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Grammar Part of Speech Adjective Lists by Alphabetic E

List of Adjectives: e

  1. each
  2. eager
  3. early
  4. earnest
  5. earsplitting
  6. earthy
  7. eastern
  8. easy
  9. eatable
  10. economic
  11. ecstatic
  12. Ecuadorian
  13. educated
  14. effective
  15. efficacious
  16. efficient
  17. Egyptian
  18. eight
  19. either
  20. elastic
  21. elated
  22. elderly
  23. electric
  24. elegant
  25. elfin
  26. elite
  27. elliptical
  28. embarassed
  29. embarrassed
  30. eminent
  31. empty
  32. enchanted
  33. enchanting
  34. encouraging
  35. endurable
  36. energetic
  37. English
  38. enormous
  39. enough
  40. entertaining
  41. enthusiastic
  42. entire
  43. envious
  44. equable
  45. equal
  46. equatorial
  47. erect
  48. erratic
  49. essential
  50. Estonian
  51. ethereal
  52. Ethiopian
  53. ethnic
  54. evanescent
  55. evasive
  56. even
  57. everlasting
  58. every
  59. everyday
  60. evil
  61. exact
  62. exalted
  63. excellent
  64. excessive
  65. excited
  66. exciting
  67. exclusive
  68. exotic
  69. expensive
  70. explosive
  71. extensive
  72. extra
  73. extra-large
  74. extraordinary
  75. extra-small
  76. extreme
  77. exuberant
  78. exultant

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