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Matrix Multiplication

Product of Matrices

Product of Matrices, image

Let image, image and image,

for matrix A of order m x n,and matrix B of order p x q, product of matrices exist if and only if image. Then the product of matrices is image where the order of matrix D is x by y and image, image. The elements of D are




For example,


From the definition of matrix multiplication, it is possible to have

image without image or image and

image without image or image.

Properties of Matrix Multiplication

If both matrix B premultiplied by matrix A, image and matrix B postmultipled by matrix A, image are defined, image. In general, matrix multiplication is not commutative.

image. Multiplication of matrices is associative.

For matrix A of order m x n, matrix B of order p x q and matrix C of order s x t, product of matrices exist if and only if image and image. Then element of image is


And the element of image is


Rearrange the order of terms


And equals to the element of

image or image.

Matrix multiplication is distributive with respect to addition.

If image, then

image and image.

If A and D are of same order and B and C are square matrices, then A, B, C and D are all square matrices.

Since image equals image and the element is


And equals to the element of image.

Identity Matrix

The identity under matrix multiplication is the identity matrix, that is


Let image, image and image then




In order to have the same order as A, for element x, order of k should equal to i and for element y, order of l should equal to j, and therefore the identity matrix must be square.

According to the equality of matrices,

image only when image, and image only when image.

The form of identity matrix is


If image, that is image, then A must be a square matrix.

And therefore it is also called unit matrix.

Inverse Matrix

If A has an multiplication inverse image and image then A must be square.

If a matrix has an inverse, the inverse is unique.

Assume both B and C are inverses of A, then image and image.

Premultiply first equation by C, imply image.

From second equation, imply image and the inverse is unique.

Division of matrices has not been defined, the multiplying of the reciprocal of a matrix can be replaced by multiplying the inverse of the matrix. Therefore solving B in image can be obtained by premultiplying image.


Let image, If both matrices have an inverse, then image. That is


The inverse of a matrix's inverse equals to the matrix itself, image. Let image then



Matrix Transpose

Transpose of a matrix

Transpose of a matrix,  IMAGE... or  IMAGE...

The transpose of a matrix, written as  IMAGE... , is obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of the original matrix A. Therefore if  IMAGE... amd  IMAGE... , the elemnt,  IMAGE... of matrix  IMAGE... equals to the element,  IMAGE... of matrix, A. And if the order of A is m x n then the order of  IMAGE... is n x m.

For example,


Properties of Matrix Transpose

 IMAGE... , if and only if  IMAGE... .


Matrix Products Transpose

if the matrix multiplication of  IMAGE... exists, then  IMAGE... .

Since  IMAGE... is defined,  IMAGE... is also defined while  IMAGE... may not be.

Let  IMAGE... , where A is of order m x n and B is of order n x r, and C is of order m x r then  IMAGE... and element of C is


Let D is the transpose of C, then


That is element in the row j and colume i of matrix D equals to product of row i of matrix A and column j of matrix B, that is


Let  IMAGE... , since  IMAGE... is of order n x m and  IMAGE... is of order r x n, then E is of order r x m.

Let X be the transpose of A, imply

 IMAGE... ,

Let Y be the transpose of B, imply


and imply

 IMAGE... ,

That is element in the row j and colume i of matrix E equals to

 IMAGE... ,

Subsitute corresponding elements in row of matrix B and in column of matrix A imply

 IMAGE... ,

And equals to the element of  IMAGE... . Therefore  IMAGE...

Transpose of Inverse Matrix

If  IMAGE... exists, then  IMAGE... . Since  IMAGE... and  IMAGE... , imply

 IMAGE... ,

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