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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Abstract Noun Type Concept Measurement

List of Abstract Nouns: Concepts of Measurement

  1. centimeter open definitionclose definitionA concept of measuring unit that is a unit of linear measure of 0.01 metres.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015
  2. inch open definitionclose definitionA concept of measuring unit that is an imperial unit of linear measure of one twelfth of a foot and is approximately equal to 2.54 centimetres.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015
  3. kilometer open definitionclose definitionA concept of measuring unit that is a unit of linear measure of 1000 metres.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015
  4. measurement open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of quantifying something against a standard that is the discovery and assignment of numbers to something according to a well defined standard.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015
    open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a quantified quantity with respect to a standard that is the discovered and assigned number of something according to a well defined standard..last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015
  5. meter open definitionclose definitionA concept of measuring unit that is the basic SI unit of length defined as the path lenght travelled by light in vaccum during a time interval of 1/299792458 seconds since 1983.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015
  6. mile open definitionclose definitionA concept of measuring unit that is an imperial unit of linear measure of 1760 yards and is approximately equal to 1.6 kilometres.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015

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