向力,last updated 11/13/2015longitudinal mode 縱向模, 縱向模態, 纵模,last updated 1/9/2013longitudinal stability 縱向穩定性,last updated 11/13/2015longitudinal strain 縱向應變,last updated 11/13/2015longitudinal stress 縱向應力,last updated 11/13/2015longitudinal wave 縱波, 纵波,last updated 1/9/2013longshore current velocity 沿岸流速,last updated 11/13/2015loom 织布机,last updated 1/4/2019loop [波]腹, 迴路, 迴圈;圈, 回路,圈[图];闭路,last updated 1/9/2013looping pipe 環狀管路,last updated 11/13/2015Lorentz condition 勞侖茲條件,last updated 11/13/2015Lorentz contraction 勞侖茲收縮,last updated 11/13/2015Lorentz equation 勞侖茲方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Lorentz force 勞侖茲力, 洛伦兹力,last updated 1/9/2013Lorentz gauge 勞侖茲規範, 洛伦兹规范,last updated 1/9/2013Lorentz group 勞侖茲群, 洛伦兹群;洛伦茨群,last updated 1/9/2013Lorentz transformation 勞侖茲變換, 勞侖茲轉換, 洛伦兹变换;洛伦茨变换,last updated 1/9/2013Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction 勞(侖茲)‧菲(次吉拉)二氏收縮,last updated 11/13/2015Loschmidt's constant 羅史密特常數,last updated 11/13/2015Loschmidt's number 羅史密特數,last updated 11/13/2015loss angle 損耗角,last updated 11/13/2015loss coefficient 損失係數,last updated 11/13/2015loss compliance 損耗順應模數,last updated 11/13/2015loss cone 漏泄錐, 逸損錐, 漏失锥,last updated 1/9/2013loss factor 損耗因數,last updated 11/13/2015loss of head 損失水頭,last updated 11/13/2015loss; bend 彎曲損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; eddy 漩渦損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; energy 能量損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; entrance 進口損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; exit 出口損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; extra 額外損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; fitting 配件損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; friction 摩擦損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; head 水頭損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; initial 初損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; intake 進口損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; leakage 漏水損失;漏電損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; power 功率損失;動力損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; pressure 壓力損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; seepage 滲流損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; tangent 正切損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; transmission 輸送損失;輸電損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; trashrack 攔污柵損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; valve 閥損失,last updated 11/13/2015loss; water conveyance 輸水損失,last updated 11/13/2015loudness 響度,last updated 11/13/2015Love wave 洛夫波,last updated 11/13/2015low cycle fatigue 低周次疲勞,last updated 11/13/2015low explosive 低爆藥,last updated 11/13/2015low trajectory 低彈道,last updated 11/13/2015low water level 低水位,last updated 11/13/2015lower pair 低副,last updated 1/2/2019low-temperature region 低溫區,last updated 11/13/2015lubricant 润滑剂,last updated 1/3/2019lubricant film 润滑油膜,last updated 1/3/2019lubrication 潤滑, 润滑-,last updated 11/13/2015lubrication device 润滑装置,last updated 1/3/2019Luder's band 賴得帶,last updated 11/13/2015Ludwig-Tillmann law 盧(衛吉)‧提(耳曼)二氏定律,last updated 11/13/2015lump of fluid 流體團,last updated 11/13/2015lumped input 集結輸入,last updated 11/13/2015lumped mass 團(塊)質量,last updated 11/13/2015lumped parameter 集塊參數;合集參數,last updated 11/13/2015lunar eclipse 月蝕[天],last updated 11/13/2015lunar flight 月球航行,last updated 11/13/2015lunar orbit 月球軌道,last updated 11/13/2015lunar theory 月球理論,last updated 11/13/2015lunar trajectory 環月彈道,last updated 11/13/2015Lundquist number 倫奎斯特數,last updated 11/13/2015lysimeter 測滲儀,last updated 11/13/2015

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