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Grammar Part of Speech Interjection


An interjection is used to express a short sudden emotion as an interruption or an aside..

Kinds of Conjunctions

There are many ways to classify or describe interjections.

  1. Mild Interjection: A mild interjection is usually "a word" to express an aside.

    well, of course, such, etc

  2. Strong Interjection: A strong interjection is usually "a word" to express an interruption.

    hurrah, bravo, Ah, etc


  1. Interjection of Joy: A interjection of joy is usually "a word" to express feelings of happiness.

    hurrah, ha ha, wow, etc

  2. Interjection of Sorrow: A interjection of sorrow is usually "a word" to express feelings of sadness.

    ah, alas, etc

  3. Interjection of Surprise: A interjection of surprise is usually "a word" to express feelings of being surprised.

    what, oh, etc

  4. Interjection of Approval: A interjection of approval is usually "a word" to express feelings of approval for any task.

    well done, bravo, etc

  5. Interjection of Calling: A interjection of calling is usually "a word" to express a calling of any reason to somebody.

    hello, ho, etc

  6. Interjection of Attention: A interjection of attention is usually "a word" to express an order of be in attention to somebody.

    listen, look, behold, hush, etc


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