Link: Kangxi Dictionary Chinese Character KangXi Radicals 爻 Chinese KangXi Radical 89 ⽘(U+2F58) 爻(U+723B):Stroke 筆劃 | Character 漢字 17 |
部 | | 01 | 爻 U+723B 唐韻胡茅切 集韻韻會正韻何交切𠀤音肴 說文交也象易六爻頭交也 易繫辭爻者言乎變者也又爻也者效此者也又爻也者效天下之動者也又 集韻後敎切音斆本作效象也一曰功也或作傚効通作詨 正韻易爻法之謂坤陸音胡孝切按易繫辭今文作效 last updated 13May2015 | 04 | 㸚 U+3E1A 唐韻力几切 廣韻力紙切 集韻輦爾切𠀤音纚 說文二爻也 廣韻㸚尒布明白象形也又 集韻類篇𠀤演爾切音迤布明貌又 廣韻集韻𠀤郞計切音麗 廣韻止也系也 集韻二爻也 last updated 13May2015 𤕝 U+2455D 集韻敎古作𤕝註詳攴部七畫 last updated 13May2015 | 05 | 𤕞 U+2455E 集韻丈呂切音宁進貌〇按丈呂切集韻本作𤕞 正字通誤作𤕠此𤕠字係平聲今特改正 last updated 13May2015 𤕟 U+2455F 唐韻所菹切 集韻山於切𠀤音梳 說文道也从爻从疋疋亦聲 玉篇𤕟通也達也月令曰:其器𤕟以達今文作疏又 集韻一曰遠也又姓 集韻或作𤕠疏疎 last updated 13May2015 爼 U+723C 正字通俎字之譌〇按說文玉篇類篇俱列且部从仌不从爻字彙云:爼俗俎字非 正字通是 last updated 13May2015 | 06 | 𤕠 U+24560 集韻同𤕟 揚子太𤣥經𤕠首 註范叔明曰:陽氣在內隂氣在外萬物扶𤕠而上故謂之𤕠〇按集韻𤕟亦作𤕠 正字通誤以爲丈呂切與𤕞字溷又誤入五畫今𠀤改正 last updated 13May2015 | 07 | 𤕢 U+24562 集韻同姣
last updated 13May2015 爽 U+723D 古文𠙠唐韻疏兩切 集韻所兩切𠀤音塽 說文明也从㸚从大 註徐鍇曰:大其中𨻶縫光也 書仲虺之誥用爽厥師 傳爽明也又 盤庚故有爽德自上 傳湯有明德在天〇按蔡傳:故有爽德爲句自上二字連下其罰汝三字爲句爽訓失也與孔傳異又康誥:爽惟民迪吉康又大誥:爽邦由哲左傳昭四年:二惠競爽又昭七年:是以有精爽至于神明又 書太甲先王昧爽丕顯又 牧誓時甲子昧爽 傳昧爽早旦又 左傳昭三年請更諸爽塏者 註爽明也〇按增韻云:又淸快也卽爽塏之義又史記屈原賈誼傳:爽然自失矣又 爾雅釋言爽差也忒也 揚子方言爽過也 書洛誥惟事其爽侮 周語晉侯爽二 列子黃帝篇昏然五情爽惑又 揚子方言爽猛也齊晉曰爽又 廣韻烈也又貴也又星名細爽免星七之一見 史記天官書又 左傳昭十七年爽鳩氏司𡨥也 註爽鳩鷹也又人名左爽見 戰國策又 類篇師莊切音霜義同 詩衞風淇水湯湯漸車帷裳女也不爽士貳其行又 小雅其德不爽壽考不忘〇按朱子詩傳爽叶師莊反集韻爽本載十陽韻中古有此音不必叶也又 老子道德經五味令人口爽馳騁田獵令人心發狂又 楚辭招魂露雞臛蠵厲而不爽些 註敗也楚人謂羹敗曰爽又 左傳定二年唐成公如楚有兩肅爽馬 釋文爽音霜馬無肅爽之名爽或作霜賈逵云:色如霜紈馬融說肅爽鴈也馬似之〇按廣韻十陽韻中作驦同騻不載爽字惟集韻驦註云:通作爽又叶音生 後漢馬融傳豐彤薱蔚崟𨿅槮爽翕習春風含津吐榮 註槮爽林木貌爽協音生 last updated 13May2015 | 08 | 𤕣 U+24563 集韻龜古作𤕣註詳部首〇按說文本作𠁴字彙仍之 正字通從集韻改作𤕣玉篇別書作𠃾 last updated 13May2015 | 09 | 𤕤 U+24564 說文篆文爽字 last updated 13May2015 𤕥 U+24565 字彙補古文髮字註詳髟部五畫 last updated 13May2015 | 10 | 爾 U+723E 唐韻兒氏切 集韻韻會忍氏切𠀤音邇 說文麗爾猶靡麗也本作𤕨从冂从㸚其孔㸚尒聲此與爽同意又 玉篇爾汝也 書大禹謨肆予以爾衆士奉辭伐罪又 禮檀弓爾毋從從爾爾毋扈扈爾 註爾語助 廣韻尒義與爾同詞之必然也又譍詞 古詩爲焦仲卿妻作:諾諾復爾爾 世說聊復爾耳又同邇 詩大雅戚戚兄弟莫遠具爾 箋爾謂進之也 疏邇是近義謂揖而進之 儀禮少牢饋食禮上佐食爾上敦黍于筵上右之 註爾近也或曰移也右之便尸食也 周禮地官肆長實相近者相爾也 註爾亦近也又 前漢藝文志爾雅三卷二十篇 註張晏曰:爾近也雅正也又 集韻乃禮切音禰 集韻本作濔滿也又一曰爾爾衆也又 詩小雅彼爾維何維常之華 註爾華盛貌 釋文爾乃禮反又 爾雅釋草綦月爾 疏綦一名月爾可食之菜也
last updated 13May2015 | 11 | 𤕦 U+24566 古文𠹣唐韻女耕切 集韻尼庚切𠀤音獰 說文亂也从爻工交叩一曰窒𤕦 註徐鍇曰:二口噂沓也爻物相交貿也工人所作也已象交構形〇按玉篇書作𤕦誤又 說文讀作穰〇按韻書無此音籀文作𤕧 last updated 13May2015 𤕧 U+24567 說文籀文𤕦字〇按玉篇作𤕧誤𤕧字中从介不从乂作 last updated 13May2015 𤕨 U+24568 說文爾本字 last updated 13May2015 |
Link: Vocabulary N English Vocabulary: n- nail nail" is something which is a long thin straight wire with a wedge-shaped sharp point at one end and a shaped head at the other end.last updated 2/17/2015 last updated 2/17/2015 - naive
- name name" is something which is a word or a group of words that is used to specify a person as one of one's identities in full standard format.last updated 2/24/2015 last updated 2/24/2015 - Namibia A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Namibia, in Southern Africa.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - Naomi A name that is used as a given name to name a female person at birth as a part of one's full name and is not the family name.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015 - napkin A tableware that is a small square piece of material, cloth or paper, and is used at table for protecting clothes, or cleaning mouth or fingers at a meal.last updated 1/9/2016 last updated 1/9/2016 - nappy
- narrow
- nasty
- nation
- native A person who is a member of an indigenous people of a country or area as opposed to a colonial settler and immigrant or
naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place.last updated 3/25/2015 last updated 3/25/2015 - natural
- naturally
- nature
- naughty
- nauseating
- navigate
- navy
- near
- nearby
- nearly
- neat
- neatly
- nebulous
- necessary
- necessity
- neck
- need
- needily
- needle
- needless
- needy
- neglect
- negotiate
- neighbor
- neighborhood
- neighboring
- neighborly
- neighbour A person who lives next or near to ones living area.last updated 3/17/2015 last updated 3/17/2015 - neither
- neodymium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Nd, atomic number 60, and atomic weight 144.2.last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015 - neon A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Ne, atomic number 10, and atomic weight 20.18.last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015 - Nepal A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, in South Asia.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - nephew A male person who is the son of one's brother or sister, or of one's spouse's brother or sister.last updated 2/18/2015 last updated 2/18/2015 - Neptune A physical planet of the eight planets in the Solar System which is the farthest in distance to the Sun, and the eighth or last planet in order of distance from the Sun after the Uranus and before Pluto, a dwarf planet.last updated 4/14/2015 last updated 4/14/2015 - neptunium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Np, atomic number 93, and atomic weight ().last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015 - nerve
- nervous
- nervously
- nest nest" is something which is a collection of something that live together and usually belong to one family.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015 A structure or place that is made or used by a bird for laying eggs, sheltering its young, or living in.last updated 1/1/2016 last updated 1/1/2016 - net
- Netherlands A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - network network" is something which is a collection of something that are directly linked and connected together for allowing communication between parts.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015 - neutral
- never
- neverthriving
- new
- newlywed A person who is the one has recently got married or entered into a marriage.last updated 2/20/2015 last updated 2/20/2015 - news
- newspaper
- next
- Nicaragua A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Nicaragua, in Central America.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - Nicaraguan
- nice
- nicely
- nickel A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Np, atomic number 93, and atomic weight 58.69.last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015 - nide
- niece A female person who is the daughter of one's brother or sister, or of one's spouse's brother or sister.last updated 2/18/2015 last updated 2/18/2015 - nifty
- Niger A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Republic of Niger, in west Africa.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - Nigeria A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in west Africa.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - night
- nightingale nightingale" is something which is a bird that is a brownish European songbird with a broad reddish-brown tail and is known for its musical song.last updated 3/24/2015 last updated 3/24/2015 - nimble
- nine
- niobium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol Nb, atomic number 41, and atomic weight 92.91.last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015 - nippy
- nitrogen A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol N, atomic number 7, and atomic weight [14.00, 14.01].last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015 - no
- nobelium A 'mass' thing this a chemical element of symbol No, atomic number 102, and atomic weight ().last updated 2/16/2015 last updated 2/16/2015 - noble
- nobody
- nod
- noise
- noiseless
- noisily
- noisy
- nominate
- nonchalant
- nondescript
- none
- nonstop
- noon
- nor
- normal
- normalize
- north north" is something which is a solid direction that is towards the part of the Earth above the equator.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 - northeast northeast" is something which is a solid direction that is towards the part of the Earth halfway between north and east.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 - northern
- north-northeast north-northeast" is something which is a solid direction that is towards the part of the Earth halfway between north and northeast.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 - north-northwest north-northwest" is something which is a solid direction that is towards the part of the Earth halfway between north and northwest.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 - northwest northwest" is something which is a solid direction that is towards the part of the Earth halfway between north and west.last updated 2/25/2015 last updated 2/25/2015 - Norway A proper name that is used to name a country, officially the Kingdom of Norway, in northern Europe.last updated 1/26/2016 last updated 1/26/2016 - nose
- nostalgic
- nosy
- not
- note
- notebook
- nothing
- notice
- notorious
- noun noun" is something which is an idea that is a name of a thing, such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action.last updated 3/20/2015 last updated 3/20/2015 - novelty
- now
- nowadays
- nowhere
- noxious
- nuclear
- nucleus
- nuisance
- null
- number number" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with profession related to number.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015 - numberless
- numerous
- nun nun" is somebody which is a female person that is a member of a female religious community of women living typically under solemn vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.last updated 3/25/2015 last updated 3/25/2015 - nurse
- nursery nursery" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with character of being taken care of or sleep and play around.last updated 3/1/2015 last updated 3/1/2015 - nut nut" is something which is a shaped block with a hole located usually in the center and an internal screw thread on the hole that is used to be matched with the thread on another object.last updated 2/17/2015 last updated 2/17/2015 - nutritious
- nutty
- nye