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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Collective Noun List Alphabetic p

List of Collective Nouns: p

  1. pace
    1. a pace of asses
  2. pack open definitionclose definitionpack" is something which is a collection of something that gathered or grouped together.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a pack of Brownies
    2. a pack of cards
    3. a pack of coyotes
    4. a pack of dinosaurs
    5. a pack of dogs
    6. a pack of grouse
    7. a pack of hounds
    8. a pack of mongooses
    9. a pack of mules
    10. a pack of perch
    11. a pack of polar bears
    12. a pack of stoats
    13. a pack of suitcases
    14. a pack of weasels
    15. a pack of wolves
  3. paddling
    1. a paddling of ducks
  4. pair open definitionclose definitionpair" is something which is a collection of something that consist of two similar things gathered or grouped together.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a pair of shoes
  5. pandemonium
    1. a pandemonium of parrots
  6. panel
    1. a panel of experts
  7. pantheon
    1. a pantheon of gods
  8. parade open definitionclose definitionparade" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together in a line and walk or go in the same direction.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a parade of elephants
  9. parcel open definitionclose definitionparcel" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together on an area.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a parcel of birds
    2. a parcel of crows
    3. a parcel of deers
    4. a parcel of hinds
    5. a parcel of hogs
    6. a parcel of linnets
    7. a parcel of penguins
    8. a parcel of sheep
  10. parliament open definitionclose definitionparliament" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together characterized by wisdom or sincerity.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a parliament of owls
    2. a parliament of rooks
  11. party open definitionclose definitionparty" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together characterized by making raucous sounds.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a party of jays
    2. a party of rainbow fish
  12. passel
    1. a passel of pigeons
  13. patch
    1. a patch of flowers
  14. peal
    1. a peal of bells
  15. peep
    1. a peep of chickens
  16. phalanx
    1. a phalanx of storks
  17. phantasmagoria
    1. a phantasmagoria of phantoms
  18. picket
    1. a picket of strikers
  19. pit
    1. a pit of snakes
  20. piteousness
    1. a piteousness of doves
  21. pity open definitionclose definitionpity" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together with difficult situation.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a pity of prisoners
  22. pitying
    1. a pitying of doves
    2. a pitying of turtledoves
  23. plague
    1. a plague of insects
    2. a plague of locusts
  24. platoon
    1. a platoon of soldiers
  25. plump
    1. a plump of ducks
    2. a plump of geese
    3. a plump of moorhens
    4. a plump of waterfowls
    5. a plump of wildfowls
    6. a plump of woodcocks
  26. pod
    1. a pod of birds
    2. a pod of coots
    3. a pod of dolphins
    4. a pod of hippopotami
    5. a pod of peas
    6. a pod of pelicans
    7. a pod of porpoises
    8. a pod of seals
    9. a pod of whales
    10. a pod of whitings
  27. pomp
    1. a pomp of pekingese
  28. ponder
    1. a ponder of philosophers
  29. portfolio
    1. a portfolio of stockbrokers
  30. posse
    1. a posse of police
    2. a posse of sheriffs
    3. a posse of turkeys
  31. poverty open definitionclose definitionpoverty" is something which is the concept of a condition that is the time when someone lacks the usual or socially acceptable amount of money, food or other material possessions, or the state of being poor or extremely poor.last updated 2/28/2015
    1. a poverty of pipers
  32. pray open definitionclose definitionpray" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together characterized by singing of well being by day and at night.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a pray of nightingales
  33. prettying
    1. a prettying of doves
  34. prickle
    1. a prickle of hedgehogs
    2. a prickle of porcupines
  35. pride open definitionclose definitionpride" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together characterized by a feeling of honour and self-respect.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a pride of lions
    2. a pride of ostriches
    3. a pride of peacocks
  36. promise open definitionclose definitionpromise" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered or grouped together characterized bycertainly do something.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a promise of barmen
    2. a promise of tomorrows
  37. prudence
    1. a prudence of vicars
  38. psalter
    1. a psalter of bishops
  39. psittacosis
    1. a psittacosis of parrots
  40. puddling
    1. a puddling of mallards

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