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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Abstract Noun Type Action

List of Abstract Nouns: Names of Actions

  1. judgment open definitionclose definitionjudgment" is something which is an action that is the act or process of forming and making an opinon, a conclusion or a decision after carefully thinging, or the act of judging something or someone.last updated 2/28/2015 last updated 2/28/2015
  2. laughter open definitionclose definitionlaughter" is something which is a physical action that is the act of making a visual expression in response to emotional states, or the act of laughing.last updated 2/28/2015 last updated 2/28/2015
  3. movement open definitionclose definitionmovement" is something which is a physical action that is the act of changing in position, place, or posture, or the act of moving.last updated 2/28/2015 last updated 2/28/2015
  4. theft open definitionclose definitiontheft" is something which is a physical action that is the act of taking and keeping something which belongs to someone else dishonestly, or the act or crime of stealing.last updated 2/28/2015 last updated 2/28/2015

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