Link: Body Elements HTML BodyThe Entity %inline; Elements of Body Section
Code Sample:
Plain text and entity &<br> <tt>teletype font</tt><br> <i>italic style</i><br> <b>bold style</b><br> <u>underlined style</u><br> <s>strike-through style</s><br> <strike>strike-through style</strike><br> <big>bigger text style</big><br> <small>smaller text style</small><br> <em>emphasized text style</em><br> <strong>stronger emphasized text style</strong><br> The meaning of <dfn>definition term</dfn> is ...<br> <code> code ...</code><br> <samp> code output sample ...</samp><br> "<kbd>keyboard</kbd>" is an input by keyboard<br> "<var>variable</var>" is a variable<br> "<cite>citation</cite>" from a reference<br> "<abbr>abbr.</abbr>" is abbreviation of abbreviation.<br> "<acronym>WHO</acronym>" is acronym of World Health Organisation.<br> <a href="">sideway</a><br> <img src="" alt="sideway" usemap="#navmap"><br> <applet code="output.class" width="50" height="50"> no Java applet support;</applet><br> <object data="data.shape"> no support object</object><br> <font color="green">green text</font><br> <basefont size="5"><br>new font size 5...<br> font size reset to <basefont size="3"><br> font size 3...<br> <br> <script type="text/javascript" src="test.txt"></script> <map name="navmap"><area shape="rect" coords="0,0,102,43" href=""></map><br> <q>short quotation</q> from reference<br> a <sub>subscript</sub> text<br> a <sup>superscript</sup> text<br> a inline <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold"> blue</span> word.<br> "hello" in revert order: "hello"<br> inline <iframe height="100" width="100" name="f1" src="">no iframes support </iframe> frame ...<br> <form action="frm.asp">choice input: <input id="c1" name="choice" type="radio"> 1 or <input id="c2" name="choice" type="radio"> 2<br> option seletion: <select name="D1"> <option value="option">Option 1</option> </select><br> a multlines textarea input: <textarea name="a1" cols="20" rows="2">initial content</textarea><br> labels for: "<label for="c1">choice 1</label>" or "<label for="c2">choice 2</label>"<br> a button: "<button type="button">Click</button> " </form><br> ... </body>
Entity %inline;
open tag: --- end tag: ---
The #PCDATA element is used to define the allowed document plain text and entities of the SGML data type that can be used as the document content of the HTML document.
child elements:
plain text and entities of character reference than begin with a "&" sign and end with a semi-colon (;)
open tag: <tt> end tag: </tt>
The <tt> element is used to markup the element text content as teletype or monospaced font.
open tag: <i> end tag: </i>
The <i> element is used to markup the element text content as italic text style.
open tag: <b> end tag: </b>
The <b> element is used to markup the element text content as bold text style.
open tag: <u> end tag: </u>
The <u> element is used to markup the element text content as underlined text style.
open tag: <s> end tag: </s>
The <s> element is used to markup the element text content as strike-through text style.
open tag: <strike> end tag: </strike>
The <strike> element is used to markup the element text content as strike-through text style.
open tag: <big> end tag: </big>
The <big> element is used to markup the element text content as bigger text style.
open tag: <small> end tag: </small>
The <small> element is used to markup the element text content as smaller text style.
open tag: <em> end tag: </em>
The <em> element is used to markup the element text content as emphasized text style.
open tag: <strong> end tag: </strong>
The <strong> element is used to markup the element text content as stronger emphasized text style.
open tag: <dfn> end tag: </dfn>
The <dfn> element is used to markup the element text content as definition term defining text style of a definition term.
open tag: <code> end tag: </code>
The <code> element is used to designate the element text content is text fragment of computer code.
open tag: <samp> end tag: </samp>
The <samp> element is used to designate the element text content is text fragment of computer code sample output.
open tag: <kbd> end tag: </kbd>
The <kbd> element is used to markup the element text content as keyboard input text style entered by user.
open tag: <var> end tag: </var>
The <var> element is used to markup the element text content as variable text style of variables used in computer program.
open tag: <cite> end tag: </cite>
The <cite> element is used to markup the element text content as the cited text sytle of a citation or a reference to other sources.
open tag: <abbr> end tag: </abbr>
The <abbr> element is used to markup the element text content as the abbreviated form test sytle of an abbreviation of words.
open tag: <acronym> end tag: </acronym>
The <acronym> element is used to markup the element text content as acronym form text style of an acronym of words.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <a> end tag: </a>
The <a> element is used to define an anchor of the element text content in the HTML document.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir charset type name href hreflang target rel rev accesskey shape coords tabindex
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur
open tag: <img> end tag: ---
The <img> element is used to define a division for rendering an embedded image by including an image link in the HTML document.
child elements:
id class style title lang dir src alt longdesc name height width usemap ismap align border hspace vspace
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <applet> end tag: </applet>
The <applet> element is used to define a division for rendering an embedded applet by including an applet code through code attribute in the HTML document.
child elements:
( <param> | ( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) | ( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) ) ) )*
id class style title codebase archive code object alt name width height align hspace vspace
open tag: <object> end tag: </object>
The <object> element is used to define a division for rendering an embedded object by including an object link and specifying its external application in the HTML document.
child elements:
( <param> | ( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) | ( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) ) ) )*
id class style title lang dir declare classid codebase data type codetype archive standby height width usemap name tabindex align border hspace vspace
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <font> end tag: </font>
The <font> element is used to markup the element text content by specifying the font size, font color and font face attributes.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir size color face
open tag: <basefont> end tag: ---
The <basefont> element is used to define the default font size, font color and font face for the text contents of the HTML document.
child elements:
id size color face
open tag: <br> end tag: ---
The <br> element is used to define the end of current line of text content and inserts a single line break to the text content of the HTML document.
child elements:
id class style title clear
open tag: <script> end tag: </script>
The <script> element is used to define a division for the scripting language of the contained scripting statements or an external source for the client-side scripting.
child elements:
( "CDATA" )
charset type language src defer
open tag: <map> end tag: </map>
The <map> element is used to define a clickable divison for a client-side image area map in the HTML document by associating the map with another elements through the name attribute.
child elements:
( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) ) | <area> )+
id class style title lang dir name
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <q> end tag: </q>
The <q> element is used to markup the element text content as short quotation text style without paragraph break.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir cite
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <sub> end tag: </sub>
The <sub> element is used to markup the element text content as subscript text style.
open tag: <sup> end tag: </sup>
The <sup> element is used to markup the element text content as superscript text style.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <span> end tag: </span>
The <span> element is used to markup the element text content at inline level in the HTML document.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <bdo> end tag: </bdo>
The <bdo> element is used to markup the element text content according to the specified text direction by overriding the default bidirectional algorithm in the HTML document.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir
open tag: <iframe> end tag: </iframe>
The <iframe> element is used to define an inline frame division for the contents of link specified by the src attribute in the HTML document.
child elements:
( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) | ( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) ) ) *
id class style title longdesc name src frameborder marginwidth marginheight scrolling align height width
open tag: <input> end tag: ---
The <input> element is used to define an input section for user input in the HTML document.
child elements:
id class style title lang dir name value checked disabled readonly size maxlength src alt usemap ismap tabindex accesskey accept align
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur onselect onchange
open tag: <select> end tag: </select>
The <select> element is used to define an inline drop-down selection list in the HTML document.
child elements:
( <optgroup> | <option> )+
id class style title lang dir name size multiple disabled tabindex
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur onchange
open tag: <textarea> end tag: </textarea>
The <textarea> element is used to define a multi-line text input box with the element text content as the initial content in the HTML document.
child elements:
id class style title lang dir name rows cols disabled readonly tabindex accesskey
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur onselect onchange
open tag: <label> end tag: </label>
The <label> element is used to define the element text content as a label associating with a specified form control element through the for attribute. in the HTML document.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir for accesskey
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur
open tag: <button> end tag: </button>
The <button> element s used to define an input button with element contents for user input in the HTML document.
child elements:
( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) | ( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) ) ) *
id class style title lang dir type disabled tabindex accesskey
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur
Optional tag
Optional Element or Content Occurrence Character: (+) one or more; (*) zero or more; (?) zero or one times; ( ) exactly once Choice or Sequence Element or Content : (|) or (&) and (,) sequence (+) include (-) exclude |
Sideway BICK Blog 27/08 |