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Grammar Part of Speech Adjective kinds Adjective of Feelings

Feeling Adjective

Feeling adjective is used to describe the general feeling, emotion, behaviour or personality of noun things.

List of Feeling of Personality or Emotion Adjectives

  1. angry
  2. beatific
  3. beautiful
  4. bereft
  5. blissful
  6. blue
  7. broken
  8. broken-hearted
  9. broody
  10. bruised
  11. careworn
  12. cheerful
  13. chirpy
  14. clean
  15. cold
  16. content
  17. dark
  18. deflated
  19. delighted
  20. demoralised
  21. depressed
  22. desolate
  23. despondent
  24. dirty
  25. disaffected
  26. disappointed
  27. disconsolate
  28. discouraged
  29. disheartened
  30. disillusioned
  31. dismal
  32. dismayed
  33. displeased
  34. dissatisfied
  35. distraught
  36. distressed
  37. doleful
  38. down
  39. downcast
  40. ecstatic
  41. elated
  42. embarassed
  43. envious
  44. exalted
  45. excited
  46. forlorn
  47. frightened
  48. funny
  49. gald
  50. grumpy
  51. happy
  52. jolly
  53. lonely
  54. loving
  55. outgoing
  56. pleased
  57. quick-witted
  58. resentful
  59. sad
  60. satisfied
  61. scared
  62. tender
  63. ugly
  64. zany

List of Positive Feeling Adjectives

  1. agreeable
  2. brave
  3. calm
  4. delight
  5. eager
  6. faithful
  7. gentle
  8. happy
  9. jolly
  10. kind
  11. lively
  12. nice
  13. obedient
  14. proud
  15. relieved
  16. silly
  17. thankful
  18. victorious
  19. witty
  20. zealous

List of Negative Feeling Adjectives

  1. angry
  2. bewildered
  3. carefree
  4. clumsy
  5. defeated
  6. embarrassed
  7. fierce
  8. grumpy
  9. helpless
  10. itchy
  11. jealous
  12. lazy
  13. mysterious
  14. nervous
  15. obnoxious
  16. panicky
  17. repulsive
  18. scary
  19. thoughtless
  20. uptight
  21. worried

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