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Script, Scripting Language, VBScript elements, Server-Side VBScript Debug Object

VBScript Debug Object

Debug Object is a build-in global VBScript Object for sending output to a script debugger, such as the Microsoft Script Debugger, in form of an Object.

Debug Object

last updated 12/10/2017

is to provide simple intrinsic global support to a script debugger, such as the Microsoft Script Debugger.


  • An intrinsic global object that can send output to a script debugger, such as the Microsoft Script Debugger.
  • The Debug object cannot be created directly, but it is always available for use.
  • The Write and WriteLine methods of the Debug object display strings in the Immediate window of the Microsoft Script Debugger at run time. If the script is not being debugged, the methods have no effect.
  • This example uses the Write method to display the value of the variable in the Immediate window of the Microsoft Script Debugger.
    Dim counter
    counter = 42
    Debug.Write "The value of counter is " & counter
  • To run this example, you must have a script debugger installed and the script must run in debug mode.
  • Internet Explorer 8 includes the Microsoft JScript debugger. If you are using an earlier version of Internet Explorer, see How to: Enable and Start Script Debugging from Internet Explorer.



Debug Methods

last updated 12/10/2017

Two Methods are predefined for the Debug Object, namely, Write Method, and WriteLine Method. Dot notation is used to access the available Method for an Debug Object, for example, Debug.methodname.


Debug.Write([str1 [, str2 [, … [, strN]]]])
Debug.WriteLine([str1 [, str2 [, … [, strN]]]])

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