Link: Matrices MatricesMatricesA matrix, designated by a bold capital letter, is a collection of elements enclosed in brackets in the form of rectangular array with horizontal rows and vertical columns. A matrix is usually denoted by a upper case letter and an element of matrix is often denoted by a lower case letter with double subscript notation The matrix A is of order m x n with m rows and n columns. Row i of the matrix: ; Column j of the matrix: Element is the matrix content at the intersection of row i and column j. Square MatrixA matrix with the same number of rows as columns, m = n is called a square matrix of order n. Principal DiagonalThe elements where i = j forms the principal diagonal of a square matrix. TraceThe trace of a square matrix is the sum of the elements on the principal diagonal. VectorFor a single row matrix, of order 1 x n, it is called a row vector or row matrix. For a single column matrix, of order m x 1, it is called a column vector or column matrix. A vector is usually represented by a lower case letter, e.g. a Zero MatrixIf a matrix of any order consists all elements zero, it is called a zero matrix or null matrix, O. Equality of Matrices,Let and , if two matrices are of the same order, & and the corresponding elements are equal, , then two matrices are equal, |
Sideway BICK Blog 24/02 |