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Script, Scripting Language, VBScript elements, Server-Side VBScript Function Now, Date, Time Function

VBScript Date/Time Functions

Functions for manipulating date or time dexpression.

Now Function

last updated 9/20/2017

Create a date from the current date of a local computer system with format according to the date setting of the local computer system.




Returns a Variant of Date data subtype containing the date obtained from the current date of a local computer system with format according to the date setting of the local computer system.


  • The format of the current date and time value returned by the Now function depends on the date and time setting of the local computer system.



Date Function

last updated 9/17/2017

Create a date part of the date from the current date of a local computer system with format according to the date setting of the local computer system.




Returns a Variant of Date data subtype containing the date part of a date obtained from the current date of a local computer system with format according to the date setting of the local computer system.


  • The format of the current date value returned by Date function depends on the date setting of the local computer system.



Time Function

last updated 9/21/2017

Create a time part of the date from the current date of a local computer system with format according to the time setting of the local computer system.




Returns a Variant of Date data subtype containing the time part of a date obtained from the current date of a local computer system with format according to the time setting of the local computer system.


  • The format of the current time value returned by Date function depends on the time setting of the local computer system.




Examples of Now, Date, and Time functions

ASP VbScript Command:
<script runat="server" language="VBScript">
Dim vars,cmda,var:var=1
Dim ucnt,tmp,i:ucnt=UBound(cmda):If var=1 Then:tmp="":Else:tmp="<b>vars</b>":End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp=tmp&"<b>"&rmv_ctrl(cmda(i))&", TypeName</b>":Next:Response.Write "Results on Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro x64, Microsoft-IIS/8.5, VBScript Version 5.8 of page /internet/users/sideblog/default.asp<br />"&"<i>"&tmp&"</i>"
Function dsp_x:Dim tmp_a,tmp_b,i:If varx=0  Then:Execute vars:End If:If var=1 Then:tmp_a="":Else:tmp_a=rmv_ctrl(vars):End If:For i=0 to ucnt:tmp_b=cmd_b(cmda(i)):if i/2=fix(i/2) Then:tmp_b="<b>"&tmp_b&"</b>":End If:tmp_a=tmp_a&tmp_b:Next:Response.Write "<i>"&tmp_a&"</i>":End Function
Function rmv_ctrl(blk_str):Select Case blk_str:Case chr(0):blk_str="NUL":Case chr(1):blk_str="SOH":Case chr(2):blk_str="STX":Case chr(3):blk_str="ETX":Case chr(4):blk_str="EOT":Case chr(5):blk_str="ENQ":Case chr(6):blk_str="ACK":Case chr(7):blk_str="BEL":Case chr(8):blk_str="BS":Case chr(9):blk_str="HT":Case chr(10):blk_str="LF":Case chr(11):blk_str="VT":Case chr(12):blk_str="FF":Case chr(13):blk_str="CR":Case chr(14):blk_str="SO":Case chr(15):blk_str="SI":Case chr(16):blk_str="DLE":Case chr(17):blk_str="DC1":Case chr(18):blk_str="DC2":Case chr(19):blk_str="DC3":Case chr(20):blk_str="DC4":Case chr(21):blk_str="NAK":Case chr(22):blk_str="SYN":Case chr(23):blk_str="ETB":Case chr(24):blk_str="CAN":Case chr(25):blk_str="EM":Case chr(26):blk_str="SUB":Case chr(27):blk_str="ESC":Case chr(28):blk_str="FS":Case chr(29):blk_str="GS":Case chr(30):blk_str="RS":Case chr(31):blk_str="US":Case chr(127):blk_str="DEL":End Select:rmv_ctrl=blk_str:If IsNull(blk_str) OR IsEmpty(Blk_str) OR blk_str="" OR IsNumeric(Blk_str) Then:Else:rmv_ctrl=Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(blk_str,"&","&amp;"),"  "," &nbsp;"),"""","&quot;"),"<","&lt;"),">","&gt;"): End If :End Function
Function cmd_b(blk_str):cmd_b="["&cmd_x(blk_str)&"], "&cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):End Function
Function cmd_x(blk_str):On Error Resume Next:Dim xans, tmp:xans="":tmp="":execute "xans="&blk_str:If Err.Number <> 0  Then:xans=cmd_x("TypeName("&blk_str&")"):Select Case xans:Case 9::Case Else:xans="error":End Select:End If:If IsArray(xans)=False Then:cmd_x=rmv_ctrl(xans): Else:tmp=lst_arry(xans):cmd_x=trim(tmp):End If:End Function
Function lst_arry(blk_str):Dim tmp,i,q:q="""":tmp="":For i=0 to UBound(blk_str):if VarType(blk_str(i))>1 And VarType(blk_str(i))<6 Then:q="'":End If:tmp=tmp&" "&q&rmv_ctrl(blk_str(i))&q:Next:lst_arry=trim(tmp):End Function

HTML Web Page In-line Output:
Results on Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro x64, Microsoft-IIS/8.5, VBScript Version 5.8 of page /internet/users/sideblog/default.asp
Now, TypeNameNow(), TypeNameDate, TypeNameDate(), TypeNameTime, TypeNameTime(), TypeName

Sideway BICK Blog


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