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Glossary Mechanics A

List of Mechanics Related Terms, A

The list of Mechanics related terms, A in alphabetic order:

Abel integral equation 阿貝耳積分方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Abel transform 阿貝耳轉換,last updated 11/13/2015ablation rate 剝蝕率,last updated 11/13/2015abnormal tide 異常潮,last updated 11/13/2015abrasion 磨蝕;磨耗, 磨损,last updated 11/13/2015abscissa 横坐标,last updated 1/9/2013absolute acceleration 絕對加速度, 绝对加速度,last updated 1/9/2013absolute dimensional factor 绝对尺寸系数,last updated 1/3/2019absolute head 絕對水頭,last updated 11/13/2015absolute motion 絕對運動, 绝对运动,last updated 11/13/2015absolute porosity 絕對孔隙率,last updated 11/13/2015absolute pressure 絕對壓力,last updated 11/13/2015absolute reaction rate 絕對反應率,last updated 11/13/2015absolute retardation 絕對運滯性,last updated 11/13/2015absolute roughness 絕對糙度,last updated 11/13/2015absolute speed 絕對速率,last updated 11/13/2015absolute stiffness 絕對勁度,last updated 11/13/2015absolute system of units 絕對單位制,last updated 11/13/2015absolute temperature 絕對溫度, 绝对温度,last updated 1/9/2013absolute velocity 絕對速度, 绝对速度,last updated 1/9/2013absolute viscosity 絕對黏度,last updated 11/13/2015absolute zero 絕對零度, 绝对零度,last updated 1/9/2013absorber; centrifugal pendulum 離心擺吸振器,last updated 11/13/2015absorber; damped 阻尼吸振器,last updated 11/13/2015absorber; dynamic 動態吸振器,last updated 11/13/2015absorber; undamped 無阻尼吸振器,last updated 11/13/2015absorbing-emitting media 吸收發射介質,last updated 11/13/2015absorptance 吸收比,last updated 11/13/2015absorption 吸收, 吸收,last updated 1/9/2013absorption coefficient 吸收係數, 吸收系数,last updated 1/9/2013absorption factor 吸收因數, 吸收因数,last updated 1/9/2013absorption line 吸收譜線, 吸收线,last updated 1/9/2013absorption rate 吸收率,last updated 11/13/2015absorption spectrum 吸收光譜, 吸收譜, 吸收光谱,last updated 1/9/2013absorptivity 吸收性;吸收率,last updated 11/13/2015accelerated flow 加速流,last updated 11/13/2015accelerated motion 加速度運動, 加速運動, 加速运动,last updated 1/9/2013accelerating wave 加速波,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration 加速度, 加速度,last updated 1/9/2013acceleration analysis 加速度分析,last updated 1/3/2019acceleration diagram 加速度曲线,last updated 1/3/2019acceleration gradient 加速(度)梯度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration hodograph 加速矢(坐標)圖,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration of gravity 重力加速度, 重力加速度,last updated 1/9/2013acceleration response spectrum 加速度回應譜,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; absolute 絕對加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; angular 角加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; convective 位變加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; earthquake 地震加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; local 局部加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; normal 法向加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; radial 徑向加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; relative 相對加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; tangential 切向加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; total 全加速度,last updated 11/13/2015acceleration; transversal 橫向加速度,last updated 11/13/2015accelerometer 加速度計, 加速儀, 加速錶, 加速度计,last updated 1/9/2013accommodation coefficient 調節係數;適應係數,last updated 11/13/2015accumulated inflow 入流累積量,last updated 11/13/2015accumulative sedimentation method 累積沈澱法,last updated 11/13/2015Achimedes's principle 亞基米德原理,last updated 11/13/2015acme thread form 梯形螺纹,last updated 1/3/2019acoustic admittance 聲導納, 声导纳,声阻抗的倒数。,last updated 1/9/2013acoustic analogue 音響類比;聲波類比,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic damping 聲波阻尼,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic doublet 聲源偶,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic emission 聲發射, 聲波發射, 声发射,last updated 1/9/2013acoustic excitation 聲波激發,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic filter 濾聲器,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic impedance 聲阻抗, 聲波阻抗, 声阻抗,last updated 1/9/2013acoustic intensity 聲波強度,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic phase lag 聲波相滯,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic power 聲功率,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic pressure 聲壓,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic reactance 聲抗,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic resistance 聲阻,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic velocity 音速;聲速,last updated 11/13/2015acoustic wave 聲波,last updated 11/13/2015acoustical energy 聲能,last updated 11/13/2015acoustical reciprocity theorem 聲學互換定理,last updated 11/13/2015acoustical strain gage 聲波應變計,last updated 11/13/2015acoustics 聲學,last updated 11/13/2015acoustics; geometric 幾何聲學,last updated 11/13/2015action; capillary 毛細管作用;黏聚作用,last updated 11/13/2015action; frost 冰凍作用,last updated 11/13/2015action; quantum of 作用量子,last updated 11/13/2015action; water hammer 水鎚作用,last updated 11/13/2015action; zone of 作用區,last updated 11/13/2015activated complex 活化複合體,last updated 11/13/2015activated energy 活化能,last updated 11/13/2015activation energy 活化能, 激活能,last updated 1/9/2013active center 活化中心,last updated 11/13/2015active fault 活斷層,last updated 11/13/2015active transport 主動傳輸, 主動輸送, 主动输运,last updated 1/9/2013activity 活性, 活度, 活性,last updated 1/9/2013activity coefficient 活性係數,last updated 11/13/2015activity sphere 活力圈[天],last updated 11/13/2015actual gas 實際氣體,last updated 11/13/2015actual line of action 实际啮合线,last updated 1/3/2019actual stress 實際應力,last updated 11/13/2015actual trajectory 實際彈道,last updated 11/13/2015actual velocity 實際速度,last updated 11/13/2015Adams formula 亞當斯公式,last updated 11/13/2015added mass 附加質量,last updated 11/13/2015addendum 齿顶高,last updated 1/2/2019addendum circle 齿顶圆,last updated 1/2/2019adhering nappe 貼面水舌,last updated 11/13/2015adhesion (1)附著,黏附;(2)附著力, 附著(力), ;外聚(力);黏附(力), 附着力,附着,last updated 1/9/2013adhesive force 附著力,last updated 11/13/2015adhesive water 附著水,last updated 11/13/2015adiabatic change 絕熱變化,last updated 11/13/2015adiabatic compression 絕熱壓縮, 绝热压缩,last updated 1/9/2013adiabatic cooling 絕熱冷卻,last updated 11/13/2015adiabatic ellipse 絕熱橢圓,last updated 11/13/2015adiabatic flame temperature 絕熱火焰溫度,last updated 11/13/2015adiabatic flow 絕熱流,last updated 11/13/2015adiabatic invariant 緩漸不變量, 浸渐不变量化中,近似保持不变的物理量。曾用名“绝热式不变量”。在外界参量缓慢变,last updated 1/9/2013adiabatic momentum change 絕熱動量變化,last updated 11/13/2015adiabatic process 絕熱過程, 緩漸過程, 绝热过程,last updated 1/9/2013adiabatic saturation temperature 絕熱飽和溫度,last updated 11/13/2015adiabatic temperature 絕熱溫度,last updated 11/13/2015adjoint 伴隨,last updated 11/13/2015adjoint boundary condition 伴隨邊界條件,last updated 11/13/2015adjoint operator 伴隨算子, 伴随算子,last updated 1/9/2013adjoint variational method 伴隨變分法,last updated 11/13/2015adjoint variational principle 伴隨變分原理,last updated 11/13/2015adjustable speed motors 调速电动机,last updated 1/3/2019adjustment coefficient 調整係數,last updated 11/13/2015admissibility 可容性,last updated 11/13/2015adsorption 吸收 [作用], 吸著, 吸附, 吸附,last updated 1/9/2013advance-to return-time ratio 急回系数,last updated 1/3/2019advance-to-return time ratio 行程速比系数,last updated 1/3/2019advection 平流,last updated 11/13/2015adverse slope 逆坡,last updated 11/13/2015aeration 充氣,last updated 11/13/2015aeration; degree of 充氣度,last updated 11/13/2015aerator 充氣器,last updated 11/13/2015aeroacoustics 空氣聲學,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamic center 空氣動力中心,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamic coefficient 空氣動力係數,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamic configuration 空氣動力外型,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamic derivative 空氣動力導數,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamic force 空氣動力,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamic heating 空氣動力加熱,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamic loading 氣動力負載,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamic moment 空氣動力矩,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamics 空氣動力學,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamics force 氣動力,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamics; high speed 高速空氣動力學,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamics; hypersonic 超高音速空氣動力學,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamics; subsonic 次音速空氣動力學,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamics; supersonic 超音速空氣動力學,last updated 11/13/2015aerodynamics; transonic 穿音速空氣動力學,last updated 11/13/2015aeroelasticity 氣體彈性力學,last updated 11/13/2015aeronautics 航空學,last updated 11/13/2015aerosol 煙塵,last updated 11/13/2015affine transformation 仿射轉換, 仿射变换,last updated 1/9/2013affluent 支流,last updated 11/13/2015afflux 流入;匯入,last updated 11/13/2015afloat 漂浮,last updated 11/13/2015age; wave 波齡,last updated 11/13/2015agglomeration 集塊作用,last updated 11/13/2015aggradation 河床升高,last updated 11/13/2015aggrading stream 淤陡河川,last updated 11/13/2015aggregation 聚結作用, 聚合,last updated 1/9/2013aging; strain 應變老化,last updated 11/13/2015agitation 攪拌,last updated 11/13/2015agitator 攪拌器,last updated 11/13/2015aground 擱淺,last updated 11/13/2015air column 空氣柱,last updated 11/13/2015air current 氣流,last updated 11/13/2015air cushion 氣墊,last updated 11/13/2015air cylinder 氣缸,last updated 11/13/2015air duct 導氣管,last updated 11/13/2015air entrainment 捲氣,last updated 11/13/2015air heater 空氣加熱器,last updated 11/13/2015air inlet 進氣口,last updated 11/13/2015air jet 空氣噴流,last updated 11/13/2015air load 空氣負載,last updated 11/13/2015air manometer 氣壓計,last updated 11/13/2015air nozzle 空氣噴嘴,last updated 11/13/2015air pressure 空(氣)壓,last updated 11/13/2015air speed 空速,last updated 11/13/2015air spring 空气弹簧,last updated 1/3/2019air; entrapped 入陷空氣,last updated 11/13/2015air; saturated 飽和空氣,last updated 11/13/2015airfoil 翼剖面,last updated 11/13/2015airfoil theory 翼剖面理論,last updated 11/13/2015airfoil; biconvex 雙凸翼剖面,last updated 11/13/2015airfoil; double-wedge 雙楔翼剖面,last updated 11/13/2015airfoil; thin 薄翼剖面,last updated 11/13/2015Airy's stress function 愛里應力函數,last updated 11/13/2015Alfven wave 阿耳芬波,last updated 11/13/2015alignment 定線;校中,last updated 11/13/2015alignment of channel 河槽線,last updated 11/13/2015Allievi formula 亞里維公式,last updated 11/13/2015allowable amount of unbalance 许用不平衡量,last updated 1/3/2019allowable bearing capacity 容許承載能力,last updated 11/13/2015allowable load 容許負載,last updated 11/13/2015allowable pressure angle 许用压力角,last updated 1/3/2019allowable stress 容許應力, 许用应力,last updated 11/13/2015alluvial channel 沖積河槽,last updated 11/13/2015alluvial cone 沖積錐,last updated 11/13/2015alluvial river 沖積河川,last updated 11/13/2015Almansi stress tensor 愛門史應力張量,last updated 11/13/2015alternating stress 交變應力,last updated 11/13/2015alternative depth 交替水深,last updated 11/13/2015altimeter 高度計, 测高仪,last updated 1/9/2013ambipolar diffusion 兩極性擴散,last updated 11/13/2015amount of unbalance 不平衡量,last updated 1/2/2019amplitude 振幅, 波幅, 幅;幅度, 振幅;角,last updated 1/9/2013amplitude coefficient 振幅係數,last updated 11/13/2015amplitude modulation 調幅, 振幅調制, 调幅,last updated 1/9/2013amplitude of vibration 振幅,last updated 1/4/2019amplitude ratio 振幅比,last updated 11/13/2015amplitude spectrum 振幅頻譜,last updated 11/13/2015amplitude transmittance 穿透振幅,last updated 11/13/2015amplitude; strain 應變幅度,last updated 11/13/2015amplitude; stress 應力幅度,last updated 11/13/2015amplitude; wave 波幅,last updated 11/13/2015analog method 類比法,last updated 11/13/2015analog simulation 類比模擬,last updated 11/13/2015analog solution 類比解,last updated 11/13/2015analogy; elastic 彈性類比,last updated 11/13/2015analogy; electroacoustic 聲電類比,last updated 11/13/2015analogy; electromechanical 機電類比,last updated 11/13/2015analogy; hydraulic-electric 水電類比,last updated 11/13/2015analogy; hydrodynamic 水動力類比,last updated 11/13/2015analogy; membrane 薄膜類比,last updated 11/13/2015analysis of mechanism 机构分析,last updated 1/3/2019analysis; dimensional 因次分析;維度分析,last updated 11/13/2015analysis; one-dimensional 一維分析,last updated 11/13/2015analysis; spectral 頻譜分析,last updated 11/13/2015analytic function 解析函數, 分析函数,last updated 1/9/2013analytic solution 解析解,last updated 11/13/2015analytical design 解析设计,last updated 1/3/2019analytical mechanics 解析力學,last updated 11/13/2015analytical method 解析法, 分析法,last updated 11/13/2015analyzer (1)分析器;(2)檢偏鏡, 分析儀, 解析儀, 检偏器,last updated 1/9/2013analyzer; differential 差量解析儀,last updated 11/13/2015analyzer; polarization 偏極儀;析光板,last updated 11/13/2015analyzer; spectral 波譜分析儀,last updated 11/13/2015anchor; rock 岩錨,last updated 11/13/2015anechoic chamber 無回音室,last updated 11/13/2015anemometer 測速儀,last updated 11/13/2015anemometer; hot-film 熱膜測速儀,last updated 11/13/2015anemometer; hot-wire 熱線測速儀,last updated 11/13/2015anemometer; pressure plate 壓板測速儀,last updated 11/13/2015anemometer; pressure tube 壓管測速儀,last updated 11/13/2015anemoscope 風向計,last updated 11/13/2015aneroid 無液氣壓計, 无液气压计,last updated 1/9/2013angle 角度, 角 ,last updated 1/9/2013angle factor 視界因數,last updated 11/13/2015angle of attack 攻角, 落彈角, 迎角,last updated 1/9/2013angle of bank 傾斜角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of deflection 偏轉角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of deviation 偏向角;偏差角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of heel 傾側角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of impact 彈著角度,last updated 11/13/2015angle of incidence 入射角, 入射角,last updated 1/9/2013angle of inclination 傾角, 倾斜角;斜角,last updated 1/9/2013angle of kinetic friction 動摩擦角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of obliquity 斜角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of pitch 俯仰角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of repose 安息角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of roll 側滾角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of shear resistance 抗剪角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of sideslip 側滑角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of static friction 靜摩擦角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of twist 扭轉角,last updated 11/13/2015angle of yaw 偏航角;偏移角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; apsidal 遠近點分隔角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; azimuth 方位角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; central 圓心角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; contact 接觸角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; dihedral 上反角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; elevation 仰角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; friction 摩擦角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; hour 時角[天],last updated 11/13/2015angle; lead 導角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; path 徑角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; phase 相(位)角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; pressure 壓力角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; separation 分離角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; sweepback 後掠角,last updated 11/13/2015angle; wave 波角,last updated 11/13/2015angular acceleration 角加速度, 角加速度,last updated 1/9/2013angular contact ball bearing 角接触球轴承,last updated 1/3/2019angular contact bearing 角接触轴承,last updated 1/3/2019angular contact radial bearing 角接触向心轴承,last updated 1/3/2019angular contact thrust bearing 角接触推力轴承,last updated 1/3/2019angular coordinate 角坐標,last updated 11/13/2015angular harmonic motion 角諧運動,last updated 11/13/2015angular impulse 角衝量,last updated 11/13/2015angular momentum 角動能, 角動量, 動量矩, 角动量,又称“动量矩(moment of momentum)”。,last updated 1/9/2013angular momentum integral 角動量積分式,last updated 11/13/2015angular momentum quantum number 角動量量子數,last updated 11/13/2015angular motion 角運動, 角向运动;角运动,last updated 1/9/2013angular quantum number 角[動量]量子數, 角量子數, 角量子数,last updated 1/9/2013angular speed 角速率,last updated 11/13/2015angular velocity 角速度, 角速度,last updated 1/9/2013angular velocity ratio 角速比,last updated 1/3/2019anharmonic oscillation 非諧振盪, 非低振动,last updated 1/9/2013anharmonic oscillator 非諧振子, 非諧振體, 非谐振子,last updated 1/9/2013anharmonic vibration 非諧振動, 非谐振动,last updated 1/9/2013anisotropic character 非等向特性,last updated 11/13/2015anisotropic diffusion 非等向性擴散,last updated 11/13/2015anisotropic hardening 非等向性硬化,last updated 11/13/2015anisotropic material 非等向性材料,last updated 11/13/2015anisotropic medium 異向性介質, 非等向性介質, 各向异性介质,last updated 1/9/2013anisotropic viscosity 非等向黏性,last updated 11/13/2015anisotropy 異向性, 非等向性, 各向异性,各向异性度 ;蛤异性,last updated 1/9/2013anneal 退火,last updated 1/3/2019annealing 退火, 退火,last updated 1/9/2013annular flow 環狀流,last updated 11/13/2015annular spring 环形弹簧,last updated 1/3/2019anomalous diffusion 異常擴散, 反常擴散, 反常扩散,last updated 1/9/2013anomalous skin effect 異常皮膚效應, 反常表皮效應, 反常趋肤效应,last updated 1/9/2013anomalous water 反常水,last updated 11/13/2015anomaly 近角點, 偏差, 近点角,last updated 1/9/2013anomaly; eccentric 偏心角,last updated 11/13/2015anomaly; elliptic eccentric 橢圓偏心角,last updated 11/13/2015anomaly; hyperbolic eccentric 雙曲線偏心角,last updated 11/13/2015anomaly; mean 平均方位角,last updated 11/13/2015anomaly; true 真近角點,last updated 11/13/2015antecedent precipitation index 前期降水指數,last updated 11/13/2015antecedent soil moisture 前期土壤水分,last updated 11/13/2015anti dune 逆砂丘,last updated 11/13/2015anticlockwise 逆时针, 逆时针的,last updated 1/9/2013anticyclonic wind 反氣旋風,last updated 11/13/2015antidune 反向沙丘,last updated 11/13/2015anti-flocculation 反凝集作用,last updated 11/13/2015anti-friction quality 减摩性,last updated 1/3/2019antiknock 抗爆,last updated 11/13/2015antilinear 反線性, 反线性的,last updated 1/9/2013antilinear operator 反線性算子,last updated 11/13/2015antinode 反節點, 反结点,last updated 1/9/2013antiplane shear motion 反平面剪力運動,last updated 11/13/2015antiplane strain fracture 反平面剪變破裂,last updated 11/13/2015antisymmetric displacement 反對稱位移,last updated 11/13/2015antisymmetric load 反對稱負載,last updated 11/13/2015antisymmetric matrix 反對稱矩陣, 反对称矩阵,last updated 1/9/2013antisymmetric mode 反對稱模態,last updated 11/13/2015antisymmetric tensor 反對稱張量, 反对称张量,last updated 1/9/2013antisymmetrical ket 反對稱括量,last updated 11/13/2015antisymmetry 反對稱, 反对称[性],last updated 1/9/2013aperiodic motion 非周期性運動, 非周期运动,last updated 1/9/2013aperiodic speed fluctuation 非周期性速度波动,last updated 1/2/2019aphelion 遠日點,last updated 11/13/2015apoapsidal distance 遠心距,last updated 11/13/2015apoapsis 遠心點[天],last updated 11/13/2015apocentron 遠心點[天],last updated 11/13/2015apogee 遠地點,last updated 11/13/2015apolune 遠月點,last updated 11/13/2015aposelenium 遠月點,last updated 11/13/2015apparent cohesion 視內聚力,last updated 11/13/2015apparent density 視密度,last updated 11/13/2015apparent emittance 視放射率,last updated 11/13/2015apparent force 虛表力, 表观力,last updated 1/9/2013apparent mass 視質量,last updated 11/13/2015apparent ray crossing 視射線交叉,last updated 11/13/2015apparent specific gravity 視比重,last updated 11/13/2015apparent stress intensity 視應力強度,last updated 11/13/2015apparent thermal conductivity 視熱傳導係數,last updated 11/13/2015apparent toughness 視韌性,last updated 11/13/2015apparent turbulent stress tensor 視亂流應力張量,last updated 11/13/2015apparent velocity 視速度,last updated 11/13/2015apparent viscosity 視黏度,last updated 11/13/2015apparent wave number 視波數,last updated 11/13/2015apparent weight 視重,last updated 11/13/2015application factor 工况系数,last updated 1/3/2019applied force 作用力,last updated 1/4/2019applied mechanics 應用力學, 应用力学,last updated 1/9/2013approach flow 來流,last updated 11/13/2015approach flume 引水槽,last updated 11/13/2015approach velocity 來流速度;趨近速度,last updated 11/13/2015approaching channel 引水道;近港航道,last updated 11/13/2015approximate integration 近似積分, 近似积分,last updated 1/9/2013approximate profile 近似分布曲線;近似剖面,last updated 11/13/2015approximate solution 近似解, 近似解,last updated 1/9/2013apsidal angle 遠近點分隔角,last updated 11/13/2015apsidal axis 遠近點軸線,last updated 11/13/2015apsidal distance 轉捩點距離,last updated 11/13/2015apside 轉捩點,last updated 11/13/2015apsis 轉捩點,last updated 11/13/2015aqueduct 輸水道,last updated 11/13/2015aqueduct; grade 順坡輸水道,last updated 11/13/2015aqueduct; pressure 壓力輸水道,last updated 11/13/2015aquiclude 非資水層,last updated 11/13/2015aquifer 資水層,last updated 11/13/2015aquifer; artesian 自流資水層,last updated 11/13/2015aquifer; confined water 受限資水層,last updated 11/13/2015aquifer; free water 自由資水層,last updated 11/13/2015aquifer; leaky 滲漏資水層,last updated 11/13/2015aquifer; phreatic 自由資水層,last updated 11/13/2015aquifuge 絕水層,last updated 11/13/2015aquitard 滯水層,last updated 11/13/2015arc length 弧長, 弧长,last updated 1/9/2013arch 拱, 拱形,last updated 1/9/2013arch; fixed 固端拱,last updated 11/13/2015arch; three-hinged 三絞拱,last updated 11/13/2015arch; two-hinged 二絞拱,last updated 11/13/2015Archimedes worm 阿基米德蜗杆,last updated 1/2/2019architectural acoustics 建築聲學,last updated 11/13/2015arctan 反正切,last updated 1/2/2019area coordinate 面積坐標,last updated 11/13/2015area fraction 面積分數,last updated 11/13/2015area method 面積法,last updated 11/13/2015area of influence 影響面積,last updated 11/13/2015area; centroid of 面(積形)心,last updated 11/13/2015area; throat 喉面積,last updated 11/13/2015areal law 面積定律,last updated 11/13/2015areal velocity 掠面速度, 面速度, 掠面速度,又称“扇形速度(sector velocity)”。面积速度,last updated 1/9/2013argument 幅角, 自變數, 論證, (1)论证; (2)辐角;(3)自变数,last updated 1/9/2013argument of a complex number 複數之幅角, 复数的辐角,last updated 1/9/2013argument of a function 函數之自變數, 函数的自变量;函数的自变数,last updated 1/9/2013argument of latitude 升交距角,last updated 11/13/2015argument of periapsis 近心點角[天],last updated 11/13/2015arm 臂部,last updated 1/2/2019artesian 湧泉性,last updated 11/13/2015artesian aquifer 自流資水層,last updated 11/13/2015artesian flow 湧泉流,last updated 11/13/2015artesian formation 湧泉地層,last updated 11/13/2015artesian water 自流水,last updated 11/13/2015artesian well 自流井,last updated 11/13/2015artificial crack 人工裂縫,last updated 11/13/2015artificial recharge 人工補注,last updated 11/13/2015artificial satellite 人造衛星,last updated 11/13/2015artificial ventilation 人工通風,last updated 11/13/2015artificial viscosity 人工黏性,last updated 11/13/2015ascending node 升交點[天],last updated 11/13/2015ascending trajectory 上升彈道,last updated 11/13/2015aspect ratio 寬高比, 縱橫比, 展弦比, 纵横比,last updated 1/9/2013assembly condition 装配条件,last updated 1/4/2019Assur group 杆组,last updated 1/2/2019asteroid 小行星, 星形线,last updated 1/9/2013astrodynamics 太空動力學,last updated 11/13/2015astronautics 太空(航行)學,last updated 11/13/2015astronomical coordinate system 天文坐標系,last updated 11/13/2015astronomical latitude 天文緯度,last updated 11/13/2015astronomical longitude 天文經度,last updated 11/13/2015astronomy 天文學,last updated 11/13/2015asymmetric motion 不對稱運動,last updated 11/13/2015asymmetric vibration 不對稱振動,last updated 11/13/2015asymptotic approximation 漸近近似,last updated 11/13/2015asymptotic direction angle 漸近方向角,last updated 11/13/2015asymptotic elastic behavior 漸近彈性行為,last updated 11/13/2015asymptotic expansion 漸近展解, 渐近展开,last updated 1/9/2013asymptotic modulus 漸近模數,last updated 11/13/2015asymptotic solution 漸近解, 渐近解,last updated 1/9/2013asymptotic speed 漸近速率,last updated 11/13/2015asymptotic stability 漸近穩性, 漸近穩定性, 渐近稳定性,last updated 1/9/2013asymptotical stability 漸近穩定, 漸近穩定性,last updated 11/13/2015atlas 图册,last updated 1/3/2019atlas 图谱,last updated 1/3/2019atmosphere; standard 標準大氣,last updated 11/13/2015atmospheric entry 進入大氣層,last updated 11/13/2015atmospheric model 大氣模式,last updated 11/13/2015atmospheric pressure 大氣壓力,last updated 11/13/2015atomic energy level 原子能階,last updated 11/13/2015atomic force 原子力,last updated 11/13/2015atomic orbital 原子軌函數,last updated 11/13/2015atomic spectrum 原子光譜, 原子光谱,last updated 1/9/2013atomic structure 原子結構, 原子结构,last updated 1/9/2013atomization 霧化,last updated 11/13/2015atomizer 霧化器,last updated 11/13/2015atomizing and spraying 霧化及噴霧,last updated 11/13/2015atomizing nozzle 噴霧嘴,last updated 11/13/2015attached shock 依附震波,last updated 11/13/2015attenuation 衰減, 衰减,last updated 1/9/2013attenuation constant 衰減常數, 衰减常量;衰减常数,last updated 1/9/2013Atterberg limit 阿太堡限,last updated 11/13/2015attitude 姿態;位態,last updated 11/13/2015attitude control 姿態控制,last updated 11/13/2015attraction 吸引, 引力, 吸引, 引力,last updated 1/9/2013attraction; capillary 毛(細)管吸引,last updated 11/13/2015attraction; molecular 分子吸引,last updated 11/13/2015attractive force 吸引力, 引力,last updated 1/9/2013attrition 磨,last updated 11/13/2015augmented functional 增廣泛函,last updated 11/13/2015augmented matrix 增廣矩陣, 增广矩阵,last updated 1/9/2013auto correlation 自關聯, 自相關, 自关联,last updated 1/9/2013autocorrelation function 自相關函數, 自相关函数,last updated 1/9/2013autocovariance function 自相依函數, 自协方差函数,last updated 1/9/2013automatic control 自動控制, 自动控制,last updated 1/9/2013automatic tracking 自動追蹤,last updated 11/13/2015automation 自动化,last updated 1/9/2013autonomous system 自律系統, 自治系统,last updated 1/9/2013autopilot 自動駕駛儀,last updated 11/13/2015autumnal equinox 秋分點[天],last updated 11/13/2015available energy 可用能量,last updated 11/13/2015available head 可用水頭,last updated 11/13/2015available moisture 有效水分,last updated 11/13/2015available moisture content 有效土壤含水量,last updated 11/13/2015average flow (空間)平均流,last updated 11/13/2015average heat-transfer coefficient 平均熱傳係數,last updated 11/13/2015average molecular weight 平均分子量,last updated 11/13/2015average speed 平均速率, 平均速率;平均速度,last updated 1/9/2013average stress 平均应力,last updated 1/3/2019average velocity 平均速度, 平均速度,last updated 1/9/2013averaging rule 平均法則,last updated 11/13/2015aviation 航空,last updated 11/13/2015Avogadro's number 亞佛加厥常數, 亞佛加厥數, 阿伏伽德罗常量,last updated 1/9/2013Avogadro's number constant 亞佛加厥常數,last updated 11/13/2015awash 浪潮沖洗,last updated 11/13/2015axial contact bearing 轴向接触轴承,last updated 1/4/2019axial direction 轴向,last updated 1/4/2019axial flow 軸向流,last updated 11/13/2015axial flow pump 軸流泵,last updated 11/13/2015axial force 軸向力,last updated 11/13/2015axial force element 軸向力單元,last updated 11/13/2015axial internal clearance 轴向游隙,last updated 1/4/2019axial load 軸向負載, 轴向载荷,last updated 11/13/2015axial load factor 轴向载荷系数,last updated 1/4/2019axial member 軸向構件,last updated 11/13/2015axial plane 轴向平面,last updated 1/4/2019axial quantum number 軸量子數,last updated 11/13/2015axial rigidity 軸向剛度,last updated 11/13/2015axial strain 軸向應變,last updated 11/13/2015axial stress 軸向應力,last updated 11/13/2015axial symmetry 軸對稱, 轴对称,last updated 1/9/2013axial thrust load 轴向分力,last updated 1/4/2019axial tooth profile 轴向齿廓,last updated 1/4/2019axially asymmetric flow 非軸對稱流,last updated 11/13/2015axially symmetric flow 軸對稱流, 轴对称流,last updated 1/9/2013axis of channel 深泓線,last updated 11/13/2015axis of precession 進動軸,last updated 11/13/2015axis of rotation 轉動軸, 旋转轴;回转轴,last updated 1/9/2013axis of spin 自旋軸,last updated 11/13/2015axis of symmetry 對稱軸, 对称轴,last updated 1/9/2013axis; body-fixed 物體固定軸,last updated 11/13/2015axis; direction-fixed 方向固定軸,last updated 11/13/2015axis; inertial 慣性軸,last updated 11/13/2015axis; neutral 中立軸,last updated 11/13/2015axis; principal 主軸,last updated 11/13/2015axis; transverse 橫軸,last updated 11/13/2015axisymmetric body 軸對稱體,last updated 11/13/2015axisymmetric disturbance 軸對稱擾動,last updated 11/13/2015axisymmetric flow 軸對稱流,last updated 11/13/2015axisymmetric motion 軸對稱運動,last updated 11/13/2015axisymmetric solid element 軸對稱體單元,last updated 11/13/2015axisymmetric strain 軸對稱應變,last updated 11/13/2015axisymmetric stress 軸對稱應力,last updated 11/13/2015axisymmetric triangular ring element 軸對稱三角環單元,last updated 11/13/2015axle friction 軸摩擦,last updated 11/13/2015azimuth 方位角, 方位角,last updated 1/9/2013azimuth angle 方位角,last updated 11/13/2015azimuthal quantum number 軸量子數;角[動量]量子數, 角量子数,last updated 11/13/2015

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