Link: ShuowenJiezi Chinese Character Radicals 夫 Chinese ShuowenJiezi Radical 403 夫(U+592B) Section 分部 | Character 漢字 3 |
部 | 夫 U+592B 丈夫也从大以𧰼簪也周制以八寸為尺十尺為丈人長八尺故曰丈夫凡夫之屬𣅜从夫甫無切 last updated 2April2017 | | 規 U+898F 有法度也从夫从見居隨切 last updated 2April2017 㚘 U+3698 竝行也从二夫輦字从此讀若伴侶之伴薄旱切 last updated 2April2017 |
Link: Script, Scripting Language, VBScript elements, Server-Side VBScript Function String Space Function
VBScript String Functions
Functions for manipulating string expression.
String Functionlast updated 9/21/2017Create a string of a specified number of the repeating character obtained from the first character of a given string expression specified by character argument.
SyntaxString(number, character) ArgumentnumberRequired. Any valid numeric expression that is greater than or equal to zero for specifying the number of a repeating character.
characterRequired. Any valid numeric expression as character code of repeating character that is a 8-bit character set between 0 and 255 inclusive. Or any string expression with the first character used as the repeating character.ReturnsReturns a Variant of the String data subtype containing a string of a specified number of a repeating character from a given string expression. Special returns of String function: numbercharacterreturn valueNullany charRun-time ErrorEmptyany char,Empty""""any charRun-time Error0NullRun-time Error0Empty""0""Run-time Error>0NullRun-time Error>0EmptyRun-time Error>0""Run-time Error Remarks- The numeric expression of number argument can be any numeric expression greater than or equal to -0.5 and is equal to Round(number).
- If the expression of character argument is a String data subtype, the first character of the string expression will be used as the repeating character.
- If the expression of character argument is a numeric data subtype, the expression will be used as the charcter code of the repeating character.
- A character string can be of any valid character.
- For the numeric expression of the character argument, the number can be any number greater than or equal to
-0.5 and is converted to a valid character code using the formula (Round(character) MOD 256)
- For the 8-bit character set, character code 0 to 31 is control characters and character code greater than 127 is usually not compatible with other code page.
Requirement1 Space Functionlast updated 9/21/2017Create a string of a specified number of repeating spaces.
SyntaxSpace(number) ArgumentnumberRequired. Any valid numeric expression that is greater than or equal to zero for specifying the number of repeating spaces.ReturnsReturns a Variant of the String data subtype containing a string of a given number of repeating spaces. Special returns of String function: numberreturn valueNullRun-time ErrorEmpty""""Run-time Error Remarks- The numeric expression of number argument can be any numeric expression greater than or equal to -0.5 and is equal to Round(number).
Requirement1 Examples
Examples of mathematics functions ASP VbScript Command:<script runat="server" language="VBScript">
Dim vars,str,cnt,cmda
Dim ucnt,tmp,i:ucnt=UBound(cmda):If var=1 Then:tmp="":Else:tmp="<b>vars</b>":End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp=tmp&"<b>"&rmv_ctrl(cmda(i))&", TypeName</b>":Next:Response.Write "Results on Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro x64, Microsoft-IIS/8.5, VBScript Version 5.8 of page /internet/users/sideblog/default.asp<br />"&"<i>"&tmp&"</i>"
Function dsp_x:Dim tmp_a,tmp_b,i:If varx=0 Then:Execute vars:End If:If var=1 Then:tmp_a="":Else:tmp_a=rmv_ctrl(vars):End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp_b=cmd_b(cmda(i)):if i/2=fix(i/2) Then:tmp_b="<b>"&tmp_b&"</b>":End If:tmp_a=tmp_a&tmp_b:Next:Response.Write "<i>"&tmp_a&"</i>":End Function
Function rmv_ctrl(blk_str):Select Case blk_str:Case chr(0):blk_str="NUL":Case chr(1):blk_str="SOH":Case chr(2):blk_str="STX":Case chr(3):blk_str="ETX":Case chr(4):blk_str="EOT":Case chr(5):blk_str="ENQ":Case chr(6):blk_str="ACK":Case chr(7):blk_str="BEL":Case chr(8):blk_str="BS":Case chr(9):blk_str="HT":Case chr(10):blk_str="LF":Case chr(11):blk_str="VT":Case chr(12):blk_str="FF":Case chr(13):blk_str="CR":Case chr(14):blk_str="SO":Case chr(15):blk_str="SI":Case chr(16):blk_str="DLE":Case chr(17):blk_str="DC1":Case chr(18):blk_str="DC2":Case chr(19):blk_str="DC3":Case chr(20):blk_str="DC4":Case chr(21):blk_str="NAK":Case chr(22):blk_str="SYN":Case chr(23):blk_str="ETB":Case chr(24):blk_str="CAN":Case chr(25):blk_str="EM":Case chr(26):blk_str="SUB":Case chr(27):blk_str="ESC":Case chr(28):blk_str="FS":Case chr(29):blk_str="GS":Case chr(30):blk_str="RS":Case chr(31):blk_str="US":Case chr(127):blk_str="DEL":End Select:rmv_ctrl=blk_str:If IsNull(blk_str) OR IsEmpty(Blk_str) OR blk_str="" OR IsNumeric(Blk_str) Then:Else:rmv_ctrl=Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(blk_str,"&","&")," "," "),"""","""),"<","<"),">",">"): End If :End Function
Function cmd_b(blk_str):cmd_b="["&cmd_x(blk_str)&"], "&cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):End Function
Function cmd_x(blk_str):On Error Resume Next:Dim xans, tmp:xans="":tmp="":execute "xans="&blk_str:If Err.Number <> 0 Then:xans=cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):Select Case xans:Case 9::Case Else:xans="error":End Select:End If:If IsArray(xans)=False Then:cmd_x=rmv_ctrl(xans): Else:tmp=lst_arry(xans):cmd_x=trim(tmp):End If:End Function
Function lst_arry(blk_str):Dim tmp,i,q:q="""":tmp="":For i=0 to UBound(blk_str):if VarType(blk_str(i))>1 And VarType(blk_str(i))<6 Then:q="'":End If:tmp=tmp&" "&q&rmv_ctrl(blk_str(i))&q:Next:lst_arry=trim(tmp):End Function
vars="cnt=Empty:str="" """:dsp_x
vars="cnt=0:str="" """:dsp_x
vars="cnt=asdf:str="" """:dsp_x
HTML Web Page In-line Output:Results on Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro x64, Microsoft-IIS/8.5, VBScript Version 5.8 of page /internet/users/sideblog/default.asp varsstr, TypeNameString(cnt,str), TypeNameSpace(cnt), TypeNamecnt=Empty:str=Empty[], Empty[], String[], Stringcnt=0:str=Empty[], Empty[], String[], Stringcnt=asdf:str=Empty[], Empty[], String[], Stringcnt=Empty:str=" "[ ], String[], String[], Stringcnt=0:str=" "[ ], String[], String[], Stringcnt=asdf:str=" "[ ], String[], String[], Stringcnt=Empty:str="a"[a], String[], String[], Stringcnt=0:str="a"[a], String[], String[], Stringcnt=asdf:str="a"[a], String[], String[], Stringcnt=-0.5:str="a"[a], String[], String[], Stringcnt=0.4:str="a"[a], String[], String[], Stringcnt=0.5:str="a"[a], String[], String[], Stringcnt=0.6:str="a"[a], String[a], String[ ], Stringcnt=1.4:str="a"[a], String[a], String[ ], Stringcnt=1.5:str="a"[a], String[aa], String[ ], Stringcnt=1.6:str="a"[a], String[aa], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.4:str="a"[a], String[aa], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str="as"[as], String[aa], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.6:str="as"[as], String[aaa], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str="123"[123], String[11], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str=123[123], Integer[{{], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str=123.4[123.4], Double[{{], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str=123.5[123.5], Double[||], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str=123.6[123.6], Double[||], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str=124.4[124.4], Double[||], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str=124.5[124.5], Double[||], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str=124.6[124.6], Double[}}], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str="ÿ"[ÿ], String[ÿÿ], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str="‱"[‱], String[‱‱], String[ ], Stringcnt=2.5:str=254[254], Integer[þþ], String[ ], Stringcnt=1.4:str=Chr(254)[þ], String[þ], String[ ], Stringcnt=1.4:str=ChrW(254)[þ], String[þ], String[ ], Stringcnt=1.4:str=ChrW(8694)[⇶], String[⇶], String[ ], String