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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Collective Noun List Type Fish

List of Collective Nouns: Fish

  1. army open definitionclose definitionarmy" is something which is a group of something that is equipped for fighting.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. an army of herrings
  2. battery
    1. a battery of barracudas
  3. bind open definitionclose definitionbind" is something which is a collection of something that is tightly fastened together.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a bind of salmons
  4. catch open definitionclose definitioncatch" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of fish being catched.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a catch of fish
  5. cluster
    1. a cluster of porcupine fish
  6. company open definitionclose definitioncompany" is something which is a collection of something that gather together forming a distinct group in a community.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a company of angelfish
    2. a company of archerfish
  7. draught
    1. a draught of fish
    2. a draught of salmons
  8. family open definitionclose definitionfamily" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to each other.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a family of sardines
  9. fleet
    1. a fleet of bass
  10. float open definitionclose definitionfloat" is something which is a collection of something that gather together and float on the surface of water.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a float of tunas
  11. flotilla
    1. a flotilla of swordfish
  12. fray
    1. a fray of fish
  13. glean
    1. a glean of herrings
  14. glide
    1. a glide of flying fish
  15. glint
    1. a glint of goldfish
  16. grind open definitionclose definitiongrind" is something which is a collection of something that live together and have a difficult or boring live.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a grind of blackfish
  17. haul
    1. a haul of fish
  18. herd
    1. a herd of seahorses
  19. hover
    1. a hover of trouts
  20. leap
    1. a leap of salmons
  21. pack open definitionclose definitionpack" is something which is a collection of something that gathered or grouped together.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a pack of perch
  22. party open definitionclose definitionparty" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together characterized by making raucous sounds.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a party of rainbow fish
  23. pod
    1. a pod of whitings
  24. quantity open definitionclose definitionquantity" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together characterized by a vast quantity.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a quantity of smelts
  25. run open definitionclose definitionrun" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together for a journey.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a run of fish
    2. a run of salmons
  26. school open definitionclose definitionschool" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with discipline as in a school.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a school of butterfly fish
    2. a school of cod
    3. a school of fish
    4. a school of pilchards
    5. a school of salmons
  27. shoal
    1. a shoal of barbels
    2. a shoal of bass
    3. a shoal of fish
    4. a shoal of herrings
    5. a shoal of mackerels
    6. a shoal of minnows
    7. a shoal of pilchards
    8. a shoal of roach
    9. a shoal of salmons
    10. a shoal of shads
    11. a shoal of sticklebacks
    12. a shoal of trouts
  28. spread open definitionclose definitionspread" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together over a large area.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a spread of sticklebacks
  29. steam open definitionclose definitionsteam" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with character of fast action.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a steam of minnows
  30. stream open definitionclose definitionsteam" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with character of smooth motion.last updated 3/1/2015
    1. a stream of minnows
  31. swarm
    1. a swarm of dragonet fish
    2. a swarm of eels
    3. a swarm of minnows
  32. troop
    1. a troop of dogfish
  33. troubling
    1. a troubling of goldfish
  34. troup
    1. a troup of tunas

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