Link: Grammar Part of Speech Noun Common Noun List Ware List of Common Nouns: Thing Textile- fitted sheet A pre-sewn fabric cover sheet that is designed to fit tightly over a mattress by shaping its ends with elasticated corners.last updated 1/30/2016 last updated 1/30/2016 - pillow A filled cloth bag that is usually stuffed with soft material, feathers, artificial materials, foam rubber, etc and is used to support the head when lying down or sleeping.last updated 1/5/2016 last updated 1/5/2016 - pillowcase A cloth cover that is a removable covering for a pillow.last updated 1/30/2016 last updated 1/5/2016 - rug A partial floor covering that is made of thick, heavy material, woven material, animal skin, and is a piece of covering, smaller than a carpet, usually used to cover or decorate a section of a floor instead of extending over the entire floor.last updated 1/4/2016 last updated 1/4/2016 - sheet Another name for flat sheet.last updated 1/30/2016 last updated 1/30/2016 - throw pillow A small pillow that is usually used as a decorative accessory placed on a chair or couch.last updated 1/5/2016