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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Collective Noun List Alphabetic f

List of Collective Nouns: f

  1. faculty
    1. a faculty of academics
  2. faith open definitionclose definitionfaith" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to the faithfulness of thing.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a faith of merchants
  3. fall open definitionclose definitionfall" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to the fallings of thing, the sudden appearance in flight at night, of the birth of an animal.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a fall of lambs
    2. a fall of woodcocks
  4. family open definitionclose definitionfamily" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to each other.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a family of beavers
    2. a family of otters
    3. a family of sardines
  5. fanfare
    1. a fanfare of strumpets
  6. farrow
    1. a farrow of piglets
  7. feast open definitionclose definitionfeast" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to a special or a large meal for many people.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a feast of brewers
  8. fellowship open definitionclose definitionfellowship" is something which is a collection of something that group together having the same fellowship.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a fellowship of yeomen
  9. fesnying
    1. a fesnying of ferrets
  10. field open definitionclose definitionfield" is something which is a collection of something that gather together on an area of land with grass.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a field of racehorses
  11. flange
    1. a flange of baboons
  12. fleet
    1. a fleet of bass
    2. a fleet of birds
    3. a fleet of cars
    4. a fleet of coots
    5. a fleet of lorries
    6. a fleet of mudhens
    7. a fleet of ships
  13. flick
    1. a flick of hares
    2. a flick of rabbits
  14. flight open definitionclose definitionflight" is something which is a collection of something that gather together and fly in the sky.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a flight of aircraft
    2. a flight of birds
    3. a flight of butterflies
    4. a flight of cormorants
    5. a flight of doves
    6. a flight of dragons
    7. a flight of dunbirds
    8. a flight of goshawks
    9. a flight of grouse
    10. a flight of herons
    11. a flight of insects
    12. a flight of larks
    13. a flight of pigeons
    14. a flight of plovers
    15. a flight of pochards
    16. a flight of stairs
    17. a flight of storks
    18. a flight of swallows
    19. a flight of widgeons
    20. a flight of woodcocks
    21. a flight of yesterdays
  15. fling
    1. a fling of dunlins
    2. a fling of oxbirds
    3. a fling of sandpipers
  16. flink
    1. a flink of cows
  17. float open definitionclose definitionfloat" is something which is a collection of something that gather together and float on the surface of water.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a float of crocodiles
    2. a float of tunas
    3. a float of whales
  18. flock
    1. a flock of auks
    2. a flock of birds
    3. a flock of bustards
    4. a flock of camels
    5. a flock of coots
    6. a flock of dolphins
    7. a flock of ducks
    8. a flock of geese
    9. a flock of goats
    10. a flock of lice
    11. a flock of lions
    12. a flock of magpies
    13. a flock of ostriches
    14. a flock of parrots
    15. a flock of pigeons
    16. a flock of pigs
    17. a flock of sheep
    18. a flock of tourists
    19. a flock of turkeys
    20. a flock of wrens
  19. flotilla
    1. a flotilla of ships
    2. a flotilla of swordfish
  20. flush
    1. a flush of ducks
    2. a flush of lavatories
    3. a flush of mallards
    4. a flush of plumbers
  21. fluther
    1. a fluther of jellyfish
  22. fold open definitionclose definitionfold" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together and are surrounded by a fence.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a fold of sheep
  23. following
    1. a following of stalkers
  24. forest open definitionclose definitionforest" is something which is a collection of something that are tall things grouped together as dense as a forest.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a forest of trees
  25. fraid
    1. a fraid of ghosts
  26. fray
    1. a fray of fish
  27. froggery
    1. a froggery of frogs
  28. function
    1. a function of undertakers

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