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CSS Rendering Properties by Level

CSS Rendering Property

The CSS rendering properties in alphabetic order

CSS LevelProperty NameDescriptionRefRemark 
3@font-feature-valuesto set the font-feature-values property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3@keyframesto set the @keyframes of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3align-contentto set the content alignment property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3align-itemsto set the element alignment property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3align-selfto set the alignment property of an element with respect to the parent element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3animationshorthand to set the animation property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3animation-delayto set the animation-delay property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3animation-directionto set the animation-direction property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3animation-durationto set the animation-duration property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3animation-fill-modeto set the animation-fill-mode of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3animation-iteration-countto set the animation-iteration-count of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3animation-nameto set the animation-name of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3animation-play-stateto set the animation-play-state of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3animation-timing-functionto set the animation-timing-function of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3backface-visibilityto set the backface-visibility of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3background-blend-modeto set the blending mode of each background layer (color/image) ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3background-clipto set the clipped background area of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3background-originto set the origin of background image with repect to an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3background-sizeto set the size of the background image with respect to an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-bottom-left-radiusto set the border bottom-left corner shape of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-bottom-right-radiusto set the border bottom-right corner shape of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-imageshorthand to set the border-image properties of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-image-outsetto set the border-image outsets of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-image-repeatto set the border-image repeating method of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-image-sliceto set the border-image slicing method of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-image-sourceto set the border-image source of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-image-widthto set the border-image width of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-radiusto set the border radius of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-top-left-radiusto set the border-top left radius of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3border-top-right-radiusto set the border-top right radius of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3box-decoration-breakto set the box breaking method of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3box-shadowto set the box shadow of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3box-sizingto set the box-sizing of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3break-afterto set the break-after property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3break-beforeto set the break-before property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3break-insideto set the break-inside property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3column-countto set the column-count of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3column-fillto set the column-fill property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3column-gapto set the column-gap of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3column-ruleto set the column-rule property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3column-rule-colorto set the column-rule-color of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3column-rule-styleto set the column-rule-style of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3column-rule-widthto set the column-rule-width of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3columnsshorthand to set the column property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3column-spanto set the column-span of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3column-widthto set the column-width of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3filterto set the filter property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3flexto set flex properties of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3flex-basisto set the flex-basic length of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3flex-directionto set the flex-direction of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3flex-flowshorthand to set the flex-direction and the flex-wrap properties of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3flex-growto set the flex-grow of an element with respect to another element in the parent element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3flex-shrinkto set the flex-shrink of an element with respect to another element in the parent element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3flex-wrapto set the flex-wrap property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-feature-settingsto set font-feature-settings of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-kerningto set font-kerning property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-language-overrideto set font-language-override property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-synthesisto set the text font-synthesis of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-variant-alternatesto set the text font-variant alternates of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-variant-capsto set the text font-variant-caps of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-variant-east-asianto set the text font-variant-east-asian of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-variant-ligaturesto set the text font-variant-ligatures of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-variant-numericto set the text font-vvariant-numeric of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3font-variant-positionto set the text font-vvariant-position of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3hanging-punctuationto set the hanging-punctuation property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3hyphensto set the hanging-hyphen property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3image-orientationto set the image-orientation of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3image-renderingto set the image-rendering of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3image-resolutionto set the image-resolution of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3ime-modeto set the text input method editor mode of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3justify-contentto set the justify-content alignment property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3line-breakto set the line-break property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3markshorthand to set the mark property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3mark-afterto set the mark-after property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3mark-beforeto set the mark-before property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3marquee-directionto set the marquee-direction of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3marquee-play-countto set the marquee-play-count of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3marquee-speedto set the marquee-speed of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3marquee-styleto set the marquee-style of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3maskto set the mask of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3mask-typeto set the mask-type of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3nav-downto set the navigating arrow-down key property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3nav-indexto set the navigating tabbing index order of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3nav-leftto set the navigating arrow-left key property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3nav-rightto set the navigating arrow-right key property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3nav-upto set the navigating arrow-up key property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3object-fitto set the object-fit of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3object-positionto set the object-position of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3opacityto set the opacity property of an elementColor3ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3orderto set the arranging order of an element with respect to other elements in an parent element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3outline-offsetto set the outline-offset of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3overflow-wrapto set the overflow-wrap property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3overflow-xto set the horizontal overflow control of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3overflow-yto set the vertical overflow control of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3perspectiveto set the 3D perspective of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3perspective-originto set the 3D perspective-origin of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3phonemesto set the text phonetic pronunciation phoneme of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3resizeto set the resize property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3restshorthand to set the rest property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3rest-afterto set the text prosodic boundary rest after property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3rest-beforeto set the text prosodic boundary rest before property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3tab-sizeto set the tab-size of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-align-lastto set the horizontal text ending alignment property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-combine-uprightto set the text-combine-upright property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-decoration-colorto set the extra text-decoration color of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-decoration-lineto set the text-decoration line property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-decoration-styleto set the extra text-decoration style of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-justifyto set the horizontal text justification method of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-orientationto set the text-orientation of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-overflowto set text-overflow property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-shadowto set the text shadow of an element2-1998ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3text-underline-positionto set the text decoration underline position of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3transformto set the perspective transformation of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3transform-originto set the perspective transform-origin of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3transform-styleto set the perspective transform-style of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3transitionshorthand to set the transition property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3transition-delayto set the transition-delay of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3transition-durationto set the transition-duration of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3transition-propertyto set the transition item of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3transition-timing-functionto set the transition-timing-function of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3voice-balanceto set the left-right voice-balance of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3voice-durationto set the voice-duration of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3voice-pitchto set the average voice-pitch of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3voice-pitch-rangeto set the average voice-pitch variation range of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3voice-rateto set the average voice-rate of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3voice-stressto set the voice-stress emphasis of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3voice-volumeto set the voice-volume amplitude of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3word-breakto set the word breaking property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3word-wrapto set the word-wrapping property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
3writing-modeto set the writing-mode of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2-1998, 3marksto set the mark property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2.1, 2.2WDIgnorelast updated 1/21/2019
2.1, 2.2WDPropertylast updated 1/21/2019
2.1-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1(last updated 1/21/2019
2.1)last updated 1/21/2019
2.1*to match all elementslast updated 1/11/2019
2.1:last updated 1/21/2019
2.1:first-childto select every <p> element that is the first child of its parentlast updated 1/11/2019
2.1:focusto select the input element which has focuslast updated 1/11/2019
2.1:hoverto select links on mouse overlast updated 1/11/2019
2.1:lang(language)to select every <p> element with a lang attribute equal to "it" (Italian)last updated 1/11/2019
2.1;last updated 1/21/2019
2.1@charsetto specify the character encoding of the style sheet itselflast updated 3/8/2019
2.1[last updated 1/21/2019
2.1[attribute]to match all elements with an "attribute" attributelast updated 1/11/2019
2.1[attribute|=value]to match all elements with [attribute] attribute starting with the word "value" of either exactly "value" or "value" immediately followed by "-".last updated 1/11/2019
2.1[attribute~=value]to match all elements with [attribute] attribute containing the word "value"last updated 1/11/2019
2.1[attribute=value]to match all elements with [attribute] attribute equal to "value"last updated 1/11/2019
2.1]last updated 1/21/2019
2.1_last updated 1/21/2019
2.1{last updated 1/21/2019
2.1}last updated 1/21/2019
2.1-ah-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1anylast updated 1/21/2019
2.1ATKEYWORDlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1at-rulelast updated 1/21/2019
2.1-atsc-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1BAD_COMMENTlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1BAD_STRINGlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1BAD_URIlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1badcommentlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1badcomment1last updated 1/21/2019
2.1badcomment2last updated 1/21/2019
2.1badstringlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1badstring1last updated 1/21/2019
2.1badstring2last updated 1/21/2019
2.1badurilast updated 1/21/2019
2.1baduri1last updated 1/21/2019
2.1baduri2last updated 1/21/2019
2.1baduri3last updated 1/21/2019
2.1blocklast updated 1/21/2019
2.1CDClast updated 1/21/2019
2.1CDOlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1COMMENTlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1DASHMATCHlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1declarationlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1DELIMlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1DIMENSIONlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1elementA+elementBto match all <elementB> elements that are preceded immediately by the <elementA> element inside the same parent element.last updated 1/11/2019
2.1elementA>elementBto match all <elementB> elements that are direct children of the parent <elementA> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
2.1escapelast updated 1/21/2019
2.1FUNCTIONlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1HASHlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1-hp-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1identlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1IDENTlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1INCLUDESlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1-khtml-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1-moz-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1-ms-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1mso-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1namelast updated 1/21/2019
2.1nllast updated 1/21/2019
2.1nmcharlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1nmstartlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1nonasciilast updated 1/21/2019
2.1numlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1NUMBERlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1-o-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1PERCENTAGElast updated 1/21/2019
2.1prince-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1propertylast updated 1/21/2019
2.1-rim-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1-ro-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1rulesetlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1Slast updated 1/21/2019
2.1selectorlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1statementlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1stringlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1STRINGlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1string1last updated 1/21/2019
2.1string2last updated 1/21/2019
2.1stylesheetlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1unicodelast updated 1/21/2019
2.1UNICODE-RANGElast updated 1/21/2019
2.1unusedlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1URIlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1valuelast updated 1/21/2019
2.1wlast updated 1/21/2019
2.1-wap-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1-webkit-last updated 1/21/2019
2.1-xv-last updated 1/21/2019
2,3@font-faceto set the font-face property of an element ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2,2.1@mediato specify some CSS rules for specified media types conditionallylast updated 3/8/2019
2,2.1@pageto specify some specific CSS rules for paged media.last updated 3/8/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDAncestorlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDAttributelast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDAuthorlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDChildlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDContentlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDDescendantlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDDocument languagelast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDDocument treelast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDElementlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDFollowing elementlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDIntrinsic dimensionslast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDPreceding elementlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDRendered contentlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDReplaced elementlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDSiblinglast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDSource documentlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDStyle sheetlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDUserlast updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDUser agent (UA)last updated 1/21/2019
2, 2.1, 2.2WDValid style sheetlast updated 1/21/2019
2azimuth 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2border-collapseto set the border-collapse property of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2border-spacingto set the border-spacing property of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2bottomto set the bottom position of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2caption-sideto set the caption-side of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2clipto set the clipped area of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2contentto set the specified content of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2counter-incrementto set the counter-increment of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2counter-resetto set the counter-reset of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2cue 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2cue-after 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2cue-before 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2cursorto set the cursor of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2directionto set the text flow direction of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2elevation 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2empty-cellsto set the empty-cells of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2font-size-adjustto set the text font size adjustment of an element2-1998ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2font-stretchto set the text font stretch property of an element2-1998ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2leftto set the left position of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2marker-offset 2-1998ooolast updated 7/13/2016
2max-heightto set the maximum height of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2max-widthto set the maximum width of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2min-heightto set the minimum height of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2min-widthto set the minimum width of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2orphansto set the orphan property of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2outlineto set the outline property of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2outline-colorto set the outline-color of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2outline-styleto set the outline-style of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2outline-widthto set the outline-width of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2overflowto set the overflow control of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2page 2-1998ooolast updated 7/13/2016
2page-break-afterto set the page-break-after property of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2page-break-beforeto set the page-break-before property of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2page-break-insideto set the page-break-inside property of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2pause 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2pause-after 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2pause-before 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2pitch 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2pitch-range 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2play-during 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2positionto set the positioning method of an element with respect to another element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2quotesto set the quote of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2richness 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2rightto set the right position of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2size 2-1998ooolast updated 7/13/2016
2speak 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2speak-header 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2speak-numeral 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2speak-punctuation 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2speech-rate 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2stress 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2table-layoutto set the table-layout of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2topto set the top position of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2unicode-bidito set the text-unicode-bidi of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2visibilityto set the visibility property of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2voice-family 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2volume 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2widowsto set the widow property of an element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
2z-indexto set the stack order of an element with respect with another element2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1#idto match all elements with an "id" idlast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1.classto match all elements with a "class" classlast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1:activeto select the active linklast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1:first-letter (::first-letter)to select the first letter of every <p> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1:first-line (::first-line)to select the first line of every <p> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1:linkto select all unvisited linkslast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1:visitedto select all visited linkslast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1backgroundshorthand to set the background properties of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1background-attachmentto set the background-attachment property (fixed or scrolls) of an element with respect to the page1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1background-colorto set the background color of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1background-imageto set one or more background images of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1background-positionto set the background image position of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1background-repeatto set the background image repeating method of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1borderto set border properties of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-bottomto set the border bottom properties of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-bottom-colorto set the border bottom color of an element2-1998, 2.1zzooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-bottom-styleto set the bottom border style of an element2-1998, 2.1zzooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-bottom-widthto set the bottom border width of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-colorto set the border color of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-leftto set the border left properties of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-left-colorto set the border left color of an element2-1998, 2.1zzooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-left-styleto set the border left style of an element2-1998, 2.1zzooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-left-widthto set the border left width of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-rightto set the border-right properties of an element1-1996, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-right-colorto set the border-right color of an element2-1998, 2.1zzooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-right-styleto set the border-right style of an element2-1998, 2.1zzooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-right-widthto set the border-right width of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-styleto set the border style of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-topto set the border-top properties of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-top-colorto set the border-top color of an element2-1998, 2.1zzooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-top-styleto set the border-top style of an element2-1998, 2.1zzooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-top-widthto set the border-top width of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1border-widthto set the border width of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1clearto set the cleared side of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1colorto set the foreground color of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1, Color3ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1displayto set the display type of an element with respect to another element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1elementA elementBto match all <elementB> elements that are nested inside the <elementA> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1elementA,elementB,⋯to match all <elementA>, <elementB>, <⋯>, ⋯ elementslast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1elementnameto match all <elementname> elementslast updated 1/11/2019
1,2.1floatto set the floating method of an element with respect to another element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1fontto set all the font properties of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1font-familyto set the font family property of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1font-sizeto set the text font size of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1font-styleto set the text font style of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1font-variantto set the text font-variant of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1font-weightto set the text font-font-weight of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1heightto set the content height of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1letter-spacingto set the extra letter-spacing of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1line-heightto set the line-height of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1list-styleto set the list-style of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1list-style-imageto set the list-style-image of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1list-style-positionto set the list-style-position of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1list-style-typeto set the list-style-type of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1marginto set the margin of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1margin-bottomto set the margin bottom of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1margin-leftto set the margin left of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1margin-rightto set the margin right of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1margin-topto set the margin top of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1paddingto set the padding of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1padding-bottomto set the padding bottom of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1padding-leftto set the padding left of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1padding-rightto set the padding right of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1padding-topto set the padding top of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1text-alignto set the horizontal text alignment property of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1text-decorationto set the extra text-decoration of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1text-indentto set the horizontal text opening indentation property of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1text-transformto set the text-transform property of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1vertical-alignto set the vertical alignment of an element with respect to another element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1white-spaceto set the white-space property of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1widthto set the content width of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2.1word-spacingto set the word spacing property of an element1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1,2,2.1@importto specify those to be included external style sheets by importing1-1996, 2-1998, 2.1ooolast updated 7/11/2016
1!importantlast updated 1/24/2019
1*/last updated 1/24/2019
1\*last updated 1/24/2019
1attributelast updated 1/23/2019
1authorlast updated 1/23/2019
1block-level elementlast updated 1/23/2019
1canvaslast updated 1/23/2019
1child elementlast updated 1/23/2019
1contextual selectorlast updated 1/23/2019
1CSSlast updated 1/23/2019
1CSS1last updated 1/23/2019
1CSS1 advanced featureslast updated 1/23/2019
1CSS1 core featureslast updated 1/23/2019
1CSS1 parserlast updated 1/23/2019
1declarationlast updated 1/23/2019
1designerlast updated 1/23/2019
1documentlast updated 1/23/2019
1elementlast updated 1/23/2019
1element typelast updated 1/23/2019
1fictional tag sequencelast updated 1/23/2019
1font sizelast updated 1/23/2019
1HTMLlast updated 1/23/2019
1HTML extensionlast updated 1/23/2019
1inline elementlast updated 1/23/2019
1intrinsic dimensionslast updated 1/23/2019
1parent elementlast updated 1/23/2019
1propertylast updated 1/23/2019
1pseudo-classlast updated 1/23/2019
1pseudo-elementlast updated 1/23/2019
1readerlast updated 1/23/2019
1replaced elementlast updated 1/23/2019
1rulelast updated 1/23/2019
1selectorlast updated 1/23/2019
1SGMLlast updated 1/23/2019
1simple selectorlast updated 1/23/2019
1single quotes ('...')last updated 1/23/2019
1style sheetlast updated 1/23/2019
1UAlast updated 1/23/2019
1userlast updated 1/23/2019
1weightlast updated 1/23/2019
::after (:after)Insert something after the content of each <p> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
::before (:before)Insert something before the content of each <p> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
::cue (:cue)last updated 1/11/2019
::grammar-errorlast updated 1/11/2019
::markerlast updated 1/11/2019
::placeholderto select input elements with placeholder textlast updated 1/11/2019
::selectionto select the portion of an element that is selected by a userlast updated 1/11/2019
::slotted()last updated 1/11/2019
::spelling-errorlast updated 1/11/2019
:any-linklast updated 1/11/2019
:backdroplast updated 1/11/2019
:blanklast updated 1/11/2019
:checkedto select every checked <input> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
:currentlast updated 1/11/2019
:defaultto select the default <input> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
:definedlast updated 1/11/2019
:dir()last updated 1/11/2019
:disabledto select every disabled <input> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
:droplast updated 1/11/2019
:emptyto select every <p> element that has no children (including text nodes)last updated 1/11/2019
:enabledto select every enabled <input> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
:firstlast updated 1/11/2019
:first-of-typeto select every <p> element that is the first <p> element of its parentlast updated 1/11/2019
:focus-visiblelast updated 1/11/2019
:focus-withinlast updated 1/11/2019
:fullscreenlast updated 1/11/2019
:futurelast updated 1/11/2019
:has()last updated 1/11/2019
:hostlast updated 1/11/2019
:host()last updated 1/11/2019
:host-context()last updated 1/11/2019
:indeterminateto select input elements that are in an indeterminate statelast updated 1/11/2019
:in-rangeto select input elements with a value within a specified rangelast updated 1/11/2019
:invalidto select all input elements with an invalid valuelast updated 1/11/2019
:is()last updated 1/11/2019
:last-childto select every <p> element that is the last child of its parentlast updated 1/11/2019
:last-of-typeto select every <p> element that is the last <p> element of its parentlast updated 1/11/2019
:leftlast updated 1/11/2019
:local-linklast updated 1/11/2019
:not(selector)to select every element that is not a <p> elementlast updated 1/11/2019
:nth-child(n)to select every <p> element that is the second child of its parentlast updated 1/11/2019
:nth-last-child(n)to select every <p> element that is the second child of its parent, counting from the last childlast updated 1/11/2019
:nth-last-of-type(n)to select every <p> element that is the second <p> element of its parent, counting from the last childlast updated 1/11/2019
:nth-of-type(n)to select every <p> element that is the second <p> element of its parentlast updated 1/11/2019
:only-childto select every <p> element that is the only child of its parentlast updated 1/11/2019
:only-of-typeto select every <p> element that is the only <p> element of its parentlast updated 1/11/2019
:optionalto select input elements with no "required" attributelast updated 1/11/2019
:out-of-rangeto select input elements with a value outside a specified rangelast updated 1/11/2019
:pastlast updated 1/11/2019
:placeholder-shownlast updated 1/11/2019
:read-onlyto select input elements with the "readonly" attribute specifiedlast updated 1/11/2019
:read-writeto select input elements with the "readonly" attribute NOT specifiedlast updated 1/11/2019
:requiredto select input elements with the "required" attribute specifiedlast updated 1/11/2019
:rightlast updated 1/11/2019
:rootto select the document's root elementlast updated 1/11/2019
:scopelast updated 1/11/2019
:targetto select the current active #news element (clicked on a URL containing that anchor name)last updated 1/11/2019
:target-withinlast updated 1/11/2019
:user-invalidlast updated 1/11/2019
:validto select all input elements with a valid valuelast updated 1/11/2019
@namespaceto specify the XML namespaces to be used in a CSS style sheet.last updated 3/8/2019
[attribute$=value]to match all elements with [attribute] attribute containing word ends with string "value"last updated 1/11/2019
[attribute*=value]to match all elements with [attribute] attribute containing word with substring "value" at the start, end or in the middle of the word.last updated 1/11/2019
[attribute^=value]to match all elements with [attribute] attribute containing word begins with string "value"last updated 1/11/2019
columnA||tablecellBto match all <tablecellB> elements that belong to the scope of the <columnA> element.last updated 1/11/2019
elementA~elementBto match all <elementB> elements that are preceded by the <elementA> element but not necessarily immediately inside the same parent element.last updated 1/11/2019
nth-col()last updated 1/11/2019
nth-last-col()last updated 1/11/2019

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