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Grammar Part of Speech Adverb


An adverb is used to modify verbs, other adverbs, adjectives, and phrases. An adverb describes how, where, when, how often and why something happens.

Kinds of Adverbs

There are many ways to classify or describe adverbs.

  1. Adverb of Manner: An adverb of manner is usually "a word" telling how something happens with respect to the verb with reference to the placement of the adverb.


  2. Adverb of Place: A adverb of place is usually "a word" telling where something happens like a preposition


  3. Adverb of Purpose: A adverb of purpose is usually "a word" telling why something happens


  4. Adverb of Frequency: A adverb of frequency is usually "a word" telling how often something happens


  5. Adverb of Time: A adverb of time is usually "a word" telling when something happens


  6. Adverb of Completeness: A adverb of completeness is usually "a word" telling the instant of something happens



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