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Hyper-V Manager Connect to a Server
  Open the Hyper-V Manager
  Connect to a New Hyper-V host
  Connect Hyper-V host on the local computer
  Conncect Hyper-V host on another computer

Hyper-V Manager Connect to a Server

The Hyper-V Manager can be used to manage Hyper-V servers on local computer and another computer remotely. However, for Windows 8.1 and earlier, remote management works only when the host is in the same domain and the local user account is also on the remote host.

Open the Hyper-V Manager

Steps to open the Hyper-V Manager on local computer.

  1. Enter "virtmgmt.msc" to the "Open" field of "Run" window to open the Hyper-V Manager. image
  2. Click button "OK" to open the "Hyper-V Manager. image

Connect to a New Hyper-V host

Steps to connect the Hyper-V manager to a New Hyper-V host.

  1. Right click "Hyper-V Manager" in the left pane to activate the context menu. image
  2. Click "Connect to Server..." in the context menu or in the expanded "Hyper-V Manager" menu at the right "Action" pane to open the "Select Computer" window. image

The Hyper-V manager can connect to two types of virtualization servers.

Connect Hyper-V host on the local computer

If the name of the local computer that host Hyper-V does not listed in the Hyper-V Manager, the local computer can be added to the list by

  1. Click the "Local computer" radio button in the "Select Computer" window. image
  2. Click the "OK" button to add the connection of local Hyper-V server to Hyper-V manager.
  3. The name of the added computer will then be added under the "Hyper-V Manager" in the left pane for managing the Hyper-V host.  image

Conncect Hyper-V host on another computer

The Hyper-V Manager can also be used to manage Hyper-V host on another computer remotely.

  1. Click the "Another computer" radio button in the "Select Computer" window. image
  2. ....................



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