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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Abstract Noun Type l

List of Abstract Nouns: l

  1. language
  2. laughter open definitionclose definitionlaughter" is something which is a physical action that is the act of making a visual expression in response to emotional states, or the act of laughing.last updated 2/28/2015 last updated 2/28/2015
  3. leather open definitionclose definitionas modifier using or relating to the abstract concept of leatherlast updated 1/7/2016 last updated 12/21/2015
  4. length open definitionclose definitionAn abstract idea of linear distance that is the measurement of a distance not in vertical direction between two reference sides which are usually located horizontally and is refered to the longest dimenion in horizotal direction.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015
  5. line open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a general one dimensional geometric thing that is a straight or curved continuous extent of length with no breadth and thickness.last updated 4/15/2015 last updated 4/15/2015

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