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Glossary Mechanics N

List of Mechanics Related Terms, N

The list of Mechanics related terms, N in alphabetic order:

Naghdi-Cooper shell theory 納(格迪)‧古(柏)二氏殼理論,last updated 11/13/2015nappe 水舌,last updated 11/13/2015nappe; adhering 貼面水舌,last updated 11/13/2015nappe; clinging 附著水舌,last updated 11/13/2015nappe; depressed 受壓水舌,last updated 11/13/2015nappe; drowned 淹沒水舌;潛沒水舌,last updated 11/13/2015nappe; free 自由水舌,last updated 11/13/2015nappe; submerged 潛沒水舌,last updated 11/13/2015narrow band 狹帶,last updated 11/13/2015narrow V belt 窄V带,last updated 1/4/2019narrow-band pulse 窄帶脈動,last updated 11/13/2015narrow-band spectrum 狹(帶)頻譜,last updated 11/13/2015natural channel 天然河槽,last updated 11/13/2015natural circulation 自然循環,last updated 11/13/2015natural convection 自然對流,last updated 11/13/2015natural coordinates 自然坐標, 自然坐标,last updated 1/9/2013natural draft 自然通風,last updated 11/13/2015natural frequency 固有頻率, 自然頻率, 固有频率,last updated 1/9/2013natural logarithm 自然對數, 自然对数,last updated 1/9/2013natural mode 自然模態,last updated 11/13/2015natural process 自然過程,last updated 11/13/2015natural wavelength 固有波長,last updated 11/13/2015Navier-Stokes equation 納維-斯托克斯方程[式], 納(維耳)‧史(托克斯)二氏方程式, 纳维-斯托克斯方程,last updated 1/9/2013navigation 航行,last updated 11/13/2015navigation; inertial 慣性導航,last updated 11/13/2015n-body problem 多體問題,last updated 11/13/2015neap range 小潮差,last updated 11/13/2015near-equilibrium flow criteria 近平衡流準則,last updated 11/13/2015near-frozen flow criteria 近凍結流準則,last updated 11/13/2015nebula 星雲[天],last updated 11/13/2015necking 頸縮,last updated 11/13/2015needle roller 滚针,last updated 1/3/2019needle roller bearing 滚针轴承,last updated 1/3/2019needle valve 針閥,last updated 11/13/2015negative pressure 負壓力,last updated 11/13/2015negative wave 負波,last updated 11/13/2015Nernst's theorem 能士特定理,last updated 11/13/2015net bearing capacity 淨承載能力,last updated 11/13/2015net flow 淨流量,last updated 11/13/2015net force 淨力, 净力,last updated 1/9/2013net head 淨水頭;淨落差,last updated 11/13/2015net range angle 淨航程角;淨射程角,last updated 11/13/2015net; flow 流網,last updated 11/13/2015neumann problem 紐曼問題, 诺伊曼问题,last updated 1/9/2013neutral axis 中立軸,last updated 11/13/2015neutral burning 等面燃燒,last updated 11/13/2015neutral depth 中值水深,last updated 11/13/2015neutral equilibrium 隨遇平衡, 中立平衡, 中性平衡,last updated 1/9/2013neutral loading 中性負載,last updated 11/13/2015neutral plane 中立面, 中性平面,last updated 1/9/2013neutral pressure 中和壓力,last updated 11/13/2015neutral stability 隨遇穩定,last updated 11/13/2015neutral stratification 中和層化,last updated 11/13/2015neutral surface 中立面,last updated 11/13/2015Newton backward interpolation formula 牛頓後向插值公式,last updated 11/13/2015Newton forward interpolation formula 牛頓前向插值公式,last updated 11/13/2015newton method 牛頓法, 牛顿法,last updated 1/9/2013newton potential 牛頓勢, 牛顿位势,last updated 1/9/2013Newton-Cotes quadrature 牛(頓)‧寇(茲)二氏求積法,last updated 11/13/2015Newtonian fluid 牛頓流體,last updated 11/13/2015Newtonian frame of reference 牛頓參考架構,last updated 11/13/2015Newtonian gravity field 牛頓重力場,last updated 11/13/2015newtonian mechanics 牛頓力學, 牛顿力学,last updated 1/9/2013Newtonian potential 牛頓位勢,last updated 11/13/2015Newton-Raphson method 牛(頓)‧瑞(夫生)二氏法,last updated 11/13/2015Newton's law 牛頓定律,last updated 11/13/2015Newton's law of gravitation 牛頓重力定律,last updated 11/13/2015Newton's law of reflection 牛頓反射定律,last updated 11/13/2015Newton's law of universal gravitation 牛頓萬有引力定律,last updated 11/13/2015Newton's law of viscosity 牛頓黏滯定律,last updated 11/13/2015Newton's laws of motion 牛頓運動定律,last updated 11/13/2015nodal condition 節點條件,last updated 11/13/2015nodal degree of freedom 節點自由度,last updated 11/13/2015nodal fringe 節紋,last updated 11/13/2015nodal line 節線, 交点线,last updated 1/9/2013nodal plane 節平面,last updated 11/13/2015nodal point 節點, 节点,last updated 1/9/2013nodal regression 交點退行[天],last updated 11/13/2015nodal transfer 交點間軌道轉移[天],last updated 11/13/2015node 交點(天文), [波]節, 节点,结点,电路中三条或三条以上支路的会聚点。,last updated 1/9/2013node function 節點函數,last updated 11/13/2015node vector 交點向量,last updated 11/13/2015node; ascending 升交點[天],last updated 11/13/2015node; descending 降交點[天],last updated 11/13/2015nodeless variable 無節點變數,last updated 11/13/2015nodes; line of 升降點連線[天],last updated 11/13/2015nodical month 交點月[天],last updated 11/13/2015nodical period 交點周期[天],last updated 11/13/2015noise 噪音;, 雜訊, 噪聲, (1)噪音;(2)杂讯 噪声,last updated 1/9/2013noise; pink 粉紅色噪音,last updated 11/13/2015noise; white 白雜訊,last updated 11/13/2015nominal diameter 標稱直徑, 公称直径,last updated 11/13/2015nominal stress 標稱應力, 公称应力,last updated 11/13/2015nominal stress 名义应力,last updated 1/3/2019nominal trajectory 標稱彈道,last updated 11/13/2015Nomogram 诺模图,last updated 1/3/2019nonaxisymmetric load 非軸對稱負載,last updated 11/13/2015non-breaking wave 不碎波,last updated 11/13/2015noncentroidal rotation 非形心旋轉,last updated 11/13/2015non-circular seal 非圆齿轮,last updated 1/2/2019noncondensable gas 不冷凝氣體,last updated 11/13/2015nonconservative force 非守恆力(場),last updated 11/13/2015non-conservative system 非守恆系,last updated 11/13/2015non-contact seal 非接触式密封,last updated 1/2/2019noncontinuum problem 非連體問題,last updated 11/13/2015noncoplanar orbital transfer 異面軌道轉移,last updated 11/13/2015noncoplanar orbits 異面軌道,last updated 11/13/2015noncoplanar trajectories 異面彈道,last updated 11/13/2015nondegenerate system 非簡併系,last updated 11/13/2015nondestructive testing {N.D.T.} 非破壞檢測,last updated 11/13/2015nondimensional coordinate 無因次坐標,last updated 11/13/2015non-holonomic constraint 非完全運動約束;非完全運動束制,last updated 11/13/2015nonholonomic system 不完整系,, 非完整[動力]系, 非完整系,last updated 1/9/2013nonhomogeneous material 非均質材料,last updated 11/13/2015nonhomogeneous medium 非均質介質,last updated 11/13/2015nonhomogeneous motion 非均勻運動,last updated 11/13/2015nonimpulsive force 非衝力,last updated 11/13/2015non-inertial coordinate 非慣性坐標,last updated 11/13/2015nonisotropic turbulence 非等向性亂流,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear beam 非線性梁,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear creep 非線性潛變,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear damping 非線性阻尼,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear dashpot 非線性黏性阻尼器,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear effect 非線性效應,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear elasticity 非線性彈性(學),last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear fracture mechanics 非線性破裂力學,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear material 非線性材料,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear mechanics 非線性力學,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear stability 非線性穩定,last updated 11/13/2015nonlinear system 非線性系統, 非线性系统,last updated 1/9/2013nonlinear torsion 非線性扭轉,last updated 11/13/2015non-Newtonian fluid 非牛頓流體,last updated 11/13/2015non-Newtonian viscosity 非牛頓黏度,last updated 11/13/2015nonorthogonal coordinates 非正交坐標,last updated 11/13/2015nonperiodic excitation 非周期激盪,last updated 11/13/2015nonprismatic bar 非稜柱形桿件,last updated 11/13/2015nonprismatic beam 非稜柱形梁,last updated 11/13/2015non-propagated crack 非傳播性裂變,last updated 11/13/2015non-relativistic motion 非相對論性運動,last updated 11/13/2015non-relativistic particle 非相對論性粒子,last updated 11/13/2015nonrigid truss 非剛性桁架,last updated 11/13/2015non-self-adjoint equation 非自伴方程式,last updated 11/13/2015nonsingular matrix 非奇異矩陣, 非退化阵,last updated 1/9/2013nonsinusoidal vibration 非正弦振動,last updated 11/13/2015nonstandard gear 非标准齿轮,last updated 1/2/2019non-turbulent flow 非亂流,last updated 11/13/2015nonuniform flow 非等速流,last updated 11/13/2015nonuniform velocity 非均勻速度,last updated 11/13/2015nonviscous fluid 非黏性流體,last updated 11/13/2015norm 範數, 模方; 范数,last updated 1/9/2013normal 法線, (1)垂直的;正交的;法线的 (2)正态的 (3)正常的;正规的; 法线,last updated 1/9/2013normal acceleration 法向加速度, 法向加速度,last updated 1/9/2013normal accommodation coefficient 法向適應係數,last updated 11/13/2015normal axis 法向軸;垂直軸,last updated 11/13/2015normal circular pitch 法面齿距,last updated 1/2/2019normal component 法向分量,last updated 11/13/2015normal cone 背锥,last updated 1/2/2019normal coordinates 正規坐標, 法向坐標, 正规坐标,last updated 1/9/2013normal depth 正常水深,last updated 11/13/2015normal dispersion 正常色散, 正常頻數, 正常色散,last updated 1/9/2013normal fault 正斷層,last updated 11/13/2015normal flow 正常流,last updated 11/13/2015normal force 法向力, 法向力,last updated 1/9/2013normal head 正常水頭,last updated 11/13/2015normal level 正常水位,last updated 11/13/2015normal lift 法向升力,last updated 11/13/2015normal line 法線,last updated 11/13/2015normal load 法向負載, 法向载荷,last updated 11/13/2015normal load 垂直载荷,last updated 1/2/2019normal mode 正常模態,last updated 11/13/2015normal module 法面模数,last updated 1/2/2019normal parameters 法面参数,last updated 1/2/2019normal pitch 法向齿距,last updated 1/2/2019normal pressure 正常壓力;法向壓力,last updated 11/13/2015normal pressure angle 法面压力角,last updated 1/2/2019normal profile 正常剖面,last updated 11/13/2015normal shock 正震波,last updated 11/13/2015normal shock wave 正震波,last updated 11/13/2015normal slope 正常坡降,last updated 11/13/2015normal stiffness 法向勁度,last updated 11/13/2015normal strain 法向應變,last updated 11/13/2015normal stress 法向應力, 法向应力,last updated 1/9/2013normal stress 正向應力, 正应力,last updated 1/4/2019normal tooth profile 法向齿廓,last updated 1/2/2019normal velocity 法向速度,last updated 11/13/2015normalized distribution function 正規化分布函數,last updated 11/13/2015normalized hodograph 正規化速矢(坐標)圖,last updated 11/13/2015normalized partition function 正規化配分函數,last updated 11/13/2015normalized vector 正規化向量, 正规化向量,last updated 1/9/2013normalizing factor 歸一因子, 正規化因數, 归一[化]因子;正则化因数,last updated 1/9/2013normally consolidated soil 正常壓密土壤,last updated 11/13/2015north pole 北極,last updated 11/13/2015nose cone 彈鼻錐體,last updated 11/13/2015nose drag 彈鼻阻力,last updated 11/13/2015no-slip condition 不滑移條件,last updated 11/13/2015notch 缺口;凹口,last updated 11/13/2015notch drop 缺口跌水,last updated 11/13/2015notch weir 缺口堰,last updated 11/13/2015notch; weir 堰缺口,last updated 11/13/2015notched specimen 刻痕試件,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle 噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle angle correction factor 噴嘴角度修正因數,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle configuration 噴嘴外形,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle edit velocity 噴嘴出口速度,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle exit pressure 噴嘴出口壓力,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle flow 噴流,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle throat 噴嘴喉,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle wheel 噴嘴水輪,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle; ball 球形噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle; conical 錐形噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle; convergent-divergent 縮張噴嘴;細腰噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle; converging 收縮噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle; deflecting needle 改向針形噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle; deflection 改向噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle; diverging 擴張噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015nozzle; power 動力噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015nuclear force 核力, 核力,last updated 1/9/2013nuclear fusion 核熔合, 核融合, 核聚变,last updated 1/9/2013nuclear magnetic moment 核磁矩,last updated 11/13/2015nuclear magneton 核磁元, 核磁子,last updated 1/9/2013nuclear moment 核矩,last updated 11/13/2015nuclear structure 核結構, 核子結構, 核结构,last updated 1/9/2013nucleate boiling 核狀沸騰,last updated 11/13/2015nucleus 核心,last updated 11/13/2015null matrix 零矩陣, 零矩阵,last updated 1/9/2013number average molecular weight 數目平均分子量,last updated 11/13/2015number of threads 蜗杆头数,last updated 1/3/2019number of transfer unit {NTU} 傳遞單位數,last updated 11/13/2015number of waves 波数,last updated 1/2/2019number; angular momentum quantum 角動量量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; angular quantum 角量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; axial quantum 軸量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; azimuthal quantum 軸量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; cavitation 孔蝕數;穴蝕數,last updated 11/13/2015number; dimensionless 無因次數,last updated 11/13/2015number; effective quantum 有效量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; equatorial quantum 赤道量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; inner quantum 內量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; magnetic quantum 磁量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; oscillational quantum 振盪量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; principal quantum 主量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; radial quantum 徑量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; rotational quantum 轉動量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; spin quantum 自旋量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; stability 穩定數,last updated 11/13/2015number; subordinate quantum 輔量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; total quantum 總量子數,last updated 11/13/2015number; wave 波數,last updated 11/13/2015numerator 分子,last updated 1/9/2013numerical eccentricity 數值偏心度,last updated 11/13/2015numerical integration 數值積分, 数值积分法,last updated 1/9/2013numerical method 數值法, 计算方法;数值法,last updated 1/9/2013numerical simulation 數值模擬,last updated 11/13/2015Nusselt number 紐塞數,last updated 11/13/2015nutation 章動, 章動[天], 章动,last updated 1/9/2013nutation angle 章動角[天],last updated 11/13/2015Nyquist diagram 尼奎斯特圖,last updated 11/13/2015

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