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Glossary Mechanics K

List of Mechanics Related Terms, K

The list of Mechanics related terms, K in alphabetic order:

Kaplan water turbine 卡普蘭水輪機,last updated 11/13/2015Karman interpolation formula 卡門內插公式,last updated 11/13/2015Karman similarity hypothesis 卡門相似性假說,last updated 11/13/2015Karman-Howarth equation 卡(門)‧霍(瓦茲)二氏方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Karman-Prandtl velocity distribution equation 卡(門)‧卜(朗特)二氏流速分布方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Karman-Tsien method 卡(門)‧錢二氏法,last updated 11/13/2015Keller's box method 凱勒爾盒子法,last updated 11/13/2015Kelvin material 克耳文材料,last updated 11/13/2015Kelvin model 克耳文模型,last updated 11/13/2015Kelvin principle 克耳文原理,last updated 11/13/2015Kelvin solid 克耳文固體,last updated 11/13/2015Kelvin spring 克耳文彈簧,last updated 11/13/2015Kelvin thermometric scale 克耳文溫標,last updated 11/13/2015Kelvin's black cloud 克耳文黑雲,last updated 11/13/2015Kelvin's model of viscoelasticity 克耳文黏彈性模型,last updated 11/13/2015Kelvin's theorem 克耳文定理,last updated 11/13/2015Kennedy's theorem 甘乃迪定理,last updated 11/13/2015Kennedy's theorem 三心定理,last updated 1/3/2019Keplerian conic 克卜勒錐線,last updated 11/13/2015Keplerian element 克卜勒單元,last updated 11/13/2015Keplerian ellipse 克卜勒橢圓,last updated 11/13/2015Keplerian orbit 克卜勒軌道,last updated 11/13/2015Keplerian trajectory 克卜勒彈道,last updated 11/13/2015Kepler's equation 克卜勒方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Kepler's law 克卜勒定律, 开普勒定律,last updated 1/9/2013Kepler's laws of planetary motion 克卜勒行星運動定律,last updated 11/13/2015Kepler's problem 克卜勒問題,last updated 11/13/2015kernel function 核函數, 核,last updated 1/9/2013kernel stiffiness matrix 核勁度矩陣,last updated 11/13/2015ket 括向量, 括量, 右矢,曾用名“刃”,last updated 1/9/2013ket; antisymmetrical 反對稱括量,last updated 11/13/2015ket; basic 基本括量,last updated 11/13/2015ket; orthogonal 正交括量,last updated 11/13/2015key 鍵, 键,last updated 1/3/2019keyway 键槽,last updated 1/3/2019Kikuchi band 菊池能帶,last updated 11/13/2015Kikuchi envelopes 菊池包絡,last updated 11/13/2015Kikuchi line 菊池線,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic analysis 运动分析,last updated 1/4/2019kinematic chain 運動鏈, 运动链,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic design 运动设计,last updated 1/4/2019kinematic design of mechanism 机构运动设计,last updated 1/3/2019kinematic determinacy 動定性,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic hardening 動性硬化,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic indeterminacy 運動不定性,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic instability 動性不穩定性,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic inversion 机架变换,last updated 1/3/2019kinematic inversion 运动倒置,last updated 1/4/2019kinematic inversion 反转法,last updated 1/2/2019kinematic momentum thickness 動性動量厚度,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic pair 运动副,last updated 1/4/2019kinematic precept design 运动方案设计,last updated 1/4/2019kinematic similarity 運動相似性,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic sketch 运动简图,last updated 1/4/2019kinematic sketch of mechanism 机构运动简图,last updated 1/3/2019kinematic stability 動性穩定性,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic synthesis 运动综合,last updated 1/4/2019kinematic unknown 動性未知量,last updated 11/13/2015kinematic viscosity 動黏滯, 運動黏度, 运动粘度,last updated 1/9/2013kinematic wave 運動波,last updated 11/13/2015kinematical seal 动密封,last updated 1/2/2019kinematics 運動學, 运动学,last updated 1/9/2013kinematics of rigid body 剛體運動學,last updated 11/13/2015kinematics of rotation 轉動運動學,last updated 11/13/2015kinetic coefficient 動力係數,last updated 11/13/2015kinetic energy 動能, 动能,last updated 1/9/2013kinetic energy in rotation 轉動動能,last updated 11/13/2015kinetic energy thickness 動能厚度,last updated 11/13/2015kinetic friction 動摩擦, 动摩擦,last updated 1/9/2013kinetic friction coefficient 動摩擦係數,last updated 11/13/2015kinetic theory 動力論,last updated 11/13/2015kinetic theory of gas 氣體動力論,last updated 11/13/2015kinetics 運動學, 運動力學, 动理学,曾用名“动力学”。专指研究稀薄流体微观粒子运动机理的学科,last updated 1/9/2013kinetics of particle 質點(運)動力學,last updated 11/13/2015kinetics of rigid body 剛體(運)動力學,last updated 11/13/2015kink instability 扭折不穩性, 組法不穩定性, 扭折不稳性,last updated 1/9/2013Kirchoff equation 克希何夫方程式,last updated 11/13/2015Kirchoff formula 克希何夫公式,last updated 11/13/2015Kirchoff free edge condition 克希何夫自由邊條件,last updated 11/13/2015Kirchoff method 克希何夫法,last updated 11/13/2015Kirchoff transformation 克希何夫轉換,last updated 11/13/2015Kirchoff's dynamical analogy 克希何夫動態類比性,last updated 11/13/2015Kirchoff's hypothesis 克希何夫假說,last updated 11/13/2015Kirchoff's principle 克希何夫原理,last updated 11/13/2015knife-edge follower 尖底从动件,last updated 1/3/2019knot 節{浬/小時}, 纽结,last updated 1/9/2013Knudsen number 努生數,last updated 11/13/2015Kolmogoroff 5/3 law of spectrum 柯莫戈洛夫5/3次方頻譜定律,last updated 11/13/2015Kolmogoroff hypothesis 柯莫戈洛夫假說,last updated 11/13/2015Kolmogoroff's local scale 柯莫戈洛夫局部尺度,last updated 11/13/2015Kramers and Kronig formula 克(拉馬)‧克(柔尼格)二氏公式,last updated 11/13/2015Kramers equation 克拉馬方程式,last updated 11/13/2015kronecker delta 克洛尼克δ, 克罗内克符号,last updated 1/9/2013Kutta condition 庫塔條件,last updated 11/13/2015Kutter coefficient 庫特耳係數,last updated 11/13/2015Kutter formula 庫特耳公式,last updated 11/13/2015

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