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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Common Noun List Z

List of Common Nouns: z

  1. zebra open definitionclose definitionzebra" is something which is an animal that is a African wild horse with black and white stripes on the body.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015
  2. z-fold open definitionclose definitionA folding pattern that is to describe a brochure is folded in the pattern of a "Z".
  3. zinc open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Zn, atomic number 30, and atomic weight 65.38(2)last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015
  4. zip code open definitionclose definitionA sequence of digits that is a postal code used to specify a more specific location by appending to one's address to form the postal address for using the postal service of United States.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015
  5. zirconium open definitionclose definitionA 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Zr, atomic number 40, and atomic weight 91.22last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015
  6. zoologist open definitionclose definitionA person who studies characteristics and behaviors of animals scientifically.last updated 2/24/2015 last updated 2/24/2015

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