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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Abstract Noun Type b

List of Abstract Nouns: b

  1. base open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a geometric feature that is the lowest part, foot or bottom of something when considering in upright position.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  2. battle
  3. believe
  4. birthday
  5. boundary
  6. boyhood open definitionclose definitionboyhood" is something which is the concept of an age span of a male person that is the age span ranging from middle child to adolescence or the state of being a boy.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015
  7. bravery open definitionclose definitionbravery" is something which is the quality of somebody that is the quality of courage or valor, or the personal state or quality of being brave.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  8. breakfast
  9. brightness open definitionclose definitionbrightness" is something which is the condition of a quality of something that is the degree of the quality of luminous intensity from visiable light, or the degree of the quality of being bright in relation to the luminous intensity of visible light.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  10. bronze open definitionclose definitionas modifier using or relating to the abstract concept of bronze.last updated 1/7/2016 last updated 12/23/2015

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