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Windows-based Desktop Application

A windows-based desktop application is characterized by the visual and interaction design features.

Visual and Interaction Design Features

The visual and iteraction design features are controls, commands, text, messages, interaction, windows visuals, experiences, and windows environment.


Controls are UI elements that are used by users to interact with the application.


Commands are actions that can be taken by users to act with the application.


Text including text, voice and tone, is the guidance presented to users by the application.


Messages are the response message of any kind presented by the application to users who may need, including error messages, warnings, confirmations, notifications, etc.


Interaction is the user interact of any kind with the appliction, including keyboard, mouse and pointers, touch, pen, etc.


Windows are the canvases or UI surfaces of the desktop application, including the main windows, pop-ups, dialogs, wizards etc.


Visuals are the visual elements other than the controls, including fonts, color, icons, animations, etc.


Experiences are the common design standards used for all applications, like set up, first run, printing etc.

Windows Environment

Windows environment is the onscreen extension points of the Windows operating system. The onscreen work area is analogous to a physical desktop together with some standard Windows features.


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