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Grammar Part of Speech Adjective kinds Adjective of Shape

Shape Adjective

Shape adjective is used to describe the relevant physical shape and appearance property of noun things.

List of Shpae Adjectives

  1. blobby
  2. broad
  3. chubby
  4. circle
  5. circular open definitionclose definitionA description of something that having a shape or appearance like a circle.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  6. conical
  7. crooked
  8. curved
  9. cylindrical
  10. deep
  11. dstorted
  12. elliptical
  13. flat
  14. globular
  15. high
  16. hollow
  17. low
  18. narrow
  19. oblong
  20. oval
  21. rectangular open definitionclose definitionA description of something that having a shape or appearance like a rectangle.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  22. rotund
  23. round
  24. serpentine
  25. shallow
  26. skinny
  27. sleek
  28. spherical
  29. square
  30. squiggly
  31. steep
  32. straight
  33. triangular
  34. warped
  35. wavy
  36. wide
  37. winding
  38. zigzag

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