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Grammar Part of Speech Noun Abstract Noun Type b

List of Abstract Nouns: a

  1. acoustics
  2. action
  3. activity
  4. acute angle open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a geometric feature that is the angle formed by two lines is smaller than a right angle and is less than 90 degree.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  5. adulthood open definitionclose definitionThe concept of an age span of a person that is the age span after youth or the state of being an adult.last updated 2/27/2015 last updated 2/27/2015
  6. aftermath
  7. afternoon
  8. afterthought
  9. anger
  10. apex open definitionclose definitionAn abstract concept of a zero dimensional geometric feature that is the highest point or top of something when considering in upright position.last updated 4/16/2015 last updated 4/16/2015
  11. arithmetic

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