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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Collective Noun List Alphabetic c

List of Collective Nouns: c

  1. cache
    1. a cache of jewels
  2. cadge
    1. a cadge of peregrines
  3. cancellation
    1. a cancellation of trains
  4. caravan
    1. a caravan of camels
    2. a caravan of desert travelers
  5. carillon
    1. a carillon of bells
  6. cartload
    1. a cartload of monkeys
  7. cast open definitionclose definitioncast" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of something being chosed or selected, or casted, threw or dropped.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a cast of actors
    2. a cast of bees
    3. a cast of bread
    4. a cast of falcons
    5. a cast of ferrets
    6. a cast of hawks
    7. a cast of players
  8. catch open definitionclose definitioncatch" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of fish being catched.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a catch of fish
  9. cavalcade
    1. a cavalcade of horsemen
  10. cete
    1. a cete of badgers
  11. chain open definitionclose definitionchain" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of things being connected.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a chain of bobolinks
    2. a chain of islands
  12. change open definitionclose definitionchange" is something which is a collection of something that is a set of tuned bells being rung by a fixed order.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a change of bells
  13. chapter
    1. a chapter of canons
  14. charm open definitionclose definitioncharm" is something which is a collection of something that have a fascinating, attractive, alluring or delighting characteristic or feature.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a charm of finches
    2. a charm of goldfinches
    3. a charm of hummingbirds
    4. a charm of magpies
  15. chattering
    1. a chattering of choughs
    2. a chattering of goldfinches
    3. a chattering of hummingbirds
    4. a chattering of starlings
  16. chine
    1. a chine of polecats
  17. chirm
    1. a chirm of finches
  18. choir
    1. a choir of singers
  19. chorus
    1. a chorus of angels
  20. clamour
    1. a clamour of rooks
  21. clan
    1. a clan of hyenas
  22. class open definitionclose definitionclass" is something which is a collection of something that meet together for receiving education.last updated 3/9/2015
    1. a class of students
  23. clattering
    1. a clattering of choughs
  24. cletch
    1. a cletch of chickens
  25. clew
    1. a clew of worms
  26. clique
    1. a clique of photographers
  27. cloud open definitionclose definitioncloud" is something which is a collection of something that meet together like a cloud in the air.last updated 3/9/2015
    1. a cloud of bats
    2. a cloud of flies
    3. a cloud of gnats
    4. a cloud of grasshoppers
    5. a cloud of locusts
    6. a cloud of seafowls
    7. a cloud of starlings
  28. clowder
    1. a clowder of cats
  29. clump
    1. a clump of reeds
    2. a clump of trees
  30. cluster
    1. a cluster of antelopes
    2. a cluster of bees
    3. a cluster of cats
    4. a cluster of grapes
    5. a cluster of grasshoppers
    6. a cluster of porcupine fish
    7. a cluster of spiders
  31. clutch
    1. a clutch of breasts
    2. a clutch of car mechanics
    3. a clutch of chickens
    4. a clutch of eggs
    5. a clutch of partridges
  32. clutter
    1. a clutter of cats
    2. a clutter of spiders
    3. a clutter of starlings
  33. coalition open definitionclose definitioncoalition" is something which is a collection of something that join together for a particular purpose.last updated 3/9/2015
    1. a coalition of cheetahs
  34. coffle
    1. a coffle of asses
  35. cohort
    1. a cohort of zebras
  36. coil open definitionclose definitioncoil" is something which is a collection of something that move as an electric current moving in a coil.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a coil of teals
    2. a coil of widgeons
  37. collective
    1. a collective of nouns
  38. colony open definitionclose definitioncolony" is something which is a group of something that live together as an individual separating from others.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a colony of ants
    2. a colony of auks
    3. a colony of avocets
    4. a colony of badgers
    5. a colony of bats
    6. a colony of beavers
    7. a colony of chinchillas
    8. a colony of frogs
    9. a colony of fungi
    10. a colony of gulls
    11. a colony of ibises
    12. a colony of lepers
    13. a colony of lice
    14. a colony of penguins
    15. a colony of rabbits
    16. a colony of rats
    17. a colony of seals
    18. a colony of squirrels
    19. a colony of termites
    20. a colony of voles
    21. a colony of vultures
    22. a colony of wasps
  39. committee open definitionclose definitioncommittee" is something which is a collection of something that group together like convening a committee meeting.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a committee of vultures
  40. commotion
    1. a commotion of coots
  41. company open definitionclose definitioncompany" is something which is a collection of something that gather together forming a distinct group in a community.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a company of actors
    2. a company of angelfish
    3. a company of archerfish
    4. a company of capitalists
    5. a company of girl guides
    6. a company of moles
    7. a company of parrots
    8. a company of players
    9. a company of soldiers
    10. a company of widgeons
  42. complex open definitionclose definitioncomplex" is something which is a collection of something that are linked or connected together in a complicated ways or grouped together with same attribute related to complex.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a complex of psychologists
  43. compromise open definitionclose definitioncompromise" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together with same attribute related to compromise.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a compromise of mediators
  44. conflagration
    1. a conflagration of arsonists
  45. congregation
    1. a congregation of churchgoers
    2. a congregation of crocodiles
    3. a congregation of magpies
    4. a congregation of people
    5. a congregation of plovers
    6. a congregation of rooks
    7. a congregation of starlings
    8. a congregation of worshippers
  46. congress open definitionclose definitionCongress" is something which is a collection of something that group together like attending a meeting or conference.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a congress of baboons
  47. conjunction
    1. a conjunction of grammarians
  48. conspiracy
    1. a conspiracy of ravens
  49. constellation
    1. a constellation of stars
  50. converting
    1. a converting of preachers
  51. convocation
    1. a convocation of eagles
  52. convoy
    1. a convoy of lorries
  53. corps
    1. a corps of anatomists
    2. a corps of giraffes
  54. cortege
    1. a cortege of mourners
  55. coterie
    1. a coterie of orchids
    2. a coterie of prairie dogs
  56. couple
    1. a couple of impalas
  57. coven
    1. a coven of witches
  58. cover open definitionclose definitioncover" is something which is a collection of something that crowd together like a cover over an area.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a cover of coots
  59. covert
    1. a covert of coots
  60. covey
    1. a covey of grouse
    2. a covey of partridges
    3. a covey of ptarmigans
    4. a covey of quails
    5. a covey of woodcocks
  61. cowardice open definitionclose definitioncowardice" is something which is a collection of something that come together with the lack of bravery or courage character.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a cowardice of curs
  62. crash open definitionclose definitioncrash" is something which is a collection of something that come together with crashing and often making loud noises.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a crash of hippopotami
    2. a crash of rhinoceroses
  63. crew open definitionclose definitioncrew" is something which is a collection of something that come together for a particular job or type of work.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a crew of sailors
  64. crowd open definitionclose definitioncrowd" is something which is a collection of something that gather together in a disorganized or unruly way:last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a crowd of onlookers
    2. a crowd of people
    3. a crowd of redwings
  65. cry open definitionclose definitioncry" is something which is a collection of something that group together and often making loud noises or high sounds to express an emotion.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a cry of actors
    2. a cry of hounds
    3. a cry of players
  66. culture open definitionclose definitionculture" is something which is a collection of something that grow together of the same way of life at a particular timelast updated 3/1/2015
    1. a culture of bacteria
  67. curse open definitionclose definitioncurse" is something which is a collection of something that group together to carry out a job like performing simple magic tricks.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a curse of painters
  68. cutting
    1. a cutting of cobblers

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