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VBScript Objects
 Microsoft VBScript Object List Per Object

VBScript Objects

Object is an important feature of VBScript. In traditional view, an Object is basically a container for a set of variables and procedures. But in fact an Object is normally used to name an entity that is literally a thing which can be an idea or object of any kind.


A function is an integrated procedures for carrying out some predefined routines. An Object is a genetic term given to a repeatable task related to either physical or virtual things. A function is designed to carry out some operations according to the parameter input. But an Object is designed for creating an instance reference of the Object to carry out the same task with behavior according the attribute setting. Information captured by an Object is catalogued into Method, Property, Collection, Object, and Event.

Microsoft VBScript Object List Per Object

Object Child ObjectDescriptionReviewClassClass Objectis to provide a class of user-defined types Object created by the Class statement.last updated 06 Dec 2017DebugDebug Objectis to provide simple intrinsic global support to a script debugger, such as the Microsoft Script Debugger.last updated 10 Dec 2017DictionaryDictionary Objectis to provide simple key and item paired data storage.last updated 09 Dec 2017ErrErr Objectis to provide simple intrinsic global support for containing information about run-time errors.last updated 10 Dec 2017FileSystemObjectFileSystemObject Objectis to provide access to a computer's file system.last updated 13 Dec 2017FileSystemObjectDrive Objectis to provide access to a drive or network share of a computer's file system.last updated 14 Dec 2017FileSystemObjectDrives Collectionis to provide access to all available drives or network shares inside the file system as a single object.last updated 14 Dec 2017FileSystemObjectFile Objectis to provide access to a file.inside a folder of a computer's file system.last updated 16 Dec 2017FileSystemObjectFiles Collectionis to provide access to all available files inside folder as a single object.last updated 16 Dec 2017FileSystemObjectFolder Objectis to provide access to a folder of a computer's file system..last updated 16 Dec 2017FileSystemObjectFolders Collectionis to provide access to all available folders inside a folder as a single object.last updated 16 Dec 2017FileSystemObjectTextStream Objectis to provide sequential access to the text content of a file.last updated 16 Dec 2017RegExpRegExp Objectis to provide simple regular expression supportlast updated 10 Dec 2017RegExpMatch Objectis to provide access to a regular expression match of a regular expression search.last updated 11 Dec 2017RegExpMatches Collectionis to prvide access to all matches returned by a regular expression search per a pattern as a single object.last updated 11 Dec 2017RegExpSubMatches Collectionis to provide access to all submatches inside a match returned by a regular expression search as a single object.last updated 12 Dec 2017


ID: 180500004 Last Updated: 5/4/2018 Revision: 0

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