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Draft for Information Only


  Initialization Functions (Initialization)
  Event Processing Functions (Beginning Event Processing)
  Window Functions (Window Management)
  Overlay Management
  Menu Functions (Menu Management)
  Callback Registration Functions (Callback Registration)
  Color Index Colormap Management
  State Setting and Retrieval Functions (State Retrieval)
  Font Rendering Functions (Font Rendering)
  Geometric Object Rendering Functions (Geometric Object Rendering)
  Video Resize Functions
  MultiTouch Functions
  Mobile functions
  Miscellaneous Functions
 Sources and References


GLUT, OpenGL Utility Toolkit is an application programming interface use to create, control, and manipulate windows independent of what operating system the program is running on. Freeglut is a free-software/open-source alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library. 


Initialization Functions (Initialization)

  1. glutInit (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. glutInitWindowPosition, glutInitWindowSize (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  3. glutInitDisplayMode (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  4. glutInitDisplayString
  5. glutInitErrorFunc, glutInitWarningFunc

Event Processing Functions (Beginning Event Processing)

  1. glutMainLoop (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. glutMainLoopEvent
  3. glutLeaveMainLoop

Window Functions (Window Management)

  1. Window Functions
    1. glutCreateWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    2. glutCreateSubWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    3. glutSetWindow, glutGetWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    4. glutDestroyWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    5. glutPositionWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    6. glutReshapeWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    7. glutFullScreen (OpenGL GLUT 3.0 Only)
    8. glutFullScreen, glutLeaveFullScreen, glutFullScreenToggle
    9. glutPopWindow, glutPushWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    10. glutShowWindow, glutHideWindow, glutIconifyWindow (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    11. glutSetWindowTitle, glutSetIconTitle (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. Display Functions
    1. glutPostRedisplay (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    2. glutPostWindowRedisplay
    3. glutSwapBuffers (OpenGL GLUT 3.0 Only)
  3. Mouse Cursor Functions
    1. glutSetCursor (OpenGL GLUT 3.0 Only)
    2. glutWarpPointer

Overlay Management

  1. glutEstablishOverlay (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. glutUseLayer (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  3. glutRemoveOverlay (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  4. glutPostOverlayRedisplay (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  5. glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay
  6. glutShowOverlay, glutHideOverlay (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)

Menu Functions (Menu Management)

  1. glutCreateMenu (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. glutSetMenu, glutGetMenu (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  3. glutDestroyMenu (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  4. glutAddMenuEntry (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  5. glutAddSubMenu (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  6. glutChangeToMenuEntry (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  7. glutChangeToSubMenu (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  8. glutSetMenuFont
  9. glutRemoveMenuItem (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  10. glutAttachMenu, glutDetachMenu (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  11. glutMenuDestroyFunc

Callback Registration Functions (Callback Registration)

  1. Window-Specific Callback Registration Functions
    1. glutDisplayFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    2. glutOverlayDisplayFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    3. glutReshapeFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    4. glutPositionFunc
    5. glutCloseFunc
    6. glutKeyboardFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    7. glutKeyboardUpFunc
    8. glutMouseFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    9. glutMouseWheelFunc
    10. glutMotionFunc, glutPassiveMotionFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    11. glutVisibilityFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0 Only)
    12. glutVisibilityFunc, glutWindowStatusFunc
    13. glutEntryFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    14. glutSpecialFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    15. glutSpecialUpFunc
    16. glutJoystickFunc
    17. glutSpaceballMotionFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    18. glutSpaceballRotateFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    19. glutSpaceballButtonFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    20. glutButtonBoxFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    21. glutDialsFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    22. glutTabletMotionFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    23. glutTabletButtonFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. Global Callback Registration Functions
    1. glutMenuStatusFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    2. glutIdleFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    3. glutTimerFunc (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
    4. glutMenuStateFunc

Color Index Colormap Management

  1. glutSetColor (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. glutGetColor (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  3. glutCopyColormap (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)

State Setting and Retrieval Functions (State Retrieval)

  1. glutSetOption
  2. glutGet (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  3. glutLayerGet (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  4. glutDeviceGet (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  5. glutGetModifiers (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  6. glutExtensionSupported (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  7. glutGetProcAddress

Font Rendering Functions (Font Rendering)

  1. glutBitmapCharacter (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. glutBitmapString
  3. glutBitmapWidth (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  4. glutBitmapLength
  5. glutBitmapHeight
  6. glutStrokeCharacter (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  7. glutStrokeString
  8. glutStrokeWidth (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  9. glutStrokeWidthf
  10. glutStrokeLength
  11. glutStrokeLengthf
  12. glutStrokeHeight

Geometric Object Rendering Functions (Geometric Object Rendering)

  1. glutSolidSphere, glutWireSphere (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  2. glutSolidCube, glutWireCube (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  3. glutSolidCone, glutWireCone (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  4. glutSolidTorus, glutWireTorus (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  5. glutSolidDodecahedron, glutWireDodecahedron (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  6. glutSolidOctahedron, glutWireOctahedron (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  7. glutSolidTetrahedron, glutWireTetrahedron (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  8. glutSolidIcosahedron, glutWireIcosahedron (OpenGL GLUT 3.0)
  9. glutWireRhombicDodecahedron, glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron
  10. glutSolidTeapot, glutWireTeapot (OpenGL GLUT 3.0 Only)
  11. glutWireTeapot, glutSolidTeapot, glutWireTeacup, glutSolidTeacup, glutWireTeaspoon, glutSolidTeaspoon
  12. glutSetVertexAttribCoord3, glutSetVertexAttribNormal, glutSetVertexAttribTexCooGame Mode Functions
    1. glutGameModeString
    2. glutEnterGameMode, glutLeaveGameMode
    3. glutGameModeGet

    Video Resize Functions

    1. glutVideoResizeGet
    2. glutSetupVideoResizing, glutStopVideoResizing
    3. glutVideoResize
    4. glutVideoPan

    MultiTouch Functions

    1. glutMultiEntryFunc ← id, GLUT_ENTERED|GLUT_LEFT
    2. glutMultiButtonFunc ← id, x, y, button, GLUT_DOWN|GLUT_UP
    3. glutMultiMotionFunc ← id, x, y
    4. glutMultiPassiveFunc ← id, x, y

    Mobile functions

    1. glutInitContextFunc ← void
    2. glutAppStatusFunc ← event

    Miscellaneous Functions

    1. glutSetKeyRepeat, glutIgnoreKeyRepeat
    2. glutForceJoystickFunc
    3. glutReportErrors

    Sources and References


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Hobbies 8


Chinese 1097

English 339

Travel 18

Reference 79


Hardware 254


Application 213

Digitization 37

Latex 52

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Web 289

Unicode 504


CSS 65

SVG 46


OS 431

DeskTop 7

Python 72



Formulas 8

Set 1

Logic 1

Algebra 84

Number Theory 206

Trigonometry 31

Geometry 34

Coordinate Geometry 2

Calculus 67

Complex Analysis 21


Tables 8


Mechanics 1

Rigid Bodies

Statics 92

Dynamics 37

Fluid 5

Fluid Kinematics 5


Process Control 1

Acoustics 19

FiniteElement 2

Natural Sciences

Matter 1

Electric 27

Biology 1

Geography 1

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