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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Collective Noun List Alphabetic k

List of Collective Nouns: k

  1. kaleidoscope
    1. a kaleidoscope of butterflies
  2. kennel
    1. a kennel of dogs
    2. a kennel of hounds
  3. kettle open definitionclose definitionkettle" is something which is a collection of something that gather together and fly along a similar circular route in the sky as grouped inside a kettle.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a kettle of hawks
  4. kindle
    1. a kindle of hares
    2. a kindle of kittens
    3. a kindle of leverets
    4. a kindle of rabbits
  5. kit
    1. a kit of pigeons
  6. knob
    1. a knob of pintails
    2. a knob of pochards
    3. a knob of teals
    4. a knob of toads
    5. a knob of waterfowls
    6. a knob of widgeons
    7. a knob of wildfowls
  7. knot open definitionclose definitionknot" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together tightly or form a tight mass.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a knot of frogs
    2. a knot of snakes
    3. a knot of toads

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