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Grammar Part of Speech Adjective Lists by Alphabetic A

List of Adjectives: a

  1. aback
  2. abaft
  3. abandoned
  4. abashed
  5. aberrant
  6. abhorrent
  7. abiding
  8. abject
  9. ablaze
  10. able
  11. abnormal
  12. aboard
  13. aboriginal
  14. abortive
  15. abounding
  16. abrasive
  17. abrupt
  18. absent
  19. absolute
  20. absorbed
  21. absorbing
  22. abstracted
  23. absurd
  24. abundant
  25. abusive
  26. acceptable
  27. accessible
  28. accidental
  29. accurate
  30. acid
  31. acidic
  32. acoustic
  33. acrid
  34. active
  35. actual
  36. actually
  37. ad hoc
  38. adamant
  39. adaptable
  40. addicted
  41. adhesive
  42. adjoining
  43. adolescent
  44. adorable
  45. adventurous
  46. Afghan
  47. afraid
  48. African
  49. aged
  50. ageless
  51. aggressive
  52. agonizing
  53. agreeable
  54. ahead
  55. ajar
  56. alcoholic
  57. alert
  58. alike
  59. alive
  60. all
  61. alleged
  62. alluring
  63. alone
  64. aloof
  65. amazing
  66. ambiguous
  67. ambitious
  68. American
  69. amuck
  70. amused
  71. amusing
  72. ancient
  73. angelic
  74. angry
  75. animated
  76. annoyed
  77. annoying
  78. another
  79. antique
  80. anxious
  81. any
  82. apathetic
  83. appetizing
  84. aquatic
  85. Argentine
  86. aromatic
  87. arrogant
  88. artificial
  89. ashamed
  90. Asian
  91. asleep
  92. aspiring
  93. assorted
  94. astonishing
  95. attentive
  96. attractive
  97. auspicious
  98. Australian
  99. automatic
  100. available
  101. average
  102. awake
  103. aware
  104. awesome
  105. awful
  106. awkward
  107. awsome
  108. axiomatic

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