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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Abstract Noun Type Quality

List of Abstract Nouns: Quality of a Character

  1. bravery open definitionclose definitionbravery" is something which is the quality of somebody that is the quality of courage or valor, or the personal state or quality of being brave.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  2. goodness open definitionclose definitiongoodness" is something which is the quality of somebody that is the quality of generosity, kindness, virtue, or morally good, correct or excellence, or the personal state or quality of being good.last updated 2/28/2015 last updated 2/28/2015
  3. honesty open definitionclose definitionhonesty" is something which is the quality of somebody that is the quality of fairness, truthfulness or sincerity, or the personal state or quality of being honest.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  4. intelligence
  5. kindness open definitionclose definitionkindness" is something which is the quality of somebody that is the quality of generosity, helpfulness, consideratenss, benevolence, friendliness, or the personal state or quality of being kind.last updated 2/28/2015 last updated 2/28/2015
  6. oddity
  7. wisdom open definitionclose definitionwisdom" is something which is the quality of someone that is the quality of the natural ability of using one's understanding based on insight, common sense, experience and knowledge to think, make and act good decisions and judgments, or the personal state or quality of being wise.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015
  8. zeal open definitionclose definitionThe quality of somebody that have a strong feeling, energy or enthusiasm of interest in pursuit of an objective.last updated 3/3/2015

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