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  Window Functions (Window Management)
 Sources and References

Window Functions (Window Management)

  1. Window Functions
    GLUT supports two types of windows: top-level windows and subwindows. Both types support OpenGL ren- dering and GLUT callbacks. There is a single identifier space for both types of windows.s
    1. glutCreateWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
      glutCreateWindow creates a top-level window.
      • Usage
        int glutCreateWindow(char *name);
        • name
          ASCII character string for use as window name.
      • Description
             glutCreateWindow creates a top-level window. The name will be provided to the window system as the window’s name. The intent is that the window system will label the window with the name.
             Implicitly, the current window is set to the newly created window.
             Each created window has a unique associated OpenGL context. State changes to a window’s associated OpenGL context can be done immediately after the window is created.
             The display state of a window is initially for the window to be shown. But the window’s display state is not actually acted upon until glutMainLoop is entered. This means until glutMainLoop is called, rendering to a created window is ineffective because the window can not yet be displayed.
             The value returned is a unique small integer identifier for the window. The range of allocated identifiers starts at one. This window identifier can be used when calling glutSetWindow.
      • X Implementation Notes
        The proper X Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM) top-level properties are established. The WM COMMAND property that lists the command line used to invoke the GLUT program is only established for the first window created.
    2. glutCreateSubWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    3. glutSetWindow, glutGetWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    4. glutDestroyWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    5. glutPositionWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    6. glutReshapeWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    7. glutFullScreen (OpenGL GLUT 3.0 Only)
    8. glutFullScreen, glutLeaveFullScreen, glutFullScreenToggle
    9. glutPopWindow, glutPushWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    10. glutShowWindow, glutHideWindow, glutIconifyWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    11. glutSetWindowTitle, glutSetIconTitle (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. Display Functions
    1. glutPostRedisplay (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    2. glutPostWindowRedisplay
    3. glutSwapBuffers (OpenGL GLUT 3.0 Only)
  3. Mouse Cursor Functions
    1. glutSetCursor (OpenGL GLUT 3.0 Only)
    2. glutWarpPointer

Sources and References


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